"Oh oh oh!! Down with the orcs! Down with the goblins!!"

A group of people were excited and moved, and then they led the army to rush to the kingdom warriors, orcs and goblins who were fighting in front of them.

"!?" The warrior leader who was struggling to defend and support was a little confused when he heard the roar in the distance and the sound of the approaching army.

This is--

Our human reinforcements are coming?

Wait, where are the reinforcements coming from! ?

The nearest second fortress will take half an hour to arrive, how can it come so fast.

Compared with the confused transport team soldiers, the jackal archers who were hit by the sudden rush of the "Flan Undead Team" and the plate armored soldiers were even more confused.

Where did the enemy fly out? !

Didn't it say that the transport team was the only human army that would take this road recently?

A group of gnolls who were still holding crossbows and had no time to react were surrounded by a group of warriors wearing heavy plate armor after being "closed".

Just as they reacted and wanted to fight back with roars.

Looking at the magic plate armor that seemed so "heavy" that even crossbows could not penetrate it...

The expressions on the faces of the gnolls holding crossbows instantly became very exciting.

Before they could react, several shining French swords suddenly appeared behind those bulky warriors.

With the sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh, the gnolls could not help but let out a shrill scream.

"Hahahaha! I stabbed him! I stabbed him!!"

A noble young master shouted excitedly.

Chapter 97 Demon God: MMP! It's so hard to "dare" to revive! You actually——!

Seeing that their companions have achieved the result.

In an instant, the other noble young masters were also stimulated and their eyes became red, looking at the remaining gnolls with eager eyes like wolves and tigers.

"Look at my Fran Great Sword!"

"As long as I'm fast enough, you can't attack me! Ah~! I'm shot in the ass; Guard! Guard! Protect me!"

"Watch it! Jackals! This is the clever and gorgeous attack of the Fran Undead Squad!"

For a while, the situation on the battlefield became very exciting.

Because it was totally unexpected that a second army would rush out at this time.

These sharpshooters in the back row were trapped in an encirclement by a bunch of meat shields and a group of 'Undead Squad Young Masters'.

Without the support of the Jackals' feather arrows, the pressure on the Guards was instantly reduced.

In addition, when they heard the arrival of the 'reinforcements', they recovered their morale as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to fight hard!

"Change weapons! Idiot!! Change to maces for me!" The remotely commanding lizardman finally reacted and yelled at the communication in a rage.

Those Jackals hurriedly changed to the maces on their waists and fought with these 'iron skin' warriors.

For a while, because the plate armored warriors had to protect the ‘noble young masters’ and dared not to fight, the two sides actually fought back and forth.

The battles on both sides were deadlocked again.

The orc and goblin coalition could not take down so many human troops in a short time, and it was not so easy for the human army to wipe out these jackals and goblins.

The guards had to take into account strategic supplies such as food and grass, and the elite plate armored warriors on the noble young masters’ side had to protect these ‘undead team’ young masters, and they could not go all out.

The two sides fought for longer and longer, and gradually even those young masters became red-eyed.

Many people began to get injured even with the protection of plate armored warriors.

Their swordsmanship began to become proficient from being unfamiliar, and various sneak attack sword skills became more and more accurate.

Whenever they took advantage of the battle between the jackals and plate armored warriors, they would go up and use advanced sword skills.

After the angry jackal felt the pain, he didn't care that he couldn't break the defense of the iron warriors in front of him, and he just wanted to kill the "Undead Squad" in the innermost.

Then he was hit by the ruthless swords and hammers of the plate armored warriors, and his skull was smashed.

As the battle between the two sides became more and more tragic.

"Those are... the Undead Squad of Fran!?"

Finally, the white lizardman noticed the uniforms of the "Undead Squad" protected by the plate armored warriors in the middle, and he couldn't sit still!

Because of the "anger" of the Overlord.

Now many orcs know about Andersen and the "Black Soul".

They may not know much about what the "Black Soul" describes.

But the Overlord has given a special order.

No matter which orc population, the "Undead Squad of Fran" must be killed when they see it. The images of the illustrations in the "Black Soul" have been specially conveyed in the minds of the orcs.

As the gnolls fell into a disadvantage, the goblin monster army was beaten back by the guards.

Goblins and gnolls...

The Kingdom Guards and the pseudo-Fran Undead Squad finally gathered together.

"Fran Undead Squad!?" When the warrior leader saw the leader coming, he was about to say hello to see which army of the kingdom it was, but he found that the opponent was extremely "familiar", and his eyes widened in surprise.

And those warriors who heard the warrior leader's voice and knew "Dark Soul" were also shocked.

"What the hell! ?

What did the warrior leader just say? !

Fran Undead Squad? ! My idol! ? '

Countless warriors instantly raised their morale several times, and they looked at the members of the "Undead Squad" with fiery eyes.


All of them were shocked and dared not say a word.

"Really... it's the Undead Squad! Oh my god. I actually met the Faran Undead Squad today!"

After seeing the familiar costumes, his mind was so surprised that he completely ignored the fact that they were just a group of fake warriors.

Not to mention the reaction of the Kingdom warriors here.

The jackals on the opposite side who were so busy fighting that they had no time to pay attention to so many people were also shocked.

'Faran Undead Squad? '

Take a closer look at the costumes, the light armor, the big sword, the claw knife, and the characteristic three-piece hat.

Is it really...? !

"Take out the things I gave you! Now it's time to use them!" A cold and dark voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the jackal leader.

After hearing this, the jackal leader showed a solemn and slightly fearful look and nodded.

Although he was afraid to use that "thing", since it was the order of the "commander-in-chief", he had no right to choose to resist.

Just when the jackal leader was about to take action,

Suddenly, a sound of a large number of people and horses galloping came from afar.

"There are still troops!?" The lizardman, who was monitoring the whole process with the help of the jackal's vision, widened his eyes in disbelief.

This group of humans! ? They are so despicable and shameless! ?

No, it seems that the word is used wrong! Anyway, it is cunning and treacherous! !

Did they calculate that I would send people to join forces with the goblins? !

The white lizardman's face turned green and white for a while.

He thought that if the other party had not calculated him and waited for him to fall into the trap.

There would definitely not be two reinforcements so soon.

He had no idea that the old king sent the front-line troops to "block people" immediately.

Looking at these troops that were obviously coming from the direction of the "Second Fortress".

The lizardman felt that he had been tricked!

"Crush it! Crush the props I gave you quickly!" The white lizardman shouted angrily.

Refusing to admit the ‘fact’ that he was ‘plotted’, he desperately urged the jackal leader to use his last trump card.

Even if this ‘sharpshooter’ unit was no longer needed, it didn’t matter.

He wanted to bury all the human warriors who came to rescue him in the abyss!

Following the lizardman’s orders, the jackal took out a box from the package behind him and opened it with a frightened look.

Inside was a huge black heart.

At this time, the heart was still beating in the air.

With the appearance of the heart, deep in the abyss...

Some demons who smelled the powerful and tempting ‘breath’ were awakened.

It was the heart of a demon pillar.

Even though the demon had been killed, the heart had survived for such a long time without the body.

For the creatures of the abyss, it was the best tonic.

If the complete body of the demon could be devoured, it would not be impossible to even advance to a new demon pillar!

The jackal took out the heart and crushed it.

A huge and sharp scream came from the orifice of the heart.

The last bit of will hidden in the demon looked at the 'jackal leader' who crushed its heart and made it lose the last chance of resurrection with great resentment.

The 'curse' of the demon pillar was activated in an instant.

The group of jackals could not even scream, and were swallowed by the black blood that burst all over the sky, and then turned into a thick dark blood mist.

Their friendly goblins saw this and immediately retreated in fear. The goblin giant didn't know what he said, and knelt in front of the 'blood mist' in horror.

Many people looked at the scene in front of them in a daze, not knowing what had just happened.

Even the mercenaries and kingdom warriors of the second fortress who had just arrived from afar immediately stopped their steps and looked at the scene in front of them with doubt.

A sense of palpitation and fear that came out of nowhere suddenly arose from people's hearts.

They suddenly felt chest tightness and breathlessness, and became more and more panicked, as if something terrible was about to come!

Chapter 98 Do you want to become Hawkwood?

"Hehehe... I don't know what kind of abyss monsters will be attracted! That is at least the demon heart of a high-level demon." The white lizardman didn't know that what he handed over to the jackal leader was the 'Demon Pillar Heart'.

It didn't waste a rare material at all, but muttered to itself coldly.

As the Demon Pillar Heart was crushed.

The strange visions around gradually increased.

First, the snow that covered the ground in the past few days melted.

The snow water mixed with the dark blood water and slowly flowed into the earth. Then in the center of the endless dark blood mist, a corridor leading to the abyss was gradually opened.

"Oh? Is the ceremony starting?" At this moment, 'Yan', who was followed by a small tail of a beast-eared girl in the royal capital, put the alchemical materials he had just purchased into Yuzuye's arms and murmured softly.

He sensed the movement of Gilgamesh in the space.

That is to say, those orcs started to play with the magic of the Abyss again.

Finally, there was movement! He thought the orcs were ready to give up the second fortress.

"Excuse me...what happened?" Yuzuha asked nervously.

She really couldn't tell how she felt about the man in front of her.

She was scared to death by the questions that day, and she thought her identity as a "spy" was about to be completely exposed.

But in the blink of an eye, he just asked some strange questions.

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