The reason why Tol's seat was in the front row of the round table was because his father was the 'King of Berlino'.

Such obvious favoritism made the girls who were just devastated by Arthur's marriage feel even more upset.

"Brother Arthur, you fool..." The little princess couldn't help but speak angrily.

Especially the illustration of Gareth's forced smile, that innocent look, it is easy to arouse the girls' desire to protect.

However, because the girl, facing the murderer of her father, chose to temporarily put aside her prejudice because of her respect and loyalty to Arthur.

Such a scene also attracted many people instantly.

And the illustration, the same armor as the cover, and the girl's pretty face.

It also made people look forward to the story of this girl named 'Gareth' in the future.

Next in the story, Arthur and Guinevere held a grand wedding ceremony in Camelot.

Just as the round table had just sat down at the round table.

A white deer, a white hound, and a knight on horseback suddenly broke into the hall.

After a rampage, the white deer and the white hound ran away, and the knight also fled with a lady on his back.

This experience completely ruined the king's grand ceremony.

The knights were furious, but Merry stood up at this time.

"Please call Gareth, Toul and King Berlino. They will chase the destroyers of these ceremonies back for you, my king."

Following Merry's advice, Arthur sent Gareth to chase the white deer, Toul to chase the white hound, and King Berlino to chase the knight who robbed the lady.

However, no one knew...

It was this "adventure" that made the girl named Gareth become the humble and gentle knight in the future.

It also made her swear that "if someone asks for forgiveness from you, you can never refuse it."

Chapter 104 The smiles on their faces gradually disappeared!

Gareth was ordered to hunt the white deer.

The other two were responsible for the hounds and knights.

Along the way, Gareth successfully persuaded a pair of brother knights who were killing each other to put aside their prejudices.

When crossing the river, she was stopped by a knight and asked to compete.

Unwilling to fight with the other party, she jumped into the river and wanted to swim to the other side, but was forced to defeat the other party with a shot.

The two greyhounds raised by Gareth caught up with the white deer one step ahead and bit it to death at the door.

Later, it was told how the owner of the white deer fought with the greyhounds and killed Gareth's greyhounds.

Gareth, who finally arrived, showed a sad expression after seeing the greyhounds die.

"Mr. Knight. The hounds chased the deer. This is the nature of the animals. You can take your anger out on me. Why deal with animals that can't speak?" The simple and kind Gareth also felt angry for the first time.

Such words also aroused the favor of many readers.

"Woo woo woo, little angel Gareth. The greyhounds didn't die in vain. They still have a master who will feel sad for them."

"Gareth is right, but it's understandable that the master of the white deer would do this after the white deer died."

Some warriors thought of the mounts and pets that accompanied them in battle.

The trials and tests they experienced together, the deep bonds cultivated in constant battles, are actually like their own "brothers".

The owner of the white deer was angry because of the death of the white deer.

Gareth was sad because of the death of the greyhound.

People all felt understanding...

It seemed that no one was "wrong", but the positions of the two had already determined that there would definitely be a fight between them.

This way of describing "helplessness" is the first time among all the "heroes".


The owner of the white deer then did something that made Claire and the others extremely angry.

The knight listened to Gareth's words and laughed at Gareth instead.

After a series of words and actions, the meaning is probably: ‘You are right, but I want to kill your dog. Now I will not only kill the dog, but I will also chop you, the dog’s owner, to death! ’

This arrogant behavior made the readers’ faces turn black in an instant.

Take back the preface, they don’t understand this knight at all.

The owner of this white deer is not worthy of ‘understanding’ or ‘sympathy’ at all.

No wonder the white deer dared to run to King Arthur’s ceremony so arrogantly, and it turned out that it was the cub ‘brought out’ by this owner.

There is really a pet like the owner.

People continue to read the rest -

Gareth jumped off his horse in anger, raised his shield and rushed up to fight with the knight.

The girl’s terrifying strength actually broke the opponent’s helmet with one shot, just when Gareth wanted to kill him.

The opponent knelt down and begged for mercy, but Gareth, who was furious, insisted on stabbing that shot.

"Stab this guy to death!"

"This is the first time I've seen such a shameless warrior. Little Angel Gareth, don't hesitate! Stab him!"

The scene of the White Deer Master's humiliation before seemed to be still vivid in their minds. Seeing this... the bloody and hot-tempered warriors almost yelled at the top of their lungs and stabbed Gareth.

Unexpectedly, the other party's wife rushed out at the critical moment and blocked the man.

Blood splattered on the spear.

After the stab, Gareth could no longer retract it.

In the end, he accidentally killed an unarmed woman.

"Ah!" Gareth in the article and Princess Dawn outside the world exclaimed at the same time, completely not expecting this to unfold.

‘Why did you kill a woman! ? ’

Many people's hearts trembled when they saw this, as if they fell to the ground, as heavy as a stone.

The voices of the warriors who had originally enthusiastically supported Gareth in executing the knight suddenly got stuck in their throats.

‘What’s going on! ’

‘There was an accident! ? ’

Make sure again and again that their eyes are not mistaken. Suddenly, another woman rushed out and blocked the gun for the 'annoying' knight. The readers were dumbfounded.

——‘Gareth accidentally killed an innocent woman’.

Homura did not choose to delete this clip.

Maybe this will become a stain on Gareth's life.

But it was this experience that allowed her to grow, if it weren't for Gareth who killed the woman by mistake and would always feel guilty.

Maybe she is no longer the noble knight who maintains 'compassion' and 'understanding' towards everyone.

"Wow!!?" Claire's eyes widened.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

This plot is really too——

After Gareth accidentally killed someone, killing a weak and vulnerable woman for the first time...

She panicked and turned pale.

She was determined to be the best knight, but she actually committed such a disgusting crime.

Gareth was completely panicked. She was so nervous that tears appeared in her eyes, "You... get up quickly, knight... I am willing to pardon your crimes. I accept your surrender and will not kill you again."

However, at this time, the owner of the white deer cried out in grief: 'You killed my lover, why not kill me too; you are a knight with bad conduct, and you would actually take action against an unarmed woman. Even if you forgive me now, what's the use? She is dead and I don't want to live alone. ’


Having said that, the owner of White Deer ran away smoothly in the end.

Gareth's guilt prevented her from taking action against the opponent.

She asked the other party to go back to find her king and tell her what she had seen along the way, as well as her final crime, but she herself was willing to stay here and be punished.

Seeing the people here, they all sighed inwardly and couldn't help but feel unhappy.

He wants to speak but stops talking, stops talking but wants to stop talking! grass! Why is this plot so heart-wrenching to watch?

Moreover, they had no idea what to say. Even though they were about to cry when they looked at the illustrations in the book, 'Gareth the Angel', who still forced himself to firmly admit his fault, felt his heart soften.

But he had no idea how to defend Gareth.

After all, she really killed a woman by mistake.

Later, as the story came to an end, the scene turned to the side of Tao Er and King Bolino again.

After watching Tao'er's thrilling adventure, they successfully killed the hound and returned to Camelot with the loot.

They watched King Berlino also kill the knight who had snatched the noble lady, but because they were so focused on chasing the knight, they saw a knight and a girl in trouble on the roadside but did not take care of them, and missed the opportunity to save them. Chance.

He could only take the girl's head, which made him cry suddenly in pain and was inexplicably familiar for some reason, back to the dynasty to bury her.

The girl's body had been eaten by wild beasts and could not be found.

But what made King Berlino collapse the most was that after the demon Mei Li saw the head, she told him that this was the daughter you gave birth to after having a cannon shot when you were traveling in the early years!

People looked at the increasingly exciting and reversal stories, as well as the tragic human tragedies.

Not only has the blockage in my heart not been cleared, but it has become even more urgent.

This is the 'miserable' collection after Homura started to completely let himself go.

At this moment, they have not yet realized how many stories that they will write that will make them want to die!

Chapter 105 The flower magician who fell in love? People: I disagree! !

After Gareth was ransomed by King Arthur, he was publicly tried by the knights.

In the end, she willingly swore an oath to the Four Gospels and would never be an enemy of women from now on.

But there is only one exception -

That is, when the weapon in her hand is to protect a woman, it can also fight against the knight who is protecting another woman.

At the same time, she will not be able to refuse anyone who asks her for forgiveness in the future.

On the other side, King Berlino was also suffering from regret for failing to save his daughter.

When he was a 'monster knight', running around looking for monsters... maybe even he himself didn't know how many beautiful farms he passed and how many beautiful cow girls he saw.

I don’t know how many sons and daughters I accidentally had because of those wonderful encounters.

But why did it happen that it was his daughter and her little lover who died.

When people saw this, they despised King Berlino.

...There are also many men who feel a little envious of his 'femininity'. How many wives does this guy have among the people?

Mellie finally told King Berlino: "Because you never stopped to rescue them. So in the most difficult time in the future, your best friend will also make trouble for you. This is the punishment given to you by the gods in heaven. Even if you Even the most trustworthy people will do nothing about it.”

Arthur then admonished all the knights not to make the same mistakes as them again.

And those few words of admonition also hit the hearts of the warriors directly.

This made many warriors hurriedly memorize, and those with poor memory directly took out their notebooks.

"Hurry up! The knight's code can be improved again!"

"I will read it, you write it down quickly." The two warriors who were gathered together urged each other at this time.

1. Never be tyrannical or murderous, stay away from rebellion;

2. Absolutely do not be cruel;

3. Anyone who begs for mercy from you, you must forgive him as much as possible.

Only knights who can do these three points can be respected by everyone in Camelot!

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