An ethereal, crisp voice rang in the ears of the violet silver knight.

That was the voice of the flower magician who had guided the knights and the king and made Britain prosperous.

"!? Ah! Ah! Merry! It's Merry!!" After flipping through the opening chapter, I saw that the unexpected 'character' would appear again.

After a moment of silence, Claire smiled happily like a child.

And those warriors who were originally full of expectations and curiosity about the sixth volume were also ecstatic.

Originally, it was only because someone rumored that the prototype of the 'Roman Sword Emperor' in the sixth volume was the 'Hero King' that they opened a new chapter with a strong desire to explore.

Now I see that the mentor Merry, who made countless readers feel sad and sigh in the previous volume, is back again!

Is there a plot about 'Merry' later! ? People looked at the back of the story excitedly.

"I don't know anything... but I know what I should do——" The knight replied firmly to the 'ethereal' voice.

"Body, soul, spirit... the elements of the trinity. Everything has rusted, you wandering knight." 'Merry's voice was gentle and regretful.

"Fulfill the sinner's promise. This is truly the last chance."

"But at least confirm it first? No matter what the outcome of the battle is, you will die. Exhaust your soul, get out of the orbit of reincarnation, and your existence will surely fall into nothingness."

"Even so - do you still want to move forward to the end of this journey?" 'She' asked.

When people saw this, their hearts sank suddenly, and they subconsciously showed a nervous expression.

'Exhaust your soul and fall into nothingness? '

The knight in the book just propped up his shattered knees and raised his slender left arm like a branch with all his strength, and his eyes were already showing an extremely determined look.

Just when the knight was about to reply to 'Merry'.

The voice stopped abruptly...

The following words appeared at the bottom of the page.

'On the edge of Avalon, there is a human-shaped rock. Although alive, he cannot move. His body is broken and his soul is a burnt dregs. He is really a walking corpse. However, surprisingly, his spirit has not been exhausted. The rock, relying on amazing obsession, cannot allow itself to die. In order to get atonement, the knight changed his name to King Arthur's former rival, Lucius, and embarked on the road to return the holy sword. That was 1500 years of persistence and perseverance. ’

An illustration appeared in the text, which was two drawings with upper and lower mirrors.

One was a human-shaped stone statue in front of Avalon, and the other was a violet silver knight with a silver arm on his right arm.

The real text came later.

When seeing this, Claire and others' hearts seemed to fall from a high altitude, and then fiercely thrown into the sky, and suddenly exploded.


Huh? That was not the main text! ?

People who were just nervous about the conversation between Meli and 'Lucius', and even felt shocked that a grand world was about to unfold before their eyes, saw this sudden turn...

At this moment, they suddenly felt like strangling Andersen.

"Wait! What's going on! What is that human-shaped rock? What does the burnt slag mean? 1500 years of obsession?! Is it similar to the state of 'ashes'? Hey, write more! Talk more about that plot!"

Furious! Furious!

After reading the previous words, who still cares about the main text! Explain those 'foreshadowings' to them first!

What did 'Meli' and the knight with the alias 'Lucius' say next?

What are they going to do! ?


'Is this the new Knight of the Round Table? She is a girl like Gareth! Ah, she looks so cute and gentle. 'In the capital, Princess Chenxi looked at this silver-armed knight 'sister' and had a very good impression of her.

Similarly, many people who saw the illustrations thought she was a ‘girl’.

Well, Bedivere looks very neutral.

Plus, the pictures drawn by Yan this time are more beautiful.

After Gareth, people finally saw the second ‘girl knight’!

About the bounty

Don’t ask me if I will open a bounty! Cover your face!

Would I say that I am stupid enough to open a bounty in the ‘acknowledgment’ of the launch?

It seems that many people skipped the acceptance of the launch and didn’t read it.

I will open a new bounty building:

First of all, the minimum update of this book is two updates, and it has always been two updates. When inspiration comes, sometimes I will write a few more chapters.

I will also write a few more chapters when I am in a good mood.

If there are more updates, 1,000 blades will add one update, and 300 monthly tickets will add one update, and there is no upper limit.

Well, open a seven-day building!

Chapter 113 From India to Macedonia, Rome is unprecedentedly powerful!

It is said that as long as Lucius, the Roman Sword Emperor, holds the magic sword, he can defeat Gawain, the Sun Knight, who has three times the combat power, in the daytime.

He recovered the Eastern Roman Empire and reportedly fought all the way to India, but was eventually defeated by the British Red Dragon.

In the story now, it is just when the Roman Sword Emperor sent troops to invade Britain and issued a letter of challenge to Arthur, asking Arthur to regard him as the "Emperor".

At this time, Britain has entered a period of recuperation after a long war, and the kingdom is unprecedentedly powerful.

Although Merry left without saying goodbye, there are still powerful Knights of the Round Table in the kingdom.

After receiving the envoys sent by Rome, the knights quarreled after hearing the words of the envoys.

Arthur asked everyone to calm down first, and then spoke:

"In the past of Britain, such as Bailinus and Bryneas; they were called empires when they were in power. The same is true of Constantine, the prince of Helan. We have never paid tribute to Rome in history. It is known to all the world that I have paid tribute and become a vassal. Since I am their descendant, I will defend the territory of Britain to the death.”

Although the Sword Emperor brought a powerful military force all the way to India, the Round Table were not easy to mess with.

The indignant knights chose to support King Arthur's decision.

So Arthur drove away the Roman envoys.

With the support of his various vassal states and lords, he formed an army of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Thirty thousand of them were led by famous knights from the kingdom such as Gawain and Lancelot. As the main fighting force, they collaborated with King Arthur to conquer Eastern Rome.

This time the battle was very difficult for Arthur.

The Roman Sword Emperor not only had an extremely powerful army, but it was said that he also had more than fifty evil giants who looked like they were born of the devil.

These giants are not only Lucius's escorts, but can also be used to easily tear apart Arthur's forward defense line.

Arthur has been prepared to die in battle in advance. He has even chosen the successor to the throne after his death, and he is a highly respected duke knight.

Seeing this, many readers became a little nervous.

Something is wrong...

This atmosphere is completely different from the previous one!

People who always feel that something is missing suddenly wake up after thinking about it for a while.

It’s the missing ‘Meili’!

In the past, when the magician of flowers and the demon spirit with omnipotent wisdom was present, even if Arthur was faced with the siege of twelve kings, she could offer strategies to help him easily defeat his enemies.

However, now facing the Roman Sword Emperor, Arthur was ready to write a 'suicide note' in advance.

People were feeling a little uneasy;

Is this the end of 'Arthur'? ! It's over. Without Mei Li's help, this difficulty seems to be difficult to overcome.

Seeing this, Princess Dawn and Claire finally felt the difference between this enemy and the powerful enemies that Britain had defeated several times before!

The tense atmosphere in the book also affected those who were reading. At this time, they were speechless, their bodies tensed and they read quickly in silence.

...the story continues.

When the Roman envoy brought Arthur's 'replies' back to the emperor.

Lucius was furious, and he dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"I thought Arthur would obey my orders and entertain you just like he entertained other kings. I didn't expect that he would dare to resist my will!"

The elders of the Senate hurriedly reported to them how rich and powerful Britain the envoys had seen along the way, and what a terrifying hero King Arthur was with even more monarchical temperament than rumored.

The more Lucius listened, the more murderous intent he felt in his heart.

He would never allow his journey to stop here.

Therefore, the Sword Emperor first sent his men to various countries.

Among them are Aloki in Ambaji; Armenia in India near the Euphrates River;

Then there are Arabia, Egypt, Damascus, Turkey, Pontus... these countless countries are all vassals of Rome.

Among them, the dukes and kings of the future famous countries such as Greece, Cyprus, Macedonia, and Portugal were also ordered to gather their troops to Rome.

Sword Emperor Lucius ordered all the troops to join him in Burgundy, intending to completely destroy the country called "Little" Britain there in one fell swoop.

His massive army extended the battle line to a width of sixty miles, and an unprecedented battle was about to begin between Lucius and Arthur.

This will be the most powerful enemy Britain has ever faced.

"...!! So, so strong!" Youye looked at the description in the book worriedly.

Although those countries have never heard of it.

But this exaggerated description still frightened the beast-eared girl.

Even if a satellite country can only send a few thousand people, the strength of this Eastern Rome is too terrifying!

That kind of national power far exceeded the two countries she knew, the orc Kasas and the human Linduo.

Moreover, the 'Roman Sword Emperor' is actually related to the legendary giant.

Yuzuye became nervous and uneasy.

The 'giant race' is the most powerful race in another world, second only to the giant dragon, and is also synonymous with power.

After seeing that Lucius not only had such a powerful army, but also had a giant guard of fifty people, many warrior readers took a deep breath to calm down the horror in their hearts.

Rome had ‘a’ guard of giants?

‘How is this possible! ? ...This is too incredible! ’

Powerful physical strength, terrifying size and impact - this is the image that giants leave to people.

People subconsciously thought of the Golden Behemoth team owned by Casas.

However, the Golden Behemoth team, which had caused the first fortress to fall and the second fortress to be almost breached on the front line, was not worth mentioning in front of this giant guard.

If the dragon race is the race with the most seventh steps.

Then the giant race is the race with the largest number close to the seventh ladder.

They are physically very strong. If it weren't for their poor brains, they would probably be a race that even the giant dragons would be afraid of.

After completely declaring war with the Roman invaders.

…Arthur temporarily resigned from the throne in front of all the lords, and handed over everything including Queen Guinevere to his designated heir ‘Constantine’, and decided to go on an expedition alone.

Guinevere was so sad about leaving that she fainted.

When the British army boarded the ship and headed for the sea.

Arthur had a strange dream in the cabin.

It was a very drowsy and headache-inducing dream world.

A terrifying red dragon flew into the sky, and it drowned many people in the sea.

This dragon flew from the west, with an enamel-like sky blue head, shoulders as bright as gold, a belly like tortoise shell, a tail full of colorful scales, four claws like gold, and fine white hair on its feet.

It spewed fire, as if both land and water were covered with fire.

A dark monster shaped like a boar suddenly rushed out from the clouds in the east, looking at the red dragon with a fierce look.

Its four hooves were very strong, and its ferocious appearance was definitely the ugliest monster Arthur had ever seen.

The boar roared at the red dragon, but was pounced on by the red dragon from above, smashing the bones and muscles on the boar's back into pieces like a vulture.

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