It turns out that there are too many monsters that meet this condition!

This makes people feel even worse.

If the monsters and even some giant dragons currently roaming the earth are the descendants of that god...

Could it be that their land was the former Sumer area?

No, Warcraft and dragons also appear in Norse mythology and Celtic mythology.

This doesn't mean anything...

Despite this, various conjectures still emerged in people's minds.

There are all kinds of strange things, everything -

The underworld of Sumerian times turned into the abyss now.

In fact, this was once the land of ancient Uruk.

Of course, some people argue that this should have been ancient Egypt! Some people even think that this place was once an island - the British Isles.

It was only with the movement of plate plates that it finally became a continent.

(Flora: Laughing to death!)

The concept of plate movement has never been proposed in another world, but some people think so.

Perhaps in the future, someone will study geography specifically to verify this point.

(Yan: When I open the Immortal Qin Lost World - the army of the ancient Eastern country next door will have to be imagined as a galaxy battleship.)

Chapter 874 Who is Jin Gushen?

Roman continued: "In the Mesopotamian creation myth, Tiamat and these children fought against the gods.

Commanding eleven children,

It is the god of gold who was selected by the god Tiamat.

But the armies of the gods, especially the new generation of gods, Marduk, were so powerful that Jingu was defeated.

Although the god Tiamat bit the god Marduk to pieces, he was defeated by the arrow that the god Marduk brought back to life.

The gods were knocked down, and the body of the immobile god Tiamat was torn apart. The body floated on the sea and turned into the earth.

That's the land of Mesopotamia.

Meaning, a world built on the dead remains of God. "

When Tiamat finally died, he died in the hands of his former children, and even his body turned into the earth that nurtured all things...

People suddenly fell silent.

The final outcome of this epic is that the Mother Earth becomes the soil of the world...

No, it should be said that the entire Mesopotamian world was formed by this creation goddess.

No wonder it is said to be a myth that occurred in an era when heaven and earth could not be distinguished.

Was the original Mesopotamia just an ocean?

Since there is no earth, how can there be a distinction between heaven and earth?

There is also the leader of the Eleven Sons - Jin Gushen.

One god still sides with Tiamat.

If the enemy is Tiamat——

Does this mean that sooner or later, Mashu and the others will also encounter a god named ‘Jin Gu’…

In fact, people don’t know it. Sooner or later——

But it has already happened.

However, they fell into a blind spot in their thinking and did not connect Jin Gu with the fake Enkidu who had appeared.

after all--

According to the appearance of the eleven monsters,

In people's minds, God Jin Gu is certainly called a god, but they don't know how terrifying and ferocious he has become in people's eyes.

Friend A from another world: "I think he must be dozens of meters tall, maybe hundreds of meters tall, and as scary as the legendary Hundred-Headed Giant." ’

Friend B from another world: ‘He must be a muscular, perverted god.

To be able to command so many terrifying monsters, he must be quite strong. ’

...In summary, no matter what, people rarely associate it with the beauty heart shape.

Roman: "Although the goddess is a being that gives birth to life,

But the goddess who fell into chaos became the mother of monsters that were enemies of humans.

It is the power known as the womb of beasts.

Beings possessing this power are the seeds of life...

As long as there are sufficient resources, unlimited amounts of Warcraft can be produced.

Judging from the number of monsters,

It seems that the [Goddess of Warcraft] in the north has this kind of power. "

Merlin: "Ah yes. That's why the people of Uruk combine the images of the [Goddess of Warcraft] with the image of the god Tiamat, and are extremely afraid of them.

Oh, there's really nothing you can do about it.

After all, the children of God Tiamat are almost here. "

‘So the Mother Goddess of Warcraft, one of the three goddesses, is really Tiamat? ! ’

People's hearts tightened and they took a deep breath.

This is the worst situation! ?

Naturally no one would stand up and explain this ‘misunderstanding’, of course——

The ultimate enemy is still the Mother Goddess of Creation...

Looking at it this way, it’s pretty much the same.

In this level of singularity, if you take it lightly, you will definitely die miserably.

Roman: "...Hmm. No matter what the [Goddess of Warcraft]'s real name is,

Judging from its power and power, it can be regarded as the biggest threat.

What countermeasures did King Gilgamesh have in mind...

After all, if the opponent is the return of God Tiamat,

Just relying on defense will lead to a breakthrough sooner or later, right? "

Merlin said - let’s not talk about these for the moment. Before solving the problems in the north, let’s first solve the problems in the south.

Seeing that the city of Ur is approaching.

At this time, Merlin told Guda and the others that they might fight the [Second Pillar Goddess] there.

‘The second among the three goddesses? ’ Everyone opened their eyes slightly,

From the analysis of the dialogue, Merlin should not be talking about the Mother Goddess of Warcraft.

Probably not the goddess of the underworld——

In fact, people have experienced the disaster of death brought by the goddess of the underworld as early as Uruk.

The 'gods of death' under that city are obviously the handiwork of the goddess.

‘So——what Mash and the others are about to encounter should be...! ’

Huh~! Everyone looked at the last piece of forest in front of them, through which they could reach Ur City.

All the answers are there waiting for them to be revealed.


Three minutes later, people with heavy and nervous hearts followed Mashu and others into the forest.


Everyone, including Chaldea, was silent.

Because it is an immersive experience, people walking in the forest feel no different from walking on this land.


It's so hot! It's almost too hot!

Not to mention Merlin, who was already on crutches and looked like an old man with half his leg already in the coffin.

Anna: "The heat is too strong...

I thought the so-called forest should be cooler...quieter..."

Matthew: "I can understand Miss Anna's mood...

I underestimated this place too much...

The heat steaming up from the ground, the thick smell of earth, the sounds of animals that almost make you lose consciousness..."

‘So—I understand the truth.

When we were in Uruk, we still didn’t realize what was happening here in the south. The weather was so bad! 'people.

Roman asked if Matthew and the others were exaggerating.

Just when people couldn't help but want to complain, Merlin expressed their feelings loudly: "I'm exaggerating, it's really bad here!

It's hot, there are a lot of flies, and it's hard to walk! "

Uh-huh! ! Everyone nodded wildly like chickens pecking at rice.

They even almost suspected that this harsh condition was a trap deliberately set by the second pillar goddess who knew about their arrival.

A trap called ‘heat’? !

Many young people and girls who have lived in cities and royal capitals with pleasant climates since childhood cannot stand such a climate.

This kind of trip is much more uncomfortable than going on a "far trip" and walking around the streets and alleys of the city.

It even makes people think they are in the immersive ancient Egyptian desert again.

Merlin: “And it’s filled with strong ether!

The British Isles pales in comparison to this!

Romani, are you measuring the concentration of magic power? ?

This is already a different world with an inherent barrier level! "

However, Roman's answer was that the detection had completely failed——

There are even two worlds.

This is a real mythical world.

Now I can only rely on my five senses, using my eyes to see and my nose to smell.

Use your keen sense of smell to explore the road like a wild animal...

Chapter 875: In the name of the jungle goddess, there are usually four of the three goddesses? !

Matthew was comforting everyone on the side. According to the map, it was only about 20 minutes away.


Merlin: "Well, I sincerely hope this can be resolved like this!

Then I must hire a tour guide or a camel next time! "

Everyone: "..."

Hiring camels in the forest? Is Merlin serious? He really thinks this place is a desert.

? ? ? : "Hmph - what an amazing determination!

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