"Wait, wait! That can't be——! Yeah!!"

Chapter 111: Flame: The protagonist has limits, unless he is darkened!

"Ahem..." The young girl coughed several times with a red face.

"What's wrong, are you going to die?" Deep in the dilapidated church, a cough was heard, and the blond-haired and red-eyed vampire loli looked curiously at the other pink-haired loli lying on the ground.

The pink-haired loli didn't reply to her words, she just murmured and passed out with an unhealthy blush on her face.

"Human beings...are really fragile lives!" Tina said to herself expressionlessly.

As a child of a human and a vampire, he awakened to his vampire bloodline at the age of 10 and fled all the way to this ruined church.

Although they defeated the group of clergy during the battle, they were sealed in the church and unable to leave.

Since then, no human has been here for a long time.

Tina knew that the church must have blocked this area.

However, today she was surprised to find someone stepping into her 'territory'.

It was the pink-haired little loli who fainted in front of her, wearing a gorgeous little dress.

The white, tender and rosy skin made Tina's eyes become even brighter.

‘I’m hungry——’ Such thoughts flashed through Tina’s mind.

Although vampires are immortal creatures, they will lose strength if they don't eat.

After awakening her vampire bloodline, she never even drank blood. She was hunted down and killed, and was finally sealed here.

Now looking at the unconscious Loli, a trace of hesitation flashed in Tina's eyes.

Although the air smelled as delicious as chocolate cake, she had never sucked human blood.

With memories of life as a human being, whether or not to suck blood is still a challenge for Tina.

"I have a high fever..." When Tina approached the pink-haired Lolita, she touched her forehead with her little hand and said.


Since the fever is so severe, why not let her suck blood from her mouth to cool him down? ! ’

Smelling the chocolate cake, Tina was a little eager and couldn't help but look at the smooth neck.

"Stop...there is no more pursuit ahead." A cross warrior from the church stopped the other warriors.

"In front of us are monsters that are 'sealed and designated' in the church's records. The target has no chance of survival, so we can retreat."

"Seal designation!?" Everyone else was suddenly startled.

That is an epic monster equivalent to the level of Demon Lord, True Ancestor of Vampire, and Giant Dragon.

That little loli actually ran into an area with such a terrifying 'monster'.

Thinking of the image of that 'terrifying' monster, the Crusaders nodded quickly. They didn't want to go up and deliver food to that kind of 'monster'.

"Yes, yes, let's go back quickly! The Pope is about to launch a Crusade to the south!" Others nodded hurriedly.


The 'ferocious and ugly' monsters that these church combatants fantasized about in their hearts were now lying on a little loli with a blushing face, gently opening the little girl with two fangs. Mouth.

"I'm starting, Ah~!"

"Ugh! Ah!" The pink-haired Loli who was bitten in a daze trembled all over and let out a sound as comfortable as a kitten.

Then Loli's tone increased and she let out a crisp scream like an oriole.

The pink-haired loli's whole body was blushing like a cooked crystal shrimp dumpling.

boom! The terrifying and wonderful taste buds exploded in her mouth, and for a moment Tina felt like she was in heaven.

Well, although vampires going to heaven sounds a bit ominous.

But Tina now feels warm all over her body, and the 'purity' that makes her tremble comes from her fragrant blood.

If blood is divided into grades, there is no doubt that this is the highest-grade ration for vampires.

The strength was restored in an instant, and even the powerful 'seal' on his body was showing a faint tendency to be unlocked.

'I still want... I want more...'

Although desire drove Tina to suck this loli into a woman quickly, Tina resisted the desire and stood up.

If a human being like 'Mom' is treated completely as 'food', she will really become a 'monster';

She didn't want to be like that.

Well, the fever is gone...great!

Tina, who was still a little guilty about sucking the other person's blood, showed a relaxed smile after feeling Loli's breathing gradually stabilized and her body temperature returned to normal.

Then she fell into a daze out of boredom.

‘It’s so boring—it would be great if there were biographies of heroes. ’ She remembered that before she was sealed, her favorite stories were the ‘Demon King and the Brave’ series.


Now he has become a 'vampire'.

Tina shook her head violently. Vampires are the powerful subordinates of the 'Devil King' in those stories, so... then it's better not to read hero biographies.

It would be nice if there were heroic biographies with ‘vampires’ as protagonists.

Tina thought a little whimsically.

At this time in the library, Homura was content to let go of the beast-eared girl who was huddled in the corner with her knees in her arms, her face flushed, and she kept muttering words such as 'I can't get married'.

At this time, he is considering the possibility of releasing the next Dark Souls.

And with Dark Souls and King Arthur both selling well in the kingdom.

The 'work' he chooses next can also be more casual.

Those ‘miserable’, ‘bleak’, ‘tragic’! No matter how interesting the story is, it can almost be staged!

"After the sixth volume of King Arthur and the extra chapter of Lancelot are over, the second volume of Dark Souls and short stories can be released next."

Flame became a little troubled.

There are so many stories to choose from.

And there are many plots in Dark Souls that can be taken out and written into a separate story.

The Deep Saint - Eldridge who devours gods.

The King of the City of Sin - Giant Yum.

Or maybe... Homura suddenly remembered a new piece of news that 'Hidi' had mentioned to him in the morning.

The Theocracy in the north is preparing to launch a crusade to the south, hoping that the empire will cooperate with them.

It is expected that the war with Casas will be over soon with the help of the powerful Theocracy.

Theocracy, the Pope, the Holy Court - the Pope.

An extremely ambitious and capable figure flashed through Homura's mind.


A happy smile appeared on Homura's face.

Since I’m going to write about Sullivan, let’s take a look at the ‘Dark’ series package.


In short story terms...demon lord, vampire, lich king, demon.

Flame suddenly thought, why not just write a "blackened protagonist" this time?

A story with a 'vampire' as the protagonist suddenly popped into Homura's mind.

The Grand Duke of Dragons - the true ancestor with the original name of 'Dracula'.

Chapter 112 The violet-colored Lucius, the Sword Emperor’s Lucius!

At the Second Fortress, a group of soldiers wearing uniform silver armor suddenly arrived today.

Although their clothing styles are still relatively 'bloated', their uniform colors and high-quality steel helmets still make their appearance much higher than that of the nearby soldiers and mercenaries.

The arrival of such a team is particularly eye-catching in the city of Ain.

"Those people...who are they?!"

"I heard he is a cross warrior from the Theocracy." Several mercenaries whispered to the side.

"This is their vanguard, and more troops will come to support our battle." A noncommissioned officer who knew some inside information said.

"The Theocracy!?"

After the surrounding soldiers and mercenaries heard this, their faces showed a slight look of awe, and they even became a little nervous looking at these 'Cross Warriors'.

It was the recognized overlord in the north, ruling over a dozen countries around it, and a religious country that truly possessed a ‘god’.

Facing such a powerful team of warriors, the voices of the people around them subconsciously became much softer.

At this time, the team had arrived at the saint's resting place.

"Your Highness the Saint, we have brought you what you want." The Crusader Captain of the vanguard asked his men to bring up a package.

The saint thanked her happily and took it.

When he opened it, he saw that there were indeed several books inside, which made the smile on the saint's face become even brighter.

That beautiful smile made the soldiers below look in a daze.

On the other side, Rhine also received books from Claire.

Similarly, when she saw those books, the girl couldn't help but smile.


‘King Arthur Volume 5’, ‘King Arthur Volume 6’, eh! ? There’s also a side story!


It is the personal biography of Lord ‘Lancelot’!

When Rhine saw the titles of the three books in front of him, he was stunned at first, and then showed an expression of ecstasy.

I thought I just missed the release of the fifth volume.

As a result, the sixth volume was released without even realizing it? !

Then, His Royal Highness Rhine and His Highness the Saint, under the somewhat blank gazes of the soldiers who came to deliver things, politely asked them to be delivered.

Go back to your room.

Just when they locked themselves up and started reading. However, the Royal Capital is very active because of the release of the "Sixth Volume" of King Arthur in just a few days after the "Fifth Volume".

At this moment, the hero’s palace——

The nationally renowned Hero King was looking at the two familiar 'warrior' figures on the cover in front of him, and his indifferent expression could not help but show some fluctuations.

‘As rumored, the guy on the cover does look a lot like me——’.

'But that look. ’

The Hero King suddenly frowned.

The fierce, wolf-like gaze in the picture was so different from his own temperament.

It should just be a 'misunderstanding'! ‘The prototype of this Roman Sword Emperor is not myself. ’

Shaking his head to dispel those rumors from his mind, the King of Heroes opened the sixth volume of King Arthur.

‘For this reason, I asked you to wake up. Do you already understand the situation? ’

‘…Of course, I understand. Although I don’t know what the world has become now. ’

In the pure white, endless white world.

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