Everyone held their breath and listened nervously, for fear of missing something.

The next moment——

A high-pitched sound that shook people's eardrums came from the depths.

? ? ? : "Aa, Aa——


It took away all the people's attention in an instant.

It was a feeling that couldn't be described in words. If I had to say it——


The disease is called love!

That is a love that is beyond human comprehension and beyond imagination.

Wrapped in that love, wrapped in that sadness.

Gradually, the picture in front of people began to change.

At this time, everyone felt a sense of loss when they saw Guda waking up from his sleep.

‘What do those last words mean? ’

Above the temple, people saw the memory scene of Mashu paying homage to the king and reporting the work situation to him after a long absence.

Matthew: "The above is the report. It was not shaved into wool, but turned into a subjugation of nearby monsters."

(Everyone: This seems to be the first day of work!)

Gilgamesh: "That's right. It's so boring.

What's wrong, chief priest? Don't stop reporting. Never mind, go ahead. "

Then there is another dialogue where Wang deals with things.

On the second day,

Matthew: "That's the report. I was originally going to help make snacks, but for some reason it turned into a battle for the king of Uruk snacks..."

Gilgamesh: "...Why did it become like that? I can't understand the relationship between cause and effect.

Hmm. What happened to the next soldier? Don't waste time! "

At this time, the king could still control his fatigue, but he was already a little distracted.

After angrily dealing with Ulga and Poison Dragon.

All the way down to new, familiar reports.

Matthew: “That’s it for this report.

It was supposed to be an affair investigation, but it ended up in a mysterious underground cave..."

Not counting Anna's separate commission, this is indeed the most recent commission that people can see, Matthew and the others.

And at this time——

King Gilgamesh on the high platform——

Xian Wang Shen: "………………(gulp)."

Siduri: “King Gilgamesh.

The report isn't over yet. Can you concentrate? "

Everyone almost watched King Gilgamesh's state change in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

‘He won’t lower his head and fall asleep the next moment, right? ’

‘Wow, Siduri is so strict... Every time I come to see Kim Pika (learn and apply), she is always working, so it doesn’t matter if she takes a little rest. Even I, a King Arthur fan, can’t stand it anymore. ’

Everyone's thoughts are unclear.

But they all felt frightened by Gilgamesh's state at this time.

This is trying to hold on.

Even the demigod Gilgamesh would show such a workload,

How long has it been since he took a break? !

Gilgamesh: "Huh? Hey, I'm listening to the report, Siduri!

It’s a settlement issue! He actually interrupted when he heard something exciting!

Take out the belt of Nisaba from the king's treasure house and give it to her!

For the head witch of Eresh City, this is already a luxury! "

Everyone looked at Gilgamesh in surprise...

Uh, isn't Matthew reporting to work? Why did it suddenly jump to the settlement report and rewards of the miko?

...But everyone wisely did not choose to dwell on this issue.

Even if King Gilgamesh can't see them (maybe he can see them? Clairvoyance can't be offended, can't be offended),

Everyone still didn't have the courage to question the king at this moment.

At most, I shouted Jin Pika's nickname a few more times in my heart to express my love for this wise tyrant and this king with a contradictory physique.

Chapter 872 King: Miscellaneous Cultivator! Everyone: Do it again!

Matthew: "That's it for this report. In the dispute between mutton and goat's milk, where prices are skyrocketing, thanks to the senior's words, 'Why don't you just eat beans?'

The problem has been solved for the time being——"

Gilgamesh: "No, wait, what do you call solution!?

How can beans beat mutton? ?

Ha—you don’t plan on selling beans as a side dish for ale! ? "

Gilgamesh: "No, that's not possible! It's too early for Uruk!

People will become zombies working for beans! "

Chief Priest Siduri: "...King Gilgamesh.

There are still a lot of reports in stock, so you can stop now. "

Gilgamesh's expression changed: "...Really? That's right.] No problem, let's continue. You (Chaldea) please step back."

Everyone: "..."

Why do you suddenly feel like...well, Wang Zhen...

How miserable!

After seeing what was said, Wang could only continue working bitterly.

It can be said that the impact on people from other worlds is lasting.

Many people even have thoughts like, ‘Being a king is too tiring! It turns out that the king is not as beautiful as imagined. ’

The desires of careerists have been greatly reduced, and they are discouraged from such high-intensity ‘work’.

The domestic environment and customs have improved a lot as a result.

Everyone longs for the powerful power possessed by the king, but not everyone has the courage to assume the responsibilities and obligations of being a king.

Harut: ‘Is this the difference between me and the real King of Heroes? I am just a warrior, but he is a king...'

Thinking like this, Harut felt relieved.

It was another day of reporting, and this time after the report, Gilgamesh suddenly stopped everyone.

Gilgamesh: "...No.

Wait a minute, Fujimaru Ritsuka. "

Guda was very surprised: "——Call my name——?"

Then he and Ma Xiu looked at each other, and both saw joy in the other's eyes.

Is this recognized?

Gilgamesh: "The king is calling, is there any problem?

If there is value in calling, you will naturally call. This is common sense.

Is your performance pretty good? Many of the favorable comments about your work from the citizens of Uruk have reached this king. "

Gilgamesh: "Although from my point of view, the content is boring, we must also consider the world's evaluation.

You are probably tired of those tedious chores, Fujimaru Ritsuka. "

"That means...!" Guda.

"That's right. This is an order issued by the king himself.

You should feel honored. Miscellaneous repair! "

With that delightful insult,


One second, two seconds, three seconds...! ! !

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! !

What, what was that just now? Can you do it again?

Everyone exploded and their ears were about to burst.

Temperament, mainly temperament...

That sentence just now was so touching. After the silence before the storm, everyone was filled with warm and excited emotions, each more serious than the other.

Whether it is the earth or another world, there is never a shortage of such a group of people.

Occasionally, I will get excited because of one or two inexplicable words or actions.

Even though I was scolded, I still felt it was an honor, and I even hoped to be scolded again.

According to the later description of a magician who has become a female king but still has a hobby of reading epics - this kind of people are collectively referred to as sand sculpture netizens in her 'Internet Terminology Encyclopedia'.

She is even one of them and is deeply proud of it.

This is the most popular cultural term in the other world.

‘O king, come again! ’

‘O king, scold me again! ’ A group of flashy chefs hissed excitedly.

This was the first time they saw that Gilgamesh finally had a part that was close to the original epic.

He was so wise before that it almost made people think that the image of the tyrant described in the epic was fake.

As expected, Gilgamesh is this kind of person who is somewhere between a tyrant and a wise king, and he has an indescribable charm.

People who knew that he was admonishing the people with tyranny were not only not annoyed by this nickname of 'miscellaneous cultivator', but actually felt a lot more comfortable.

"Yes!" Guda and Mashu below also shouted in response with happy and elated expressions.

Looking at their expressions, everyone felt more and more empathetic.

This is why Wang recognized their hard work for so long.

? !

Why do you think you should include yourself?

I have been watching it for so long, so I must have been a member of Chaldea for a long time!

Naturally, my efforts are included in this! (All Merlinized people expressed——

Merlin saw six singularities with clairvoyance. Although they have seen a few less now,

Rounding it all off, I’ve seen them all!

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