Before Merlin could continue speaking——

Fufu raised her little paw and slapped Merlin on the face.

The crisp sound brought the stunned people around back to their senses.

Merlin immediately yelled: "It hurts so much.

Can you stop slapping people for no reason, Cathy Palug.

What? If you have time to take a walk, why not go to sleep?

Is there no girl on the north wall for you to look for?"

Although Fufu only called Fufu,

Merlin seemed to be of the same kind and could understand what she meant.

Merlin yelled, "How rude. I'm working, right?

Like this, clacking, clacking.

Although it can only be dealt with for a while, at least the walls are covered with flower roots.

The green vines can also strengthen the walls."

Fufu: "Fuwu,

Fuwufu, Fuwujiu."

Merlin gritted his teeth: "You actually said 'Oh~?

Merlin is so capable'?

It's only been a while since we last met, and your mouth has become so venomous.

In this case, I don't know why I said 'Even if it's just you' and sent you out of the Confinement Tower."

The people who originally said that they didn't understand what Fufu was saying,

Under Merlin's affectionate explanation,

all laughed! People who were originally a little nervous and anxious about who would leave tomorrow were also attracted by the interaction between the man and the beast.

Especially when they heard Merlin's last words, everyone couldn't help but think of a certain scene they had seen before.

The tragic experience of Fufu, who was thrown down with tears in her eyes and fell freely for who knows how many years...

Merlin really said something irrelevant.

Everyone suddenly understood why Fufu was so excited when she saw Merlin.

Facing such a bastard owner, it was indeed -

'Merlin must die. '

Merlin: "Hmm. Did he become more venomous,

or did he learn to deal with people.

It's getting more and more difficult to deal with!

Hmm? Is Anna there?

What's wrong? Why are you hiding in the corner of the city wall?"

Halfway through the conversation, Merlin was surprised to see a small figure sitting on the city wall in the moonlight, and couldn't help but move closer.

Anna glanced at Merlin, then continued to look into the distance quietly, and whispered: "Nothing, just came to blow the night breeze."

Merlin smiled slightly,

"Your expression doesn't look like that."

Under the starry sky, the night sky was unexpectedly beautiful.

Merlin leaned against the wall, facing the opposite direction from Anna, and was as beautiful as a painting.

However, after Merlin's reminder, people reacted in time and noticed that Anna seemed to be a little distressed.

Such a heavy expression added a bit of sadness to this beautiful scene.

Anna exhaled lightly, "I think it's not too late to explain the situation to them now."

Following Anna's sight,

people saw Guda and Mashu sleeping in the temporary shed below.

Merlin: "Oh, is this okay?"

Merlin's words seemed to be meaningful...

"Even Fujimaru would be scared."

This flower magician seemed to know what he would face tomorrow.


Everyone guessed in amazement that Anna seemed to understand what she would face.

Listening to the words of these two people, is there something they are hiding from Guda and others? !

All along, because of the scenes and experiences she had seen before,

she had already regarded Merlin and Anna as trustworthy and reliable partners.

Until now, she had never thought about whether the two had any intentions.

But she couldn't help but think about it in her heart...

Suddenly, the little princess remembered what Merlin had muttered before,

that someone was about to leave...

One, no...and two.

This made the little princess feel nervous and a little upset.

Since she knew someone would leave, why didn't she avoid it in advance?

Is there a reason to go on?

Anna lowered her head slightly and was silent for a while: "Even so, I..."

Merlin suddenly smiled and put his face close to her, interrupting Anna's words: "It's not good, it's very bad.

The distrust of humans has finally weakened,

but the expectations of humans that I had before have returned.

Emotions are basically things that are thrown away after use.

Since they can be replenished, it would be a pity not to cherish them well."

Merlin's sudden words attracted people's attention,

'I used to...have expectations of humans...and they have returned?

What that sentence means is, what happened that made Anna disappointed in humans for a time?

Is that why Anna said she didn’t like humans? ’

Chapter 908 The wind stopped, just like the sound of people’s breathing, so what’s the answer?

‘Anna hates humans and Merlin…’

This is a setting that everyone has always known and emphasized by herself.

But in fact, the smile that appears on little Anna’s face from time to time is not deceptive.

She should also like this feeling of being with everyone…

People have long discovered that Anna doesn’t actually hate humans.

But they don’t know why she doesn’t want others to get close to her.

Until now, Merlin and Anna mentioned this matter, and it seems that the answer will be revealed in their communication soon.

People can’t help but hold their breath and listen quietly.

Looking at little Anna who was holding the small hat on her head with both hands and pulling it down, unwilling to face it,

Merlin: "You keep your distance from humans,

not because you hate them, but because you are afraid of them.

You are afraid that they will know your true nature,

and you are afraid that you will be hated.

This is a precious emotion..."

Hunxun, who was as gentle as a mentor, advised, and Merlin looked at the starry sky with a smile, talking non-stop.

That picture attracted people's attention,

and now he really looked like a 'caring big brother'.

"You can even say that it is the 'conscience' of a divinity like you." Merlin continued.

'God, divinity! ? '

Everyone suddenly opened their eyes wide, as if they wanted to verify whether they had seen (heard) wrong.

You are... kidding.

What did Merlin just say?

He meant that Anna has divinity? !

People who have already understood the various settings of the servants naturally understand what divinity is...and how powerful it is.

And to a certain extent, those who have divinity will be related to the gods.

Most of them are demigod heroes with divine blood.


Is Anna also that kind of demigod hero! ?

At this moment, everyone felt a little dizzy.

For a moment, they thought of Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Sigurd and other awesome demigods.

This made people excited and their lips trembled.

It was as if they had known Anna again -

So Anna is so powerful? ~!

But why is her strength -

Is it because she hasn't grown up yet, and her physical underdevelopment has affected her strength? !

People couldn't help but fantasize.

Although strength should not have much to do with physical development,

but to some extent, people's guesses are unexpectedly correct.

When she grows up, Anna is so well developed that she can definitely make all the girls in the other world ashamed.

Merlin continued: "The presence or absence of this conscience is the biggest difference between you and her.

And you actually want to abandon this (conscience) with your own hands, which is simply unimaginable."

At this time, with Merlin's words, a third party appeared - 'she'.

'She'? …Who is ‘she’? !

Just like a cat attracted by the smell of fish, everyone’s eyes lit up instantly, and their ears stood up.

Anna seemed to be touched, and she lowered her head: “…Are you asking me to keep silent and hide the truth?”

Merlin smiled and said: “Ah~ Yes. This is the wisest.

Non-human beings hide their inhuman side, what’s wrong with that?

If you say so, I am one of them.

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