"Brother, if you go to the bookstore, bring a copy for me."

...the palace.

"Your Highness, you want the fifth volume of "Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table"."

"Great." The little princess dismissed all the servants around her, picked up the new book, and happily found a place to lie down and read.

The cover of the fifth volume shows a cute girl wearing a heavy iron helmet and holding a spear and shield.

"Girl?!" Princess Chenxi finally showed a surprised expression.

This outfit——

Is she a girl? ! Can girls also become famous ‘heroes’?

Obviously in this volume, the characters on the cover will account for a lot of the plot.

The little princess suddenly discovered this cover again. The knight girl was not the only one. There was actually a dark knight hidden in the dark cover behind her.

The color of the knight's armor seemed to blend into the shadows so completely that she almost didn't notice it. It was those red, cold eyes that made the little princess notice his presence.

‘Is this Lancelot? ! ’

After watching it carefully, she noticed the familiar armor, and the little princess became even more looking forward to this volume.

Open a new chapter.

This is an epic that takes the death of ‘Baling’ as a new starting point.

The demon Meili buried the two brothers Baling and Balan together.

She came from early in the morning and wrote the following golden words on Baling's tombstone: "Baling of the wilderness, the knight with two swords known to the world, once delivered a tragic blow, and now rests here."

At the same time, she ordered someone to make a bed next to the cemetery.

It is claimed that no one except crazy people will be allowed to sleep on it.

Later, a knight named Lancelot passed by, but as a nobleman, he destroyed the bed with disdain.

The demon Merry found Baling's sword and put it in a new scabbard.

He ordered a knight to try to pull out the sword. The knight tried hard but could not pull it out.

Mellie laughed as clear as a silver bell.

The knight blushed instantly, "Why are you laughing?"

Mellie: "The reason why I am like this is because of this sword. Except for the best knights in the world, such as the knight Lancelot, or her child Galahad, no one else is worthy of holding it. But Lancelot will use this sword to kill her dearest person - Gareth."

As she spoke, Mellie sighed, and the smile on her lips disappeared.

How ruthless 'destiny' is, it wants to trample on the honor and bonds of those knights again and again.

Mellie's voice stunned the knight who listened to these words.

Like thunder and thunder, like landslides and tsunamis.

Also stunned at this moment were the little princesses who were chasing books.

Such arrogant words actually came from the mouth of the wise Melly.

Does she think only those two people in the world can pull out 'this sword'?

‘Lancelot’ and ‘Galahad’.

…These two names are deeply imprinted in everyone’s minds.


"——'She'!?" The little princess suddenly widened her eyes and looked at a certain fragment described in the book.

What Melly said.

——A first-rate figure like the knight Lancelot, or...'her'...child Galahad.

Hey hey hey? ! Among them this ‘she’.

Did Mr. Andersen write it wrong? Did he use the wrong gender description?

No matter how you look at it, this is a way of describing girls!

(Lancelot in the old sword should still be a man. The image used here, well... If you can't imagine it, you can go and see the girl Lancelot in Godslayer. That is Lancelot in Kai The archetypal Amazon Queen in Erte mythology).

Mellie wrote all her predictions about this 'sword', including Lancelot's words that he would kill Gareth, on the hilt.

Then he inserted the sword into a marble slab. The stone mill went down the river and was accidentally picked up by the knight Lancelot who was traveling with King Arthur.

But the scabbard that matched the unbroken lake light was left on the island by Mellie.

Mellie ordered people to build a steel bridge directly to the island. The bridge was only half a foot wide.

The bridge was built and endowed with magical powers.

Only a gentleman and a noble knight, and a person who has never done any evil, cheating or adultery in his life, can cross this bridge.

The future owner of the scabbard will naturally come and take away the scabbard.

With the death of Baling, the strongest knight who followed Arthur, it also symbolized the loneliness of the old era.

An era of ‘round table’ has arrived!

"Round Table——!? Knights of the Round Table!" The readers who saw this were all excited.

Finally appeared!

Many people remember that the full name of this book is "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table". Some people have even guessed that 'Lancelot', 'Galahad' and 'Gareth' have already appeared. The 'Knight Name' is one of the Knights of the Round Table.

Well...the key point is that they guessed it right.

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that the relationship between these knights is a bit messy.

Chapter 103: Not the seventh seat yet, Gareth has just become a knight!

The two brothers Baling and Balaam were gone.

But King Berlinor still joined Arthur's knights.

Because of what Arthur had spared him last time, King Berlino, who later came to his senses, felt ashamed that he had ever had the idea of ​​'killing' Arthur.

He helped Arthur defeat the armies of King Luth and the other twelve kings, and Arthur favored him because of this, which would be clearly shown when the round table was divided later.

So far, most of the first generation of round tables have arrived.

The following is about the ministers' concern about the king's marriage.

Because Arthur still has no queen, after discussion, everyone chose Guinevere, the daughter of King Liao Dekuan, as the king's wife.

Seeing this;

"Wife?! Brother Arthur is getting married? Oh! God!" The little princess was about to cry.

"Arthur is going to marry that woman named Guinevere as queen?! I don't agree with this marriage!" Claire was also jealous.

Countless young girls who love Arthur were like a bolt from the blue at this moment, and they were suddenly confused.

No, it shouldn't be like this!

They were obviously happy and happy to think that they could see the new volume of King Arthur.

Why did they get a bolt from the blue at the beginning!

Although they knew that Arthur was the king and would definitely marry and have children in the future.

But the prince charming in their mind suddenly had a wife, who could stand it!!!

And who was this Guinevere?

I had never heard of her before, wow! Where did this wild woman come from, competing with them for His Highness Arthur!

On this day, many girls cried heartbrokenly in the capital.

But the story would not end just because the girls' "Prince Charming Dream" was broken.

King Liao Dekuan agreed to the marriage, and he gave his daughter, a round table, and a hundred knights to Arthur.

After Arthur and Guinevere decided to get married.

Mellie specially invited the bishop to baptize the round table, and according to the king's order, she arranged seats for the knights.

Prepare to reward the knights who have made contributions during this period together on the wedding day.

This became the first canonization of the "Round Table Knights".

After the twenty-eight people sat down, two seats were vacant.

A girl came up and asked Arthur to make her a knight. She was Arthur's niece, Morgan's child - Gareth.

Because of his close relationship with Morgan, Arthur agreed to her request.

At the same time, he also promised that on the day of the wedding, no matter who asked him, he would try his best to fulfill that person's wish.

This matter was widely circulated among the people, but people did not dare to ask the great king for a wish.

Until finally a poor man came, he begged Arthur to let the king also grant his son a knight's title.

Because his son was completely different from the other twelve sons.

When there was work at home, this son never helped, but only liked to wield swords and spears and watch others fight.

Day and night, he thought about asking his father to find a way to help him become a knight.

He really had no choice, so he dared to seek the king's help.

Arthur agreed to the other party's request, but other knights despised the poor man's son, Tol, for being too low-born.

As a result, the demon spirit Merry stood up again. After saying a lot, the general meaning is:

The biological father of this child is not the poor man, but King Berlino.

Then Merry told the poor man:

Before your wife married you, she went out to milk the cows when she was still a girl, and she met King Berlino and was half-forced to lose her virginity to him.

Arthur summoned the other party's wife and asked her, and it was indeed the case.

King Berlino also gave the girl a greyhound as a token of love.

However, because the girl was pregnant with "Taoer" before she married the poor man.

Under the persuasion of everyone, the poor man could only admit (endure), claiming that his anger would gradually disappear and he would not vent his anger on the mother and son.

King Berlino was very happy when he knew this, and happily recognized his son.

His son also became one of the round table, and he was recognized by the knights as the "dangerous seat" - one of the two vacant seats.

Because Merry predicted that only truly incomparable and powerful knights could sit on that seat, and it would be easy for others to provoke "dangerous killing disasters" if they sat on it.

The knights naturally recognized the strength of King Berlino.

King Berlino also arrogantly believed that he was the strongest——

Very good, this position is his due.

... Gareth below silently saw everything.

Her father, King Lute, was killed by King Berlino, and even when the titles of the Knights of the Round Table were divided, she was not as good as a wild-born ‘Taur’.

But all this was the order of her beloved king, and Gareth could only accept this result silently.

This page was accompanied by an illustration of the Knights of the Round Table being conferred.

After seeing the knights being conferred in the illustration, everyone's face was filled with joy.

Even King Berlino's adopted son became one of the knights with the highest title.

Claire and the others looked at the girl who stood silently in a row at the end of the round table, trying to smile on her face to match everyone's happy mood.

Claire bit her sleeve and almost cried.

"This is too hurtful! All men are pigs. Gareth is Morgan's daughter. She is also a new member. That Toll has such a high title, but Arthur didn't give her a higher title."

"She will be bullied if she is so innocent!"

When Claire thought that Arthur is married now, she became even more angry!

Although Gareth will be the seventh seat at the round table in the future.

But the seventh seat of the first generation is not yet the turn of the girl who has just become a knight.

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