You rookies from the plains, there is no tomorrow without a guide! "

A mature female voice suddenly interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked around---but found a swift figure quickly shuttling through the jungle, and only saw the leaves passing by.

So fast--!

Just when people were a little dizzy because their eyes could not catch the creature moving at high speed.

The mysterious voice was automatically exposed because of the stimulation of Merlin, Roman and others.

She was also shouting, "Don't associate me with the clumsy (stupid) hippopotamus."

Like a funny character, a servant wearing tiger skin but claiming to be the natural incarnation of this forest--the tiger girl appeared.

After a lot of words, , the two sides launched a battle.

The Fuyuki Tiger, who found that the people in front of him were not easy to mess with, finally fled from here.

Until the end of the battle, people still had a confused expression on their faces...

'So who was that person just now? ! Servant? In addition to the heroic spirits summoned by Gilgamesh, there are other servants? ! '

Without giving people time to think carefully, the perspective flashed, and the time flow of the immersive experience world seemed to accelerate again.

When people opened their eyes again, a Sumerian-style city had appeared in front of them.

Mash: "This is... Ur City...

Although the scale is not much different from Uruk..."

Anna: "... The erosion of trees has reached the city.

Although the temperature is higher than Uruk, it is still within the tolerable range."

The doubts in the hearts of the people who also felt that the temperature was still unusual were gradually magnified.

This unusual climate is indeed problematic-Is it really the work of the goddess? !

Merlin: "The density of magic in the atmosphere is also the same as Uruk.

And most importantly-"

Guda: "People are living a normal life...!? "

Mashu continued: "Yes. Although the city is not as vibrant as Uruk, the people of Ur are still alive!"

After that, Merlin and the others discussed and prepared to ask the locals in Ur.

After finding a woman who represented King Gilgamesh from Uruk to investigate.

The other party was also very polite and gentle, and even cared about whether they were bitten by poisonous insects in the forest.

And Guda and the others thought that since they could confirm that Ur was still alive and the people were still alive, they should go back to report to the king and send a search and rescue team as soon as possible.

Seeing that everything was developing in a good direction, everyone was surprised at this time. Things went so smoothly, and at the same time, they were puzzled and confused about the peaceful and prosperous scene in front of Ur City.

Didn’t they say that one of the three goddesses was causing trouble here!


? ? ? ?

Everyone was confused. What was going on? It didn’t look like there was a disaster or battle here.

But what about the forest surrounding Ur City outside?

And at this time——

The woman on the opposite side suddenly became anxious after hearing what Guda and the others said.

“Rescue team… is this the case.

I’m very sorry. But we will not take refuge in Uruk.”

! ?

Before everyone could think carefully about what the woman meant by saying this,

the woman on the opposite side continued to explain herself.

“Because Ur is safe.

As long as we are in the jungle, the monsters can’t get in.

As long as we abide by the laws (rules) of the jungle goddess, we will not be killed by monsters. "

——The goddess's...rules...?!


There is a being called a god or a goddess in this far south.

People who keenly caught something from the words of the women felt that the atmosphere around Chaldea, Merlin and the others suddenly changed.

It became a little solemn.

At the same time, deep music sounded.

Anna: "... Come to think of it... In this jungle...

It is true that we didn't see the monsters of Tiamat.

... From a different perspective,

it can even be said that the jungle is protecting the people of Ur."

Merlin: "——Hmm. In other words, there are no casualties, right?

You mean, this place is safer than the river region (Mesopotamia).

That's why you didn't contact Uruk.

Do you think you can just hide in Ur? "

Listening to Merlin's conjecture, everyone looked at the smiling Ur woman with a strange look on their faces.

This... wouldn't this be a betrayal of humanity, and taking the initiative to join the goddess?

People who had already imagined the goddess as a god of evil and fear in their minds did not think that the goddesses would be kind enough to protect humanity.

Speaking of which, wasn't this disaster caused by the goddess?

Everyone glared at them! Incomprehensible!

Although it is clear that survival is not easy, especially in a cruel world and era like the singularity.

But the truth is that people who have not experienced those things personally, especially the simple and naive young people, still stubbornly believe that dignity and faith can overcome everything.

Who is not a little princess, who doesn't have a heroic fantasy.

Everyone thinks that they are the most special one, who can be firm in will and have the courage to face death.

‘No, even if they take the initiative to surrender to the goddess, those goddesses may not accept it.’ After the blacksmith’s son got angry, he remembered the Sumerians who offered second-class civilians to seek refuge from the Mother Goddess of Monsters at the beginning of the epic.

That was so crisp, blood and meat were splattered everywhere, and thinking about it now made him pale.

How could a monster who only loves killing and eating, a goddess who ignores life and enjoys human lamentations, protect these Sumerians?

Could it be other Mesopotamian goddesses? !

Have other goddesses descended as well? !


Everyone suddenly realized something!

They originally thought that only three goddesses descended in this era, and the Venus goddess Ishtar was one of them.

Think about it carefully... in that dark flesh and blood temple.

The three goddesses alliance, except for the Mother Goddess of Monsters... Although the other two are not clear, one of them is somewhat similar, but the voice is still a little different from Ishtar, and she still has blonde hair.

If Ishtar is not one of the three goddesses, there is more than one goddess still active in this era.

Just like what people worried when they first learned that the last singularity was in the Mesopotamian plain during the Gilgamesh epic...

Will the gods come and get involved?

Thinking of this, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Chapter 876 Living Sacrifice: The goddess is a demon? ——We are so miserable! (Laugh)

At this time, facing Merlin's question, the woman became nervous and uneasy, as if she was worried that the other party would misunderstand: "How is it possible! We also thought about sending reinforcements to Uruk!"

Woman: "But... this..."

Looking at the woman's embarrassment and hesitation,

Merlin seemed to understand something, showing a clear expression, and did not ask anything.

He temporarily separated from Guda and the others, saying that he wanted to walk around...

When the sun was about to set, Merlin and Anna finally came back and asked Guda if he could summon all the people in Ur City as the envoy of Uruk.

When the weather turned cloudy and it began to drizzle, the people of Ur gathered here in the square with anxiety.

When Merlin asked the previous question again.

Facing the people of Ur who still wanted to hide,

"It conflicts with the laws (rules) of the so-called jungle goddess.

So that's it, so that's it, I understand the situation."

Merlin: "While you are safe, you can't leave Ur.

Whether it's the people who come to rescue you or the people who go out to support you, they will all be killed equally by the forest.

You can only maintain this and do nothing.

This is what Ur calls self-defense."

Among the women who took the lead as representatives, there happened to be a woman who was asked before, and she said: "...Yes. Thank you for understanding."

Merlin: "Yes, of course I understand.

As long as you don't resist, you can survive."

I don't know if it's an illusion, people found that although Merlin had a playful expression, his tone seemed to have become colder.

And his voice pointed out the nature of these people.

Merlin: "Because this is a common trick used by people who give up on themselves.

Then, how many people were chosen to be sacrificed?

About one a day?"

After saying that, Merlin tapped the floor tiles in the square with his magic wand, which seemed to hit people's hearts, causing the faces of the people around him to change drastically.

Even Mashu and Guda showed shocked expressions, and their pupils shook violently.


Living sacrifice!! Everyone who heard Merlin's guess and description took a deep breath and widened their eyes.

They were all shocked.

If it was a living sacrifice, it would be the evil god!

Sure enough--

Even if the mother goddess of demon beasts disdained sacrifices and wanted to greedily kill all humans.

But aren't the other two goddesses good birds? !

They actually used this method to force humans!

The little princess and the others had angry flames in their eyes, but the woman's anxious answer made them confused.

Unexpectedly——Woman: “! You…what are you talking about.

How could there be a living sacrifice——”

‘No? ’ Seeing the woman’s expression that didn’t seem fake, everyone was puzzled and stunned.

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