It’s like a door to a new world slowly opens in front of people’s eyes.

A new target against the three goddesses was slowly unveiled before people's eyes.

Hermitus:? ? ?

As a god, even though he was a male god, he still felt that he was offended.

Chapter 934 Red A: ‘This woman is finally crazy! ’

Hermitus expressed his regret!

This is no longer simply contempt of divine authority and blasphemy;

Comparing gods to beasts,

Still want to tame it——

Is this treating the goddess as a pet?

Even as a freak among the gods, Hermitus, who wholeheartedly stood on the side of mankind, his expression became very ugly and ugly when he saw this.

Anna: “Are you really planning to win over that kind of goddess to be our partner?

Wouldn’t they be hopelessly incompatible? "

Gilgamesh; "Of course.

Besides, even if she becomes a partner, there will be no benefit.

Ishtar is a goddess who cannot be used by humans.

No matter how outstanding your abilities are, they are of no use. "

Then why——?

People looked at Gilgamesh in surprise.

Later, in his explanation to Matthew, Shining expressed that he had no expectations for that woman, but that was a different matter for that woman's 'Bull of Heaven'.

"The bull of the sky that plunged the earth into famine for several years! That huge mythical beast that Enkidu and the King of Heroes joined forces to defeat!!" The blacksmith's son's eyes lit up and he blurted out excitedly.


The former Bull of Heaven was so powerful, even in size it was not inferior to that Gorgon in any way.

If you can really acquire this kind of combat power——! Combine the power of the King of Heroes...

People seemed to see a glimmer of light and hope in defeating Gorgon and resolving the singularity.

At this time, they still didn’t know that Ishtar had lost the Bull of Heaven.


In fact, at the very beginning of the epic, when meeting Ishtar, the goddess Venus lost something valuable... and there was a hint...

But how could people think of so much at that time?

Gilgamesh was still talking enthusiastically: "That thing is a scorched earth weapon that can instantly destroy the city when used.

In this battle, I will definitely use that in the end. "


Gilgamesh successfully convinced everyone, including Merlin,

Everyone couldn't help but start to look forward to the exciting scene when the bull from the sky came and turned the fighter plane around! !

"But forget it. Then I will teach you the specific method.

Listen up, Fujimaru Ritsuka. This guy Ishtar..."

Afterwards, Wang secretly taught Guda some tips on how to defeat the goddess. Everyone listened carefully, but found that this section was directly blocked. In the end, there was no sound in their ears.

You can clearly see the lips moving, and Wang's cheerful expression!

Everyone: "!? Gan!"

Hermitus, Harut and others who were reading the written version of the epic at this time did not know this.

Although after watching the plot, I understood what the secret was.

But I still want to hear Gilgamesh’s joyful voice when he teaches Guda...

This is the collection of ‘famous scenes’.


This also paved the way for them to suffer psychological trauma and critical attacks for the second time in the future.

After leaving the temple, Guda and others communicated with Anna and acted together again.

They carried a load of unknown goods and began to rush to Mount Abif.

That was considered the highest demonic realm in Sumer...

Or should I say, it was once a spiritual peak.

While walking, people heard Roman starting to learn more about the origin of this mountain.

This is a spiritual peak that even Sumer’s highest god, ‘An’, is afraid of.

An once said this to Inanna, also known as Ishtar, who is obsessed with Mount Abif:

“Mountain Abif is rich. As bountiful as it is, so is its depth.

My daughter, the maiden Inanna.

Resistance to Mount Abif is the work of foolish men. "

This advice only made Ishtar even angrier.

Ishtar took all the weapons he could carry and walked towards Mount Abif while a storm blew.

Legend has it that she ravaged from outside the mountain to inside the mountain,

While walking towards the center of Mount Abif.

Facing the spiritual peak that even the gods would fear,

Various wild beasts, volcanoes, rivers, and cold air that inhabit the mountains all attack Ishtar.

She complained whenever she was attacked.

"Snake venom mist, falling stone rain, scorching lava!

It’s unbelievable that I was treated like this! "

Anna commented on it as 'completely ignoring the fact that she set foot here to destroy this mountain. It can be said to be the oldest act of home invasion and robbery in mankind. ’

But I have to say——

Although Ishtar has a bad character, she does have some commendable qualities.

Mount Abif was defeated because no disaster struck them all at once,

It always takes a chance and imposes some small hardships, so that the other party will retreat wisely.

But Ishtar is a woman who shows more perseverance the more adversity she faces.

Afterwards, Roman said a few more poems about the goddess’s experience.

There is no need to care about the process, anyway, the result is that Ishtar finally won the victory and was stabbed from the top of the mountain with one shot.

It's even more because of the legend of conquering the Spiritual Peak and the legend of having the image of a 'goddess of war'.

"on foot?"

"With a gun?"

People were shocked to imagine such a scene. Ishtar, who had always been not very strong in their minds,

actually had such a legendary side?

It was incredible.

…In the Epic of Gilgamesh, her performance was always very poor.

She was stripped naked and thrown on the gate of the underworld, and was imprisoned by Humbaba. She was bullied at any time and had to go home to ask the gods for mercy——

And shouldn’t the goddess use a bow?

Why did she use a gun instead?

That guy can also use a gun? !

Even Roman said that for some reason, Ishtar did not use her bow (Sky Boat), the iconic treasure, to lay the foundation for the final blow to conquer the Spirit Peak.

When everyone later discovered that Elly, who now shared a body with Ishtar, was using a cage treasure that looked like a gun——

? !

You taste it, you taste it carefully.

At that time, everyone’s imagination was opened, and they couldn’t help but start to doubt...Would it be Elly who used the gun when they finally reached the Spirit Peak?

But at that time, the two of them should not have shared a body.

And during this period of time, this journey has been completed unknowingly.

At the top of Mount Ebifu,

Guda and others stopped,

People looked up and suddenly saw a...——

? ? ?

Uh, what is that!!

In front of the extremely visually stimulating picture, everyone couldn't help but open their eyes wide!

The golden steps, on top of which was a huge temple, and on both sides of the steps were two huge golden fortune cats, holding large gold coins with the words "wealth" and "blessing" on them.

People stared at this scene with their mouths wide open, and their minds went blank. Oh oh oh!

This temple, which is probably crazy about money, what kind of god can build it!

People who can tell the character of the owner of the temple from their taste...

At this time, Hermitos looked at the temple in the illustration, and couldn't help but silently turned to the next page, selectively ignoring the extremely uncomfortable illustration just now that made him feel complicated.

'All this is just appearance--

Strength is the foundation of the gods. Don't be fooled by those things. How can gods be as cheap as greedy merchants! ' Hermitos kept muttering in his heart, constantly hinting to himself.

Otherwise -

No matter who is familiar with that woman, they will sigh when they see this scene.

(Red A: 'This woman is finally crazy!')

Chapter 935 Different levels of life create kindness with a strong personal style!

"This... this is...?!"

This temple is so rustic that it can't be more rustic, like a nouveau riche -

The golden appearance seems to blind people's eyes.

"This is definitely the temple of Ishtar!

It strongly shows the style of [I conquered Mount Ebifu]!" Mashu said excitedly.

Everyone remembered the suspected greedy attribute shown by Ishtar before,

Ah -! Is it true?

People stared at this temple in a daze.

The image of gods in their minds has completely changed.

Gradually, some strange branches began to appear.

They were branches that were much stranger than the simple good gods and evil gods...!

The blacksmith's son felt his scalp tingling,

and the little princess couldn't bear to look at it: "..."

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