She and the king have reached an agreement that she will personally go to the battlefield to check. If she finds traces of Kasas using the ‘Abyss’ magic, it is confirmed that the Overlord is studying the Abyss magic.

The Church is willing to form an alliance with them and send the Crusaders to help them suppress Kasas’s legion.

As a price, they also need to help the Church to eliminate Kasas.

Halfway through the journey, everything is peaceful-

After the last incident of ‘orcs attacking the hero king and princess’, the empire has greatly strengthened its defense force in the transport team.

The guard army is composed of nearly a thousand kingdom warriors, and no small group of orcs will think of trouble with them.


"Stop!" Cassi, the captain of the kingdom's guards, suddenly raised his arm, and the well-trained army quickly stopped.

The captain drew the sword at his waist, and the other warriors also drew their swords and became alert.

When they saw those red eyes in the depths of the forest.

"It's goblin...Team one and team two, go deal with them, don't let them get close to our carriage. The rest of you stay where you are and continue to guard the convoy."

According to the order of the warrior leader, a team of about fifty people were ready to attack the hiding place of the monster goblins.

Soon, the unique screams of goblins were heard from inside.

The warrior leader's expression finally relaxed slightly.

It seems that the goblin tribe came out to look for food just because of the arrival of the "winter".

With the strength of his soldiers, it is still easy to deal with this kind of wild monster.

Just when the warrior leader thought so, more screams suddenly came from the depths of the forest, and this time the screams turned into "human" screams.

And the screams became more and more, and the sounds became more and more dense.

"Goblin!! Ah! It's a goblin thief--" The warrior leader's spirit tensed up instantly, and before he could open his mouth to ask loudly.

A soldier covered in blood and a green-skinned monster lying on his body rushed out in horror.

Puff! ! The sharp blade pierced through the soldier's chest.

The green-skinned monster on the soldier's body jumped down with a sneer.

The cold wind mixed with the smell of blood blew from the depths of the forest, and the warrior leader immediately raised the sword, "All troops, highest alert!"

He stared at the short knife in the green-skinned monster's hand, 'Goblin Thief Killer! '

It turned out to be a 'Goblin Thief Killer' who could use weapons.

Although ordinary goblins can also wield giant sticks, they cannot use human standard weapons.

However, the artificially trained 'Goblin Thief Killer' can perfectly drive these weapons to fight, and even be more flexible and terrifying in combat skills.

Often a well-trained kingdom warrior can kill three ordinary goblins.

A goblin thief can kill three kingdom warriors. Those two teams of people are probably unable to get out!

Then, under the trembling eyes of the kingdom warriors, densely packed 'Goblin Thief Killers' stained with blood turned out from the depths of the forest.

"Goblin killers... How could there be so many!!!"

Bang! Bang! A dull sound of footsteps came.

When a huge figure, five or six meters high, like a dark green iron tower, covered the light in front of the warrior leader, his hair stood on end and his whole body trembled a few times.

"Goblin giants... and demon head emblems." Looking at the shining bright red demon characters on the other's head, the warrior leader gritted his teeth.

Roar! ! !

The leading goblin giant issued an order, and more goblins suddenly emerged from the dense forest.

It turned out that the number of 'goblins' they saw just now was just the tip of the iceberg.

"For the glory of the empire! Kill!" The guard warrior leader roared loudly.

"For the glory of the empire! Kill!" Countless soldiers roared, responding to the warrior leader, and met the swords of these goblins without fear.


The kingdom guards fought with these goblins.

At this time, the saint sitting in the carriage frowned when she heard the fighting outside the window.

She looked through the curtains of the carriage and saw the Goblin robbers outside holding weapons and advancing and retreating in order, and her heart was chilled.

This was a "man-made" and premeditated attack.

Who on earth could have the ability to cultivate so many "monsters" and hide in the forest.

Although the Goblin robbers were strong, they were far less in number than the Kingdom warriors. After suffering certain casualties, the scales of victory soon began to fall to them.

"Swoosh!" A black metal arrowhead suddenly pierced into the shoulder of the Kingdom warrior who was in the battle and was about to behead the goblin in front of him.

The warrior screamed, and then was quickly seized by the Goblin who fell to the ground in front of him and counterattacked and killed.

Then, more and more feather arrows came.

Those arrows were all with amazing accuracy, and basically one arrow could cause a Kingdom warrior to die directly or indirectly.

"There are still enemies!?" Cassi looked in the direction where the arrow came from, but his face suddenly changed drastically.

"Gnoll!" It turned out to be the sharpshooter gnoll among the orcs.

These monsters and orcs have united together? !

How is it possible!

Don't monsters all believe in the devil? Why would they unite with orcs who believe in the beast god——

Suddenly, Cassi's thoughts stopped.

He remembered the description of the Overlord and Kasas in the "Dark Soul" that was very popular in the capital. He was one of the loyal readers of "Dark Soul" before, and well... he was also a loyal reader of King Arthur.


If the only relationship between the orcs of Casas and the Demon God is the 'Abyss'!

Killing the enemy with one sword, warm and bright red blood hit his face, but the warrior captain's whole body was shaking more and more, his hands and feet were cold.

He took a deep breath and watched as more and more Kingdom soldiers around him fell into casualties, but there was nothing he could do.

When he thought that the Overlord might actually be the same as described in Dark Souls, he felt even more shocked and frightened.

"Kill them all... grab all the food, weapons, and armor." Far away from the Casas Legion base camp on the bank of the Letes River opposite the second fortress, the white lizard commander remotely commanded the 'Jackals' fighting.

If it weren't for his good magic level, the Overlord would have eaten him alive before a Golden Behemoth and the Orc Vanguard could capture the outer city last time.

In order to restore the frontline disadvantage, survive this winter, and make up for the mistakes made before, this battle plan must be successful!

Thinking of the 'abyss tool' that he asked the leader of the 'Jackal Man' to carry, the cold look in the lizard man's eyes softened a lot.

‘Do you think that if you can’t send too many orcs to the rear, he won’t be able to swallow this army? ’

Without the protection of the city wall, he wanted to see how these fragile humans could fight against the powerful goblin thieves and jackals.

Chapter 96 Let the shooter and the human shield fight in close combat? ! The jackal with the mmp inside!

The royal capital is now in chaos.

It wasn't because I received the news that the 'transportation team' was attacked by demons and orcs.

It was because of another thing that was even more absurd, something that was so absurd that it made the nobles angry and confused.

Their son, daughter, and heir suddenly disappeared on the same day.

It wasn't until later that they received the 'news' that these young men had formed a 'Flan Undead Team', chasing the route of the frontline transport team, and actually going to the 'Second Fortress' to fight Casas?

——That’s the front line! It's a savage orc army!

God knows why these young men who are usually worth a lot of money suddenly thought of doing that dangerous thing.

The imperial titles are hereditary. Even if they do not participate in this war, their children can inherit their titles in the future.

Forget about those barons and viscounts.

Some earls, and even the sole heir of a duke among them, also participated in the undead team.

Their father is now so angry that his face is as red as pig liver and his feet are jumping.

Obviously, you can inherit a large amount of wealth and power without doing anything, and there is no need to work hard on the battlefield in exchange for honor.

These young men had a seizure or something, and they actually thought of going to the battlefield.

That was not the house game they used to play.

Dozens of nobles rushed to the palace to meet the king on the same day, hoping that the king would send an army to capture these little bastards.

When the old king heard the news, his head suddenly grew bigger.

On the one hand, the kingdom immediately mobilized the troops that could still be used to prepare to recover those 'young masters of the immortal team'.

On the other hand, the old king hurriedly asked someone to conduct magic 'communication' for the front line, and asked them to send some people halfway to block these guys for him.

They must not be allowed to enter the second fortress area.

As the center of the battlefield, if these guys are discovered by the enemy orcs as soon as they enter and threaten these dukes and earls, the entire kingdom will be completely destroyed!

Even if the defense line is lost, the safety of these young masters must be protected.

Just think of the dozens of nobles who may be forced to 'rebellion' with the troops in their territories...

That kind of picture is so beautiful, the old king is as big as his head and two.

"Starklin, are you sure we won't be in danger when we do this?" In the "Flan Undead Team" composed of noble young men.

A noble young man regretted it after he came out. At this time, he asked the leader of the "Flan Undead Team Captain" about these words.

‘This is war! ’

‘If we accidentally get surrounded by enemies on the battlefield. ’

"Don't worry! We are just going to defend the city. We don't have to face the orc army directly." Starklin smiled calmly and calmly.

"What if those orcs ambush us like they ambush His Highness Rhine?" The noble young man who asked the question was still a little uneasy and felt a little timid.

He had heard that in the previous ambush, if the Black Knight Lancelot hadn't suddenly appeared, His Highness the Rhine would have almost never been able to come back.

"It's okay. We are following the path that the transportation team took before. I asked about it and the transportation team from the nearby town has just left. With them opening the way for us, there will be no problem. And we are not dead. Team'! We are the warriors on the front line against the abyss!" As he spoke, Starklin firmly raised his flange sword and shouted passionately:

"Swear on wolf blood!"

"Oh oh oh!! Swear on wolf blood!" A group of young men felt relieved after hearing what Starklin said.

Then the enthusiasm came back and they shouted at the top of their lungs.

And those plate-armored warriors who were recruited by the noble young masters and responsible for guarding the outermost perimeter "..."

Well, just keep silent at this time. There is only one thought left in their minds: ‘These noble young men really know how to play! ’

However, their troops did not advance very far. The sound of fighting coming from the front stopped the 'Undead Army' in its tracks.

"What's going on?!"

"It's the orcs and goblins. They have joined forces to encircle and suppress the transport team. Now the transport team is in a tough battle." The scout told Starklin and his team the news he had found out from the front.

"Ah, orcs, orcs!? And goblins?!"

"... Gu... why don't we go back? The transport team can't be defeated. Wouldn't it be suicide if we go up?" Someone said timidly.

For a while, many noble young masters looked at each other.

They all wanted to retreat, but they were too embarrassed to say it.

They also wanted to save face!

They were really going to face the terrible and ferocious orcs, and these young masters were afraid again.

"What a joke! We have hundreds of people! And it's the Fran Undead Squad! Since the transport team was attacked, we should go up to help!" Starklin said angrily.

The 'Fran Undead Squad' is composed of nearly a hundred nobles, each of whom brought dozens of hired elite warriors. With the strength of the transport team, they might be able to fight.

"We swear on the wolf's blood and take the responsibility of monitoring and suppressing the erosion of the abyss. Don't forget the wolf's blood we share (drink together)! The tricorn hat on the head is an ominous symbol for those who misunderstand, but for us, the undead team, this hat symbolizes the firm will to fight against the abyss! Down with the orcs! Down with the goblins!"

After hearing this, a group of noble young masters got excited again.

"Woo woo woo!! You are worthy of being Starklin, you can actually say such a thing. I underestimated you before! Down with the orcs! Down with the goblins!"

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