Merlin later explained that he knew something about the situation.

Simply put,

Although Uruk was ruled by royal power, it was not united.

It is the separation of the royal power, the sacrificial hall and the shrine maiden's office.

The witches value the city god more than King Gilgamesh.

And the urban god they believe in is naturally Ishtar.

They took advantage of the time when Gilgamesh let go of the Babylonian treasure trove and went all out to build the defense line of Uruk.

He took the lead in summoning the ‘soul that matches the goddess’s divine personality’,

And try to summon Ishtar with that soul.

"Did the result mean that the gods were successfully summoned?" the little princess murmured with her eyes widened.

Everything gradually became clear.

I see! This is the situation!

So it was really Ishtar who was summoned that night? ! !

Merlin: "But the gods of Mesopotamia are basically all blond.

And only humans have blackheads... black hair.

The reason why Ishtar’s hair is black,

It must be a girl who came from [becoming a base]. "

Merlin's words reminded people of the first time they saw Ishtar,

Although it is not as rare as pure black hair and black eyes, the appearance of black hair and red eyes is also rare in other worlds.

That kind of face full of oriental style should be a human from a distant ancient eastern country.

Subconsciously, people automatically lump all black-haired humans into one category.

So that in the future, any hero with black hair that we see will be associated with Xian Qin from the Lost Belt.

Words like, ‘Wow! Is it Brother Zheng’s figure again! ’

‘A moving figure, awsl! ’

(As for why people from other worlds know the terms of figures, that is a question worth thinking about.

There are always some unscrupulous traders who are good at discovering the market.

A model whose cost price is less than a few carats can be resold for several gold carats.

Selling hero figures can make more money than selling other things. )


It can actually affect the goddess Ishtar...

Black hair that even the gods cannot cover up! This is too strong.

How outstanding and outstanding is that girl who relies on the body?


Roman's next words broke everyone's suspicions.

After Chaldea's observation, the goddess was undoubtedly Ishtar herself.

Although it is regrettable and sad...

Roman: “That girl must have been a human [who got along well with Ishtar].

The two selves have completely merged,

Becoming brand new, but still able to be established as the original ‘goddess’. "

Merlin: "Yeah. But it's also thanks to her.

Only Fujimaru Ritsuka can live. "

Merlin claimed that if it were the mythical Ishtar, he would have killed Guda when he was in Babylon.

Reminds me of the goddess in the Epic of Gilgamesh who is more willful and has such a bad character that everyone is afraid of her...

Rarely did everyone agree with this.

It was not without reason that when the blacksmith's son first learned Ishtar's real name, he was so afraid of that woman.

To know the entire Epic of Gilgamesh,

Almost half of the disasters are related to that woman.

Thinking about it this way...

It can influence the goddess to the extent that they even feel a little cute.

‘Who is that possession body? !

Could it be that she is also a girl with heroic potential? ’

At this time, Anna also said: "...Maybe. Although the goddess and I are not compatible,

But that Ishtar is indeed... slightly human-like. "

Merlin: "Ouch. It's rare for Anna to tell the truth.

If the goddess looked like a human, what would be the difference? "

Anna: "Ah...

...Nothing, I hate both. I hate Merlin even more.

However, there is a monster approaching from the front.

Just give Merlin to the other party to solve the problem. "

Everyone was covered in cold sweat——

Woc, ruthless!

Anna, who is obviously kind and lovely, why does she become so cruel when facing Merlin?

People who ponder over it and can’t understand it,


This can only be attributed to Merlin's mouth being so annoying. ’


"Not only do you hate also hate goddesses.

Are there really such positive heroes in the myths of various regions? Hermitus mused.

Logically speaking,

Most of the heroes who can become heroic spirits are those who have accomplished great achievements in history.

Such people are generally quite loved by others in their own time.

Why do you still hate humans and even hate the goddess?

In this Singularity, the three goddesses who are villains are only in the minority.

Compared with most ugly and unflattering descriptions of gods,

There are also many gods who are active as good gods...

Epics such as giving heroes weapons and armor and defeating legendary monsters.

Even in the Epic of Gilgamesh, which bids farewell to the gods,

When he was conquering Humbaba, he could not do without the guidance of the Sun God.

And Anna hates both—

This kind of thing is too much of a 'coincidence'.

Chapter 893: Falling into the underworld, Fufu can only act cute?

Merlin: "I'm sorry, I was too talkative just now!

As an apology, I will occasionally engage in physical labor!

Come on, defeat them bravely, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

As long as you climb over that hill, the city of Kusa is right in front of you! "

Merlin is not surprised by Anna's complaints, right?

Then people saw Mashu and the others quickly getting rid of the monsters... and soon arrived at Kuza.

"Is this here? A city that stopped all night..." People looked at the deserted streets in front of them in a daze.

What kind of disaster could destroy this city without causing large-scale damage?


Anna: “...but the damage is so serious.

Could it be that they were attacked by monsters after all the residents died..."

Roman denied this statement,

He said that the life response of this city is only you,

The monsters did not enter the city from outside.

Although I don’t know the reason,

But the monsters seem to be afraid of this city.

Merlin also said that his sixth sense based on "the only thing to save his own life" also told him that there was no threat here.

Everyone: "..."

What a terrifying strength it is to be able to pose a threat to the Flower Magician.

Although this man looks useless, one thing that people have never underestimated is his incomprehensible strength.

Hermitus said that he was a man that even the gods were unwilling to face.

Not to mention the mere creations of gods - some monsters.

Merlin: "There is nothing but terrifying silence,

And what might even be called a quiet death.

...It seems that both King Gilgamesh and I missed this point.

The events in the city of Kusa were completely different from those in other cities.

I even think it was destined that the king would put the [Destiny Clay Tablet] here, okay——

No, go treasure hunting before you think too deeply. "

Afterwards, Merlin said that it would be faster if we split up.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he actually put Guda and Fufu together.

Everyone: ‘! ? ’

Guda is the master, not a follower.

Not even a single servant, but a cute little beast. This...

Is it really safe?

What if you encounter any danger?

There is some concern.

Even though Merlin and the others then said that Fufu was actually not simple...

But in the eyes of everyone, it is still not convincing.

Well, not simple.

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