To deal with the abyss demons, it is natural to use weapons transformed from the ‘Demon Pillar’.

So Homura turned the impact steel 'Gilgamesh' into the great sword of Artorius in the hand of 'Artreus' at this time.

Compared with those ordinary 'Undead Team's' flange swords that can only cut through flesh and blood, the 'Abyss' power of 'Artreus' sword is much, much stronger.

Just one sword cut the abyss demon directly from the skull to the tail.

Boom! !

The huge demon dust fell to the ground, and suddenly turned into a burst of dust particles and gradually disappeared into the air.

The fainted girl fell from the air and was caught by 'Artreus', with the princess holding her in his arms.

The Abyss Demon was defeated so easily, and the humans who saw this scene were deeply shocked.

"...Gu..." Starklin and the warrior commander swallowed at the same time.

They were already shocked when they saw that the Faran Undead Team could actually cause damage to the Abyss Demon.

Now 'Artreus' actually killed the 'goat-headed devil' with one move!

'What kind of sword is that? What kind of swordsmanship is that? ! ’

The air fell silent for a moment.

Chapter 101 It’s not easy, not easy!

Just like when they came, there was no trace.

Artelius gently placed the girl in his arms on the ground.


Without waiting, those human warriors rushed up to ask in excitement and admiration.

The figure of the Frank Undead Team suddenly disappeared in a gust of sand and wind.

After all, they are not really ‘immortal’.

They are just a group of alchemy dolls. If they really have too much contact with other people, except for 'Artreus', the remaining members of the 'Undead Team' will inevitably get involved.

It's better to leave beautiful and surprising thoughts to them and to Overlord.

As Homura's figure was once again hidden by 'magic'.

It seems that there has never been such an undead team in the world.

But those who survived clearly remembered the heroism of the undead team fighting the goat-headed demon in their hearts.

Fortunately, there was no danger——

The 'Noble Young Masters' were all sent back. They excitedly announced in the capital how they and others had met the real 'Undead Team' and how they had seen the Undead Team destroy the Abyss.

For a time, many civilians were shocked when they heard about this incident.

Although in King Arthur, there are also rumors that the black knight Lancelot appears on the battlefield.

But the story of Lancelot has not been told much.

And they can't have distinct 'immortal characteristics' like the undead.

No one can tell whether Lancelot is really that Lancelot.

The emergence of the Undead Team has instantly increased the popularity of the book "Dark Souls" to a new level, and even has a sales trend that is close to that of the four-volume biography of King Arthur.

The capital of Casas——

The overlord is angry again today! He did accept the surprise that Yan brought him, but he only felt surprised, not happy at all.

The ‘Flan Undead Team’ actually appeared! ! !

Isn’t that ‘story’ made up by the bard false? !

Who can tell him why the undead team that destroyed his Casas Empire in the story really escaped!

Thinking of the undead team in "Dark Souls" who built the Fortress of France and suppressed Casas's tomb underground, he would never see the light of day and would be swallowed by the abyss at any time if he was not careful.

The Overlord is now so scared that he wants to kill someone!

No, it’s the Unkillable Team!

That's not right, those undead people can't be killed at all. Just thinking that he actually has a group of unkillable 'enemies', even the golden King Behemoth with a powerful body, Warnier's face becomes very ugly at this moment.

Facing an unkillable enemy, the last resort is to use abyss magic to corrupt the opponent.

But can the Abyss really defeat these Abyss monitors? ! And I think of the final outcome of the overlord using abyss magic in 'Dark Souls'.

Warnier "...!!"

The royal capital. Yuye, the cat-eared girl, received another magical carrier pigeon from Overlord Warnir.

When she arrived, the carrier pigeon had already flown countless circles over the royal capital.

Because he had been staying in the 'library' before, he was finally allowed to go out by Homura.

The carrier pigeon couldn't find the coordinates of the 'library' at all, and could only search aimlessly for the scent of 'Yu Ye' in the royal capital.

When seeing 'Youye' finally appeared, the pigeon's face showed a look of humane salvation.

I almost thought I would fail the mission and be stewed by that terrible overlord. poor pigeon!

"Cuckoo...Cuckoo..." The pigeon flew to Yuye and called out happily.

After delivering the magic message, he immediately flew away from the royal capital without looking back.

Damn it, it flew around the Royal Capital for at least dozens of times this morning. It was almost nauseated by the sight of the Royal Capital, and was almost shot down by a kid with a slingshot in the middle of the journey.

It doesn't want to come to this miserable place anymore.

On the other side, Yuye, the beast-eared girl, has not completed the old task and has received a new one.

"Detect...the message of the Farlan Undead Team!?"

There was a desperate expression on Yuzuye's pretty face.

The Overlord thinks too highly of her! this--

Another nearly impossible task!

She is so difficult!

Suddenly, another pigeon flew over.

Just when Yu Ye's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the Overlord still had 'orders'.

"Come back soon..." The magical voice transmitted by the pigeon was Yan's voice.

The beast-eared girl had a magical mark of Yan's mark on her body, so he was not afraid that this guy would escape.

Before, Yan asked her to buy some "manuscript paper" to bring back when she said she was going out for a while, but she didn't come back for a long time.

At this time, Yan had a lot of "manuscripts" waiting for him to finish.

About the Knights of the Round Table, the next part of Dark Souls, and even a collection of fairy tales, and many new books he wanted to publish.

Just waiting for the other party to buy things and start working.

When the beast-eared girl hurried back to the library and hurriedly handed Yan what he needed.

"That... are you buying so much manuscript paper to write something?" Yuye looked at the scene in front of her and asked gently subconsciously.

"Ah... Arthur's sixth, seventh, and eighth volumes, the second and third parts of Dark Souls. These manuscripts should be enough to finish writing them all." Yan answered casually while thinking.

"Arthur?! Dark Soul!" Yuye's furry animal ears stood up suddenly, and then she finally reacted.

", you are Andersen?!"

The bard Andersen who made the Overlord want to eat him as soon as possible, find him, and tear him into pieces? !

Oh my God! He is Andersen.

I have been with Andersen all the time.

"!?" Yan looked at the animal-eared girl with a look of being played.

What is this self-made up?

Even if you know that he is Andersen, you don't have to be so surprised.

At this time, the animal-eared girl Yuye is struggling with her heart, extremely complicated and entangled.

Should she pass on the news that she has discovered the true identity of 'Andersen' to the Overlord.

The 'knight' who saved her from slave traders and gangsters turned out to be Andersen.


It was this person.

Although the Overlord's order did not include searching for information about 'Andersen'.

But if the Overlord knew that she had been with Andersen and had not told him this ‘message’.

Yuye’s pretty face turned pale.

It was obvious what would happen to her and her mother.


No, at least she couldn’t implicate her mother, and she didn’t want to betray the man in front of her.

For the young man who appeared like a god and a knight that day and saved her.

Yuye’s complex and admiring feelings were very difficult to describe.

Just leave here.

Just run away secretly and pretend that you didn’t hear anything…

Hmm! Yuye thought with determination.

At this time, she forgot that she had been marked with the ‘magic mark’ by Yan.

How to run, because the Overlord’s mission was to stay in the capital, if she could really escape Yan’s perception, it would not be so easy for humans to discover her identity as a ‘cat-eared girl’.

Chapter 102 The era of the ‘dining table’ is finally coming!

“Is Lord Lancelot not back yet? I know…” Hearing the report from his soldiers, Rhine’s pretty face flashed a trace of loss.

It has been many days since I heard from that adult.


She missed him more and more.

She wanted to become his apprentice and learn such amazing fighting skills.

If she could become a warrior like Lord Lancelot, even if she could only learn one tenth of his skills, her father would recognize her.

‘I look forward to your potential. ’

It was these words that touched Rhine, and her heart, which was about to give up and exhausted, was rejuvenated again.

Thinking of the scene that day, Rhine's face blushed slightly, ‘What a gentle adult! ’

I wonder when the description of that ‘adult’ in King Arthur will begin!

Rhine, who was far away in the Second Fortress, didn't know that the fifth volume of King Arthur had been released at noon today.

At the same time, Her Highness the Saint, who had also arrived at the Second Fortress, was also in a daze as she recalled the figures of the ‘Undead Team’ she saw that day.

‘The Curse of the Undead’ and ‘The Abyss Watcher’, these actually exist.

She has asked someone to send all the news about the Dark Soul and what happened here back to the Holy Court of the Church. I just wonder what His Holiness the Pope would think if he saw it! ?

A daughter of a heroic king who is looking forward to King Arthur's sequel, and a saint of the Holy Court who is gradually obsessed with the Dark Soul.

Two people of extremely noble status, both of whom are moved by two small books.

At this moment, there are many voices coming from all over the capital——

"Is the fifth volume out!?"

"Buy, buy, buy! Fuck, I can finally see the later plot!"

"Hahaha, I got it! Can I see the story of the heir of Baring today!?"

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