But - no matter what,

The purpose of coming here this time is to establish an alliance with the goddess. At least this is something people should remember well.

People see——

Just when Guda and others were allowed to enter the temple, the light beam from Tianzhou blasted out from the temple and appeared in front of Guda and others.

Bang~! !

Several beams of light blasted out several large craters, and the front of the temple immediately became pitted.


Everyone yelled in panic, and their bodies almost instinctively ducked away.

‘What, what? ! ’

This sudden attack made people's nerves tense, and the entire atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

Then they saw the goddess Ishtar slowly flying out of the temple,

"Thank you for being so shameless and upright, and for approaching us from the front with a tourist mentality, the last master of mankind."

Did Ishtar say that after being defeated by the Goddess of Warcraft, he is now targeting her again?

The dissatisfaction and the smell of gunpowder in the tone are almost permeable!

The goddess of Venus said she would no longer accommodate them.

“Shameless conduct in Babylon,

Flirting with Gilgamesh in Uruk, playing hide and seek in the city of Kusa...

I'm sorry, but it will damage my face to keep entangled with you like this.

Gods have their own rules, and the patience of a goddess is no more than three—"

The unexpected attack and strong hostility, but considering Ishtar's bad and changeable character, his behavior at this time seems to be reasonable.

Everyone was a little confused——

Didn't Ishtar still have a good chat when he left last time?

This goddess also helped Guda and others escape——? ! Except the hair suddenly changes color at the end, which is kind of weird!

Matthew: "The goddess Ishtar suddenly entered a fighting posture!

Master, what should I do...! ? "

Guda: "No matter what, you have to show your strength...!"

Anna also said that the goddess would not listen to the weak.

"This is too overbearing..." Hermitus,


"Ah, that's right. Gods are indeed domineering beings." Hermitos sighed.

Including him——!

The insurmountable gap in life levels results in unspeakable arrogance.

To a large extent, this is caused by the unequal horizons between the two parties——

Even if it is not intentional sometimes, the arbitrary actions of gods can easily harm those weak lives.

Just like there are good and evil people among humans, but even people who are kind and like small animals will not listen to the words of animals.

How could the elephant care about what the ant said——

How could God care about what humans think? Even if He shows good intentions, it is to a certain extent a kind act of God’s arbitrary actions.

Want to speak out, want God to hear human voices, or even change their minds——

It is absolutely impossible not to have the strength that is recognized by him.

at the same time--

A traveler from a distant place came to the bookstore in the capital city of Lindu because of its reputation.

I came into contact with Andersen’s epic poem for the first time.

But when he saw this, he said with some disappointment:

“It’s so bad—

Are there no gods in this world who are truly companions (friends) with humans and give humans the right to make free choices? "


No matter where they are, the gods are the same, they are overbearing and unreasonable!

Such a god...even if he helps mankind, he will also hinder the development of mankind.

The traveler recalled what he had seen and heard along the way, and fell into complex and confused emotions.

He loves adventure and traveling. He has traveled to various countries and seen the way the churches believe in God in various countries.

Whether he is domineering or gentle,

But one key point remains unchanged, which is the absolute sovereignty of gods.

No one can disobey the orders of the gods...

The person who rules the country is obviously the king, but there are two voices in one country.

Isn't this strange?

At that time, he began to think about what the existence of gods meant to human beings.

And having witnessed many crises and wonderful things during his journey, he no longer retained pure reverence for the gods like the young boy who was just starting out.

His knowledge determines that he has a deeper understanding of gods than ordinary people——

(Of course, that was before Lindo and Ceylonese had ever seen the epic.)

After the mysterious veil was lifted, it was actually just that.

All that's left is pure awe of power.

The fear is far greater than the respect.

"Can't the answer be found even in epics? Or - does that kind of god really only exist in fantasy?"

The traveler feels lost. Among the many countries I have experienced along the way, there is no truly perfect and happy land...

Unexpectedly, in the epic, the gods of the past were also like this——

If Yan knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him: "Yes, I have all the types you want."

There are so many epics, myths, and stories from the world, and there is always one that suits him.

The cultural invasion of another world is more than just talk;

And because ‘An Tusheng’ can write any type of epic, this also leads to the future,

Even if people have different preferences and almost start a war over a certain epic or a certain character,

But there is only one thing that everyone agrees on -

That's the title of Andersen's legendary troubadour,

Some people will even worship him as the God of Troubadours in the future!

——One day, due to a lot of faith, Homura was surprised to find that the strange power of God, the ‘God of Bards’, was born in his body.

That’s all a thing for another day——!

...Back to the immersive epic, at this time,

Anna: "Let's break her proud nose first.

Although her nose doesn't look very high, it should be difficult to break. "

Ishtar was also angered by these words: "Very good, the final limiter has been lifted!

Although I have been pretending to be a city god, but that’s it!

Goddess of War and Venus!

You should feel the power of Ishtar, who is reverently called the goddess among goddesses! "

Chapter 936: Just like a child who can’t look away from a delicious lollipop!


Ishtar took the lead in launching the attack, and Mashu and Anna immediately stepped forward to fight.

Although Ishtar is not as big as the Gorgon that people have seen before,

But the destructive power is equally astonishing.

When Ishtar's indiscriminate bombardment of the sky boat was like a map cannon, while constantly forcing everyone to dodge, it also blew up the door of their house into a mess.

In the end, people who couldn't dodge at all gradually adapted after experiencing the momentary fear of being washed away by gunfire...

They gave up struggling and stood there, just like when they faced Gorgon's desperate power, their bodies froze in place, and they began to be forced to tremble and act as spectators!

At this time, people watched Matthew, Anna and Ishtar keep going around in circles.

The explosions that came from time to time on the field still made people couldn't help but shake and tremble with the explosions.

They stared with wide eyes at the goddess Ishtar, who was playing more and more diligently, as if she was playing, and was very happy.

"Crazy! Crazy! This goddess is crazy!

By the way, this is obviously her temple!

Without listening to a word, he suddenly started a war and blew up the door of his house——! "The blacksmith's son muttered.

I have a new understanding of Ishtar’s willful and terrible character——!

His whole body trembled, he gritted his teeth and shook his head...

‘It’s a good thing we didn’t live in the Sumerian era.

Who knows what kind of torture and suffering the people of Sumer, especially the people of Uruk, went through every day.

There is such an inconspicuous urban god of Uruk——

I'm not lucky enough to run into this goddess when I go out one day.

If you accidentally say the wrong thing and make the other party unhappy, just shoot the Tianzhou beam at him! ...! ’

Looking at the large pits and rising smoke around me,

The blacksmith's son shrank his neck in fright, but couldn't help but think with a wry smile,

If you want to be qualified to talk to the goddess, you have to fight the goddess first.

Then his ten lives may not be enough!

But he forgot,

In this world where the gods still leave their footprints and legends on the earth, the probability of ordinary people encountering the gods is much more difficult than shipping in the FGO pool.

With that level of luck, even the gods would favor you a little.

More people are still like those who have passed by the human incarnation of Hermitus,

He passed by without realizing it, mistaking the gods for ordinary people.

When facing a god, no matter which god it is, the danger is quite high.

Their power is too terrifying. Even if they are gods who are kind to humans, not everyone can bear that kindness.

Just as the fighting became more intense,

Ishtar said aggressively and with high morale: "You are quite capable!

This is what a Master who drives his Servants has to do!

It has nothing to do with human principles or goddess duties.

Anyway, I'm excited! I'm going to level up! "

The people who had been watching for a long time felt their hearts skip a beat when they heard this, thinking of the Bull of Heaven.

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