Can you kick Merlin?

But that's just a long-lost friend, you're kidding me.

The girls with girlish hearts were heartbroken at the thought of Fu Fu going to fight.

Ah, why do you let Fufu, a cute creature with no fighting ability, fight? !

What if it gets hurt? It's so cute and petite.

Merlin is indeed a big pig's hooves.

Wouldn't it be better for him to team up with Fufu?

Let Ma Xiu continue to stay with Guda.

But after Guda himself said it was okay and wanted to try it independently.

Everyone was speechless——

Merlin: “The Destiny Tablet is the same thing as the Divine Seal Tablet held by King Gilgamesh.

It should have a weak magic power,

You can feel it just by getting close.

Anyway, let’s split up and find one to disappear.

Regardless of the outcome, come back and assemble here! "

(…Then, about ten minutes passed from then on…)

Guda, who was still searching and talking to the doctor, seemed to find a figure.

She chased him out, but lost him, and her vision fell into darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, Guda had arrived at another realm.

"Where is this...!?

Doctor, doctor...! "

The doctor who was clearly communicating with him a moment ago has also lost communication.

At this time, the people who entered here with consciousness like Guda were also frightened by the gloomy situation around them.

Desolate and dark mountains, empty territory, looking into the distance can only see endless darkness.

There seems to be no sunlight at all here.

Fufu: "Fufu, fuwu!"

Fufu suddenly jumped up and down anxiously, as if she wanted to remind Guda of something.

Blacksmith's son: "...where is this?"

Guda, did you fall directly into some bottomless pit?

I was shocked. I looked like I was still on the street in the city just a moment ago.

Did he miss a large part of the plot? !

The reason for entry is unknown, the method of entry is unknown...

Where this is is even more unknown.

And behind Guda is a bottomless cliff,

As if connected with the abyss, everyone couldn't help but be cautious about their legs and feet, for fear of accidentally falling and having the experience of bungee jumping from high altitude and being swallowed by the abyss.


A creepy sound came from the darkness,

? ? ? : “Living people—living people.

Why are there living people in the underworld...why..."

? ? ? : “We were brutally killed,

No dignity, no prayer,

Just abandoned. "

? ? ? : "Are you here to laugh at...are you here to plunder...

Are you here to escape...are you here to throw away..."


It seems that I have heard great news.

However, before anyone could think about it carefully, the owners of those voices seemed to be caught in a riot. )

? ? ? : “Unforgivable—nothing can be forgiven—

I don’t want warm breath, warm flesh, anything like that——”

? ? ? : “Go to death—go to death, go to death, go to death, go to death,

Go die die die die die die die die die die die die! "

Countless black mist appeared in the darkness, and then a group of densely packed eyes as red as blood appeared.

They kept approaching, causing people to follow Guda and take one step back, and then another, and were soon scared and pushed to the edge of the cliff.

There is no way back.

Just like the resentful spirit once described in the epic (Hassan was killed by Cui Sadness at the sixth singularity point),

The same and huge hatred and resentment,

The huge negative emotions even cause people to hallucinate, and they have a fear that if they don't get killed, it will be a sin.

How terrible!

This resentment is about to take shape!

Definitely not a human being!

With such a level of malice toward life, these guys are definitely not human!

Guda: "Ooohhhhhhhhhh!?"

Everyone saw one of the resentful spirits suddenly stretch out his bony, cold hands and pinch Guda's neck.

Seeing Guda scream in pain, he reached out to move his hands away but couldn't.

Everyone's necks felt cold.

Underworld - If this is the underworld, are these people all undead?

Is this the resentment and jealousy of the dead towards the living?

Damn it, there is something wrong with this arrangement.

Doctor, Merlin, Matthew! !

Come quickly! If you don’t come again, the Emperor will be gone!

Damn it, why was Merlin so uneasy about sending a servant to protect Guda in the first place.

People looked anxious,

As for Fufu at Guda's feet, they had subconsciously ignored her.

How can such a little beast defeat so many resentful spirits? !

Normal people wouldn't dare think like this.

But, suddenly——

Chapter 894: The underground world of the Age of Gods leads to death? Unintentionally hitting the truth!


Deaf roaring ~ ow! Fufu suddenly let out a startling scream.

That cry really made people's faces look bloody.

This is the sound a macho man should listen to...

‘awsl! Fufu is so cute! 'Star eyes,

Seeing Fufu protecting her master like this, the little princess and the others forgot all the panic in their hearts for a moment.

Other small animals may be hammered.

But Fufu's moaning is really exciting.

Soon, an unexpected scene appeared!

Fufu's cry frightened these resentful spirits as much as the animals in the forest. Facing the king of the forest, the tiger shook its body and roared into the sky.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~!

The leading resentful spirit was so frightened that he immediately let go of his hand, and the other resentful spirits couldn't help but take a few steps back to make room for Fufu in the center.

Everyone was suddenly confused when facing this scene.

They were so frightened that they turned pale, and even almost killed the last master of mankind, and killed the group of resentful spirits that mankind hoped for——

Are you actually frightened by the scream of a small beast?

Even if it scares away ghosts, what on earth is this?


Confused, people continue to be confused.

The scene in front of them was really too awesome, so awesome that they all looked at the Fufu who was lying on all fours on the ground like a cat with fried fur, glaring fiercely (cutely) at the resentful people in disbelief.

'I was wrong--

It turned out that Merlin really wasn't lying. Fufu is a real boss! ’

‘What the hell is this, woc!

The ghosts all looked like they had seen a ghost. Isn't this too strong? ! ’

...Just when the resentful spirits were afraid of Fufu, but were unwilling to retreat and remained in a stalemate.

People also recovered from the shock to Fu Fu and stared nervously at these resentful spirits.


“Wait a minute.

Garulaling, that person is not dead yet. "An old man's voice came from behind the resentful spirit.

Everyone looked to the back, and a familiar figure came into their eyes.

"!? It's the old man in the cloak!" He looked at the bearded old man who appeared with a cane and a hood.

People thought of the old man they met in the alley and the scene where Guda gave three pieces of advice.

He's actually here too!

Old man: "If you take this person away, you will definitely incur the wrath of the master."

Guda: "You are?"

Old man: "Close the seven doors and go back to fulfill your duty of guardianship."

With the last sentence of the old man, a majestic declaration like a bell,

A strong wind suddenly blew from behind him,

The resentful spirits shrouded by the wind turned into blue light and disappeared into the sky.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, it was amazing! So pretentious!

I didn't expect the old man to be so capable.

Speaking of which, the last time he appeared, he acted very mysteriously and disappeared suddenly——

Now he suddenly appears again and saves Guda.

‘…saved…? ’ Just as people were congratulating Guda, they wiped the cold sweat from their heads.

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