The difference in body shape is huge, and the difference in strength is even bigger! !

Not to mention that as a human, Guda is not sure whether he can exert some of the power of the Noble Phantasm.

" to hit it with such a small dagger." The blacksmith's son murmured.

From the outside, the dagger looked ordinary, no different from the weapons his father usually forged.

The giant hammer that doesn't yet "convince people with reason" looks intimidating.

Could it be a Noble Phantasm with the ability to break defenses and destroy demons?

Chapter 1,663 The eternally isolated Utopia reappears, and the chalk city unfolds!

Elle: “But in that space, my privilege doesn’t work either.”

People's hearts are also hanging...

Without outside help,

Even if you are holding the most powerful weapon that ignores defense and can kill you with one stab, it still needs to be close to the opponent's spiritual core.

Tiamat can never stand still and be attacked by Guda...

Merlin suddenly said: "Then, I will unfold the Noble Phantasm at the same time as Mash.

We're here to clear the way for you. "

Matthew: "Master.


Guda: "Ma Xiu, you just need to face the future and use your full strength. As long as this is enough, leave all the rest to me."

Guda's smile, Guda's words, and Guda's support seemed to give Mashu infinite motivation.

People looked at Mashu, who was still hesitant at first, and showed his firm eyes again: "Yes, I believe you. Master!"

Everyone stared at this scene in amazement——

What a ridiculous thing. Have they all gone crazy? What to say...believe it.


The softness in my heart was touched inadvertently.

At this time, the little princesses could not help but have some absurd fantasies...

What if it can really succeed?

What if?

People admire Guda's courage for being able to approach Tiamat for the final blow regardless of danger.

To Mashu, Merlin and others who have given unreserved trust to the last master of mankind,

People are extremely envious——

I envy that unique trust and how precious that emotion is!

And the majestic melody of the Absolute Warcraft Front has sounded again,

People's eyes couldn't help but be attracted, and they looked at the three people nervously.

Merlin: "The Inner Sea of ​​Stars, the Observation Tower!"

The Noble Phantasm Liberation Words that everyone was extremely familiar with came to their ears again,

The people from the other world who had seen Mei Li use the Noble Phantasm of Liberation were even more shocked. This, this is...

The same Noble Phantasm liberation language as 'Merry'.

It really is that one!

at the same time--

Ma Xiu also closed his eyes slightly and said together: "Real name, public.

I will stand on the seat of disaster. "

On the other side, a magic circle as pink as a flower unfolded from Merlin's feet.

Merlin: "I'll tell you from the corner of Paradise.

Your story is full of blessings.

Only the sinless may enter.

——[Utopia that is forever isolated]! "

Petals flutter in the air, and the miraculous, dreamlike beauty of Avalon reappears.

When I saw the Demonic Fairy Castle emerging from the underworld, hanging high, ahem... the tower of Paradise.

Look at the scene of Avalon that makes the quiet underworld even more beautiful than the earth.

Even those who have seen this dreamy scene once before are still confused again.

However, no one noticed how surprised and equally weak Ai Lei was at this moment.

On the other side, Mash's skirt also began to twine with brilliant blue flames, as if her pure white and noble soul had finally transformed into a new weapon.

She shouted loudly: "That is our hometown that can heal all wounds and all resentments.

Manifest! ! !

[The ideal city that is already far away]! "

When in paradise, the pure white chalk city reappears,

People looked at Mashu who locked himself outside the magnificent city,

Thinking back on the legend about King Arthur——

The scene in front of them made them feel as if they had seen Camelot in the past.

There is also a plum forest here, an ideal city, and a fantasy town that is forever isolated.

If King Arthur hadn't been here,

They all had the illusion of going back to the British era.

And this almost represents people's best fantasies standing here.

As Tiamat gradually broke free from her bonds and screamed,

...The anti-Genesis light shield was blocked tightly.

Those cities of flowers and chalk are so solid -

Looking at this most beautiful fantasy, people seem to be seeing the strong wishes of human beings in a trance, betting all their beliefs against the "rebirth of the world".

When Guda galloped towards Ti Ma in Counter-Genesis, people were completely fired up.

"Even if I lose now, it doesn't feel so scary anymore!

Now just looking at them, I feel courage pouring out of my body. "The blacksmith's son murmured.

After witnessing such a wonderful journey, even if the world is destroyed in the next moment, I will be satisfied.


Just as people locked onto Guda's figure in their retinas and watched his continuous advance, a dull sound of falling suddenly came from behind.

"Ereshkigal!!" Ishtar exclaimed and hurriedly supported Ailei anxiously.

"What did you just do!?" Ishtar.

People turned their heads,

looking at the scene in front of them, even the most slow-witted people finally began to realize the bad condition of Elly.

What, what happened?

People looked at this lovely goddess of the underworld nervously.

Not only those who liked the goddess Elly,

even readers in the other world who were not fans of Elly were full of goodwill towards this kind and lovely goddess.

Everyone cast a concerned look, but suddenly found that Ereshkigal's figure had the symptoms of turning into light particles from the footsteps.

That illusory figure seemed to disappear at any time.

Now people were completely panicked--!

It was fine just now...


Is it going to disappear and return to Valhalla?

Even at this critical moment, finally seeing the scene of the deep sisterly love between the two goddesses, people could not arouse the slightest interest!

At this time, they just wanted to find out the reason why Elly was disappearing,

and wanted to stop the process of turning into light particles.

But once again--

Just like when they faced Siduri, Anna, etc., and faced countless sacrifices, they could only watch helplessly.

The feeling of powerlessness still did not change.

Ishtar lost her voice and said, "I just find it strange.

Not only did you break the taboo of the underworld, but you also lent power to the living.

And you are a human, a human!?

You broke the taboos of two goddesses.

If you use your power like this, you will not be able to end it safely."

Boom~——! People's hearts seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, and they were in pain!

They looked at Ere, who was lying weakly in Ishtar's arms at this time, with shock.

Her pupils had lost their luster and her eyes were absent-minded.

Her face was already covered with sweat, and her face became paler and more pitiful.

It seemed that she didn't even have the strength to raise her head.

Ereshkigal could only respond with a weak chuckle in a weak voice: "So what?"

She was so relieved and calm in facing what was happening to her.

People's hearts were also lifted up suddenly.


Elly: "I am the mistress of the underworld.

In order to protect the underworld, I just chose the most effective method."

These words full of responsibility,

It is indeed the Ereshkigal that people are familiar with in this singularity.

However, this does not mean that people can accept the results in front of them.

Chapter 164: Farewell with this blow, the hell in the sky is the end of the eve of creation!

Ishtar said anxiously: "Don't blow it, your knees are shaking!

It's not too late now, quickly unlock the protection of the underworld!"

Then, as if she thought of something,

In the eyes of people, it was like a younger sister who was worried that her sister was stubborn and refused to accept her kindness.

That was the first time that Ishtar was so obviously concerned about Elly's condition.

As if to awaken her will to survive, Ishtar said anxiously: "You finally met someone who can communicate, right! !?

If you disappear now, what's the point!?

Suppose you have another chance, you will not be the same as you are now.

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