The little princess and the others subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab the arm that Director Olga stretched out for help.

But in the end, they could only watch the tragedy repeat itself.

They heard Guda screaming the director's name in a shrill voice.

Everyone finally completely recalled this episode that no one wanted to recall.


Too much, too much! It's actually here, woooo! Let me see this scene again. 'Little princess.

'Director, I agree with you! '

It's out of pity or out of true agreement.

Even a heartless person would be moved by this scene.


The perspective returned to the night sky of the Uruk era.

At that time -

"I couldn't do anything." Guda.

"Even so, we repaired six singularities along the way." Mashu comforted.

"And Uruk is the seventh singularity..." Guda said, looking up at the sky.

"As long as that light band still exists, our future...human history is still in a state of burning.

If we lose, this will become a fait accompli."

"Yes." Mashu.

"Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice.

At the beginning, I didn't have any awareness.

I just thought that I was the only one left to do it.

There are also people who failed to protect..."

Looking at Guda, whose will seemed a little depressed at this time, everyone didn't know how to comfort him for a while, and they couldn't convey their voices.

Speaking of which, as the difficulties in the epic singularity were overcome and saved one by one...

People are gradually forgetting that Guda was just an ordinary, young magician.

Compared with other originally selected masters,

her talent is not outstanding.

However, she is so ordinary, and she has come all the way here.

She has completed a feat that even heroes and gods are amazed by.

Just like the doctor who managed the logistics of Chaldea with ordinary people.

These people have fought together until now, and have repeatedly created miracles that people thought were impossible to achieve.

At this time, Mashu showed an innocent smile on her face and sat next to Guda, getting closer.

"I talked to Mr. Amadeus..." She suddenly said, as if she wanted to say something to enlighten Guda.

'Amadeus? ' Everyone was stunned at first.

Then they remembered who this was.

Isn't this the musician who appeared in the first singularity?

Also known as the man of Mozart.

Speaking of which...

Everyone remembered that there seemed to be a time when the man was guiding Mashu under the moonlight.


"Make... your own choice?" Mashu.

"Yes, humans can choose what they like.

No, they have to make a choice.

Listen carefully, it is not you who created the world, but the world that made you.

Just like the human history we once created."


Under the same night sky, different times, different people.

'What was that just now! ! ! ' Everyone woke up.

Did I realize that I had just fallen into the image of Mashu's memories without realizing it?

Wow, that Amadeus is so handsome? !

Under the quiet moonlit night, the musician who calmed down and enlightened Mashu did show a different demeanor and handsomeness.

It was completely opposite to the bad side he had shown in the epic.

He was so handsome that everyone could hardly recognize him.

Which one was the real him?

When Amadeus said, "Just like the human history we once created," he raised his head and smiled at the night sky at a 45-degree angle.

When this man got serious, his charm was really unbearable.

'The human history built by these heroes... the heroes in human history? '

An inexplicable touch flowed through everyone's chest.

This is the belief of mankind! The will of man!

Chapter 871 This voice is your original sin, and its name is your salvation


"I believe in the answer you choose." Mashu

At this time, people saw Guda in a trance, recalling the choice he made when he became the last Master of mankind.

Listening to her voice.

A thought rose from everyone's heart-

This is the path chosen by mankind itself, and it is also the epic of being the last Master of mankind.

From the beginning, I made up my mind to choose that answer, and I never regretted it...

"Yes, so I will accompany you until the last moment." Mashu said to Guda gently.

And choosing to be Guda's Servant, this is the answer chosen by Mashu.

At this time, Mashu can already say this sentence to Guda with a bright smile without confusion.

People remembered the beginning, when it was still the Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragon, the girl who was extremely confused about life, the girl who didn't know why she fought...

And remembered the girl who built a distant ideal city in the previous singularity, and resisted the attack of the Lion King, the Goddess of Guns with an innocent and powerful heart... Those scenes.

This is the word called "growth".

On the other side-

As the night deepened, Guda and the others went back to sleep.

Just when people thought the perspective would jump directly to the next day.

In the dream——

? ? ? : "——Don't——"

It was a gray and dead world, and the whole world seemed to have lost its color.

? !

The people who had just arrived were blinded.

They didn't know where they were coming from, they could only hear that voice ringing again——

? ? ? : "——Don't go——


——Don’t leave——

- from me again - don't leave me again -"

"This is..." Guda.

Only then did people realize that Guda was actually here.

This made them even more confused.

Isn’t Guda still in Uruk? ! What is this place? !

? ? ? : "Come back quickly - come back -

Come back to me again——

Again - again -

No - don't -

Never again - never again -

Love me. "

‘What’s going on? ’

That voice seemed to be filled with unspeakable sadness.

It makes people feel sad...

Who is it?

Before they had time to think about it, they discovered that the space around them had changed and they had reached the depths of the deep sea.

? ? ? : “…This is original sin.

This is the original sin of mankind.

There are many kinds of sin.

Deceive others, frame others, envy others, take lives.

These are all evils that only humans can bear.

These are all poisons that only affect humans.

However - this is the oldest evil among them.

Original Sin II. Leaving..., abandoning the evil (sin) of Paradise. "

...humanity's...original sin?

Just when everyone was gradually attracted and had no time to think about what it meant, they just felt a little uneasy instinctively.

Guda: "Well, but..."

? ? ? : “Life is born in the sea.

The original sea wood. Nammu, the goddess of origin.

To humans, the goddess is the ocean.

The sound of the waves will turn into a cry, recording your sins in detail.

Looking back. Never forget.

This sound is your original sin.

Its name is your salvation.

Its name is—"

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