In fact, I don't have a human heart.

It is because I have no emotions that I can parasitize in the dreams of humans.

I get the so-called "subtlety of the heart" (subtle changes in the heart) from them. "

People who were still curious about Anna's identity and the existence of "her\

,"When they heard Merlin's non-human statement, everyone was stunned.

When exactly was it?

They almost forgot that Merlin was a nightmare and had no human emotions.

But he still has half of his bloodline as a human.

Perhaps it is because of this that people can't help but treat him as a fellow.

Thinking of the legend that Merlin eventually imprisoned himself in the Avalon Tower,

it is hard not to think that it was his guilt towards the king and a punishment of his own choice.

Does he... really have no emotions?

Everyone is still a little confused about this point and can't tell the difference,

but they will instinctively get close to this flower magician who has been helping humans.

"Ahhh! Even if it's a disguise, I accept it. Who calls him Merlin! "For a moment, some people who like the flower magician couldn't help but grumble and shout.

At this time, Merlin stretched out his index finger and pointed at the void.

Then two beautiful pink balls of light flew out from Guda and Mashu and came to Merlin.

'Feeding on the emotions in dreams?'

The people who saw this scene were touched...

This was the first time they saw the way the dream demons eat,

Unexpectedly dreamy...

Just like them, beautiful as if they didn't exist in this world.

The pink balls of light intertwined into spirals of light were absorbed by his fingertips, beautiful and intoxicating.

Amid the embellishment of that dreamy scene, people looked at Merlin intently and said, "I can play the role of [gentle big brother] like now.

It is also because I use the emotions I have gained so far as fuel.

For beings like us,

It is extremely difficult to think and live like humans. "

Anna looked at Merlin expressionlessly, but her mouth was merciless: "Because Merlin is not a human. "

But judging from her recovered spirit and the way she raised her head,

Merlin's words seemed to have really enlightened Anna.

Merlin smiled and admitted: "That's right.

The fake Enkidu said something very right.

Existences like fairies and gods are literally 'not human'.

We are literally not human.

But there is no rule that says,

Because we are not human, we must become the enemy of humans.

There is no such rule in the world, right?"

'Because we are not human, we must become the enemy of humans...?' Well, everyone thought of the Ex-Machinas,

there is no such saying!

Anna hesitated and said: "This...that's true..."

Merlin: "Becoming companions because of happiness is good.

As for whether to be loved by others or to love others, this is another question. ”

Everyone: “…”

By the way, Anna is not human either?

That’s right,

It’s mentioned that Anna has a divine buff,

How could she be a simple human?

However, how could anyone have the heart to hate such a lovely Anna?

And Merlin’s last sentence, ‘As for whether he is loved by others, or loves others.’

This question makes people think,

‘So, what does Merlin think?’

Can humans and other non-human beings really understand and love each other?

Although there are examples of different races in this world,

Although there are also epics of love between Mechas and humans,

But for most people, this aspect of the emotional field is still half-understood.

At this time, under the moonlight, Anna also asked that question,

“…Merlin, do you…love humans? "

The wind suddenly stopped.

Just like the sound of people holding their breath, everyone's eyes seemed to have a hint of inexplicable emotion.

Is it expectation? Or -

In any case, they knew they really wanted to know how the man would answer.

Chapter 909 How is it possible... but fell in love with the only beautiful heart.

When the surroundings fell into silence,

In the still wind, people looked forward nervously,

Seeing the man's unchanged smile.

The dreamy purple eyes looked forward, as if looking at you, but as if there was no one in his eyes,

While teasing Fu Fu with his fingers, he slowly raised his lips and said: "How is it possible. "

"You know, I am not human. I am a half-blood of a nightmare.

He said that he was doing it for human society, but actually did a lot of evil things. ”

‘——But I fell in love with the only beautiful heart (body).’

When Merlin said that sentence,

Everyone felt as if they had fallen into a trough and felt indescribable pain.


Then they saw (heard) such a narration.

Everyone: ‘The only beautiful... heart (body)? What does that mean?’

The beautiful rain of petals suddenly blurred people’s vision, and when people opened their eyes again, they saw the scene in their memories full of memories.

"Congratulations, King Arthur. You have impressed me once again. In a good sense, you have exceeded my expectations." Flower Magician.

It was a day before the expedition to Rome.

People had seen a legend in Arthur's epic legend.

But at that time, the two sides were Meri and the Old Sword.

At this time, Merlin and Altria appeared in front of people.

People saw the words with such complicated emotions,

'For the first time in the long years of the nightmare, I developed feelings, and then gradually realized my feelings for Artoria, but because the nightmare itself should be emotionless, I was ashamed to admit and hide it (... It was really uncomfortable to see that smile.

But at the same time, the magician also wanted to keep watching. That didn't seem like the feeling of an irresponsible child of the nightmare.

In order to hide his shyness, the magician said such words. ...

"Arthur. Even if you are foolproof, there will still be things that end. Nothing can last forever. Things will always change into new things. So, it is not the future that should be protected.")

From the beginning, he told Artoria about her final outcome and had a bystander mentality that it had nothing to do with him,

to later, he felt confused and painful for the first time because Artoria knew that Britain would end up being destroyed anyway, but she still tried her best to protect the people, and felt guilty for letting her bear a heavy mission. ’

With those words,

and the immersive world, the narration with the mixed voices of Merlin and Meili sounded at the same time,

countless scenes flashed before people’s eyes.

There was the scene of Merlin (Meili) and Arthur (Adai) meeting for the first time.

There was the scene of the flower magicians asking the king whether he would choose a path that he knew would lead to death, without any concern for him.

Hell is ahead.


When did the dream demon first develop feelings for humans?

Was it when he smiled at the smile that knew that hell was still going to happen, and was he attracted to it like people?

Or was it when he suddenly realized it one day after spending time together.

‘You are... my dear little red dragon.’ Meili.

The scene was divided into two, like the two sides of the world,

and like the collision of inherent barriers,

but the same scene was being played on both sides.

People looked at the two kings and the two magicians and were deeply touched.

Merlin (Meili) he (she) really fell in love with it.

What a complete fool (tsundere) to say "how could it be possible".

Everyone felt inexplicably sad...

It was a pity that the king and the magician could not be together in the end.

At this time, people couldn't help but think...

If Merlin (Merry) was given another chance to start over, would he (she) still have the heart to let the king pull out the sword of choice again?

In the epic, the scene continues.

"Really? What's this time? You're really a chatterbox today."

"Don't worry about it. What's important is the process of living to this day to save something. The result will always be overturned by a new result.

The king's correctness will be wiped out by the next king for his own convenience. Nothing will be left. Nothing will be left.

But even so - if your life is not tarnished until the end, it is worth boasting about - if you are loved by everyone, then as long as human history continues, it will become a record that will be left forever (star)"

Even if it seems insignificant from the perspective of planetary history, it may be the naive hope of a little girl or a superficial decision.

For those living in the future, there will definitely be a day when it looks like a dazzling treasure (anecdote)

"Mmm. Um, Merlin? Um, how should I put it? You don't need honor or fame anymore? I've already taken too much."

"How is that possible? What people gave you is not honor at all, and it's not honor. If you have to say it, it's a curse. You got nothing.

It's just that humans continue to show kindness by treating such things as hope. What you left behind is a noble fantasy. You can call it romance."

"...I'm sorry, I really don't understand."

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