‘No, don’t! ! Please let us go! ! We don’t dare anymore! ! ’

No matter how rich and wonderful these people's inner thoughts are at this time, Homura cannot feel any sympathy for them in his heart.

After following this group of guys around, the darkness he saw, although not as good as a certain 'Sister-killing Empire', was still extremely sinful.

He returned to the library with the cat-eared girl who was still a little confused and extremely anxious.

Just as the cat-eared girl was trembling.

When thinking about what kind of treatment you will receive next.

‘I heard that humans hate orcs so much that they want to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

He won't want to eat me! ’

Yuzu couldn't help but look up at the handsome young man in front of him who always had a smile on his face.

He shook his head violently.

Such a barbaric thing, the other party would definitely not do such a good-looking person!

‘Huh~! Just, even if it means being eaten, um...

She accepted being eaten by such a beautiful human being. ’

I thought that I might be skinned clean, washed in a pan, cooked, topped with fragrant condiments, and finally put into human stomachs.

The consciousness in the cat-eared girl's little head was filled with mournful screams.

‘It’s so, so miserable! How terrible! No, I still can’t accept it! ’

‘Absolutely, absolutely don’t want to die in such pain! ’

"Alas! Homura, you brought a girl back... huh? She's still a beast-eared girl. You don't have the same 'sexy' hobbies as those greasy noble uncles, do you?" Hidi's figure suddenly fell from the sky. .

Those white wings made Yuye, the cat-eared girl who followed cautiously behind Homura, slightly stunned.

‘So beautiful! ’

"Blue lace...thank you for the hospitality." Ignoring Hidi's teasing, Homura maintained a calm smile and said.

"Ah...!?" Hidi's pretty face was stunned for a moment, then turned red, and a spatial displacement magic disappeared in front of Yan.

"You're so shy!" Yan obviously likes to tease him often.

The cat-eared girl behind him looked confused, indicating that she didn't understand anything.

Because he was standing relatively far back, Yuye didn't see anything when Hidi descended.

'So, what just happened? ’


What is she doing now?

Shouldn't we find a way to escape? !

Although the other party saved her and claimed to be a 'knight', he was just deceiving her no matter what he thought!

How can there be any ‘knights’ in reality?

The other party is a human, and he will definitely not let go of an orc like himself.

Thinking of this, Yu Ye was thinking nervously, preparing to escape through the library door without Yan Yan paying attention.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I...I want to go to the toilet." He looked at the man who suddenly appeared behind him and patted his shoulder.

Yuye's body stiffened suddenly, and she looked in front of where Homura was, and then at the smiling young man behind her, feeling scared.

Mind control magic, space transfer magic.

How could this human being master so many powerful magics, a dual-line magician! ? Wuwuwuwu, is he a monster? ?

"Then, now it's time to talk about the reason why you sneaked into the human capital." Yan suddenly spoke.

When the cat-eared girl Yuye heard this, her heart collapsed.

‘It’s over, it’s over! ’

Chapter 94: Young aristocratic men full of tricks!

"Bang!!" The gold wine glass inlaid with various gems was thrown to the ground by the Overlord.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

The king's roar and ferocious aura made the orcs below tremble and tremble, and soon all the servants were driven away by the overlord.

He was sitting alone on the throne. In the entire hall, there were only two black bonfires burning on the candle lamp behind the Overlord.

That is the dark flame from the 'abyss'.

The shadow shrouded the Overlord's face, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

"Dark Soul...Flan Undead Team? And Ashes?!"

Thinking of the magical memory about the book "Dark Soul" that the subjugated princess gave me.

The corner of Overlord's mouth curved up, and he suddenly made a cold sound.

Although I don’t know if continuing to explore the magic of the ‘Abyss’ will lead to the same ending as the ‘Overlord’ described in that story.

But the ending in Dark Souls was enough to make Warnier wary.

‘Black Knight Lancelot’, ‘Flower Magician Merry’, ‘Bard Andersen’, ‘France’s Undead’, ‘And the Abyss’…

He muttered these rather taboo terms.

These guys are regarded by the Overlord as their ‘imaginary enemies’.

The news of the Overlord's wrath in the morning quickly spread throughout the capital of Casas.

Warnier even threatened to kill a bard named 'Andersen' for some unknown reason.

Also today, the earl's son, Starklin, secretly gathered his group of nobles.

All the children of barons and viscounts were attracted by him, preparing to form the 'Flan Undead Team' similar to that in Dark Souls.

Starklin specially selected them from a group of fans who like to read Andersen's books.

Already at an age when passion is easy to get addicted to, after listening to Starklin's words and thinking of the tragic feeling they had just watched after watching Dark Souls, these young boys and girls not only did not feel scared, but actually thought it was a very exciting thing. , cool things.

Soon they had a clear division of labor. Some people began to prepare the uniforms of the 'Flan Undead Team', while others began to prepare the swords and claw blades of the 'Flan Undead Team'. However, they were still deciding who would be Artoriu. At this time, a group of people had differences of opinion.

"I have the highest status here, so of course I am the one to take it!"

"No, it should be me! I am the initiator of the formation of the 'Flan Undead Team'!"

"Okay. Stop arguing! In order to prevent you from continuing to argue, I'd better reluctantly act like Artelius."

In the end, it was not until a week later that their team uniforms and weapons were completed, but there was still no debate over who would be the A player.

They had no choice but to decide to let A major and continue to be a 'spiritual believer'.

"Swear to the wolf's blood!" A group of people wearing thin light armor, cloaks, and triangular iron hats made the undead team's "unique posture."

It is said that in order to make the ceremony more 'authentic', a certain nobleman suggested that everyone drink a bowl of wolf blood to celebrate.

As a result, the wolf blood was sold out in the royal capital that night.

Many soldiers were even ordered to catch wolves in the wild.

Some noble children believe that only the blood released by fresh live wolves is more ritualistic.

For a time, the wolves in the wild suffered inexplicably.

I don’t know who spread this news to the front line, and how it finally spread to the country of Casas.

Later, the orcs all knew that humans already hated them so much that they even drank the blood of 'beasts'.

Since they couldn't find the orcs, they bullied their distant relatives.

After hearing this, some orcs with werewolf blood either became angry and wanted to kill the human nobles, or they were frightened and terrified.

How barbaric! !

Doesn’t it mean that all human beings are very cowardly and timid?

Why are the rumors so popular now? No wonder the front line has been unable to be attacked for a long time.

"Listen, we are the Faran Undead Team! We should stand on the front line against the Abyss, Casas and Overlord." The low-profile version of the 'temporary' team leader of the Faran Undead Team, Starklin, stood on the high platform Shang said seriously.

Well, why is it 'temporary'? You have to ask the other nobles under him who are thinking about seeking power and usurping the throne every day.

Although Starklin is the Earl's only youngest son, are there still many Earls' children in their circle? People haven't really convinced him yet.

Otherwise, what Starklin is wearing now should be the armor of Wolf Knight Artreus.

"I want to form a mercenary army and go to the front lines to join the fight!"

"Wait, are we going to wear this?" a more sensible friend asked.

Although they like the French Undead Team very much, they are still very self-aware. Their strength is simply not comparable to the members of the country-destroying Undead Team in "Dark Souls".

Moreover, compared to the plate armor worn by ordinary warriors, the uniforms of the Undead Team are slightly 'lighter'.

If you go up like this, you won't be giving heads to the orcs!

"The defense of the Immortal Team's uniforms is too weak. Even if you want to go to the front line to help, you must at least put on a plate armor." Someone murmured below.

"After changing the team uniforms, it's still called the Undead Team?! Have you forgotten how the Undead Team was introduced in Dark Souls?!" The son of a baron who had been deeply obsessed with Dark Souls recently, before Starklin could come out to speak, He stood up first and spoke excitedly:

"Although the weapons of the members of the Undead Team, the 'Flan Greatsword', are heavy swords, their attack movements are gorgeous and dexterous. Due to their unique swordsmanship, they do not equip shields, but instead equip a weapon with their left hand. A claw-shaped dagger useful for inflicting minor injuries on the enemy or deflecting enemy attacks!"

"With our status, we have been exposed to the breathing techniques of advanced warriors, as well as various advanced 'sword skills'. These are advantages that ordinary kingdom warriors cannot match. Just recruit some plate armor warriors to protect us, and then we will take advantage of the opportunity. Slit the enemy's throat with a 'light and gorgeous' blow! As long as we are fast enough, the enemy will not be able to catch us at all!"

The other noble disciples felt a sense of clarity after hearing this.


They are ‘nobles’. What he learned were also the 'breathing techniques' and 'sword skills' passed down from his family.

Those ordinary 'kingdom warriors' need to wear thick and ugly plate armor because of their lack of strength.

With the many sword skills they have mastered, it is really no problem to come up with a set of 'fast and gorgeous' attacks.

The view that nobles are psychologically superior to others has subtly become a kind of 'common sense' in the minds of many young people.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with the 'arrogant' thoughts of themselves and others.

Form a mercenary army and go to the front line!

Everyone quickly reached a consensus.

Their parents were not unaware of their formation of the 'Flan Undead Team'.

But I just thought it was the same fun thing as building the 'golden sword' before. Even if I recruited 'soldiers', I just let them 'play'.

These noble men never thought that their children would actually have the idea of ​​​​entering the battlefield.

By the time they really started to pay attention, it was already too late.

Chapter 95: The Alliance of Goblin Slayers and Jackals!

Winter is coming——

The cold weather further delayed the deadline for the decisive battle.

The Second Fortress had a steady supply of food and grass from the Empire behind it, and there were magic stones for warmth in the city. The well-fed and warmly dressed Kingdom warriors became more confident in defeating the orcs.

In contrast, the chief commander of the orcs was anxious.

As the attacking party, their temporary base was certainly not as good as the ready-made "city".

Kasas, who was prepared to fight to support the war, did not prepare enough food and soldiers to fight.

Compared with the rich and fertile land of humans, there were a lot of food every autumn harvest, and the orcs' military food was not enough to support them to continue the confrontation.

At this critical juncture, the orcs' army became more and more silent.

This gave the Kingdom warriors and mercenaries, who had been suffering in the fortress for several months, hope of victory.

On the other side——

Starting from the nearest city, the sword, armor, and food and grass team transported to the Second Fortress also began to set off, accompanied by Her Highness the Saint of the Church.

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