You may not have the same personality next time.

There will never be an opportunity to meet like this! "

Ishtar's words also brought back memories,

Both of them sisters borrowed the body of a certain human being and came here.

The characters are more or less integrated.

According to Ailei herself,

Her original personality may have been more gloomy. Maybe next time they meet, she will start to worry about whether the conversation can go smoothly. Ishtar's concern is not unreasonable——

Thinking of this, people felt a little sad.

Just like the original mythical Ishtar, few people would like it, right?

However, Ishtar’s character now is so cute and more acceptable to people.

If it wasn't Ishtarin, if it wasn't Gong Rin's version of the Venus goddess, would it really still be the lovely Venus goddess in front of them?

In the same way, if Ereshkigal was not a powerful figure, would she really still be the lovely goddess of the underworld that they knew?

Ereshkigal's face turned red and he said, " that so?

Wouldn't it be a more romantic encounter next time? "

Ishtar: “No way!?

How strong are your girly attributes! ? "


Ishtar's pupils began to turn golden: "You weren't summoned at all!

As long as you are not who you are now, fate and memories will not remain! "

Ereshkigal's eyes were a little evasive and sad: "...That's it.

Well, that's true. "

Even when people who are bystanders are worried about him,

Why doesn't Ereshkigal give up? His figure seems to be even more unreal? People originally thought that when it came to this, Ai Lei would stop at the right time.

...She has tried her best. Even if she revokes her power now, people will understand.

There is absolutely no need for her to hold on! !


Ailei suddenly said: "But I think that doesn't matter.

It’s not that I like [my current self].

But I like the way of human existence.

As long as He doesn't change, that's enough.

And if He could remember me.

We will definitely meet again.

Just because I know this,

Only then can I give everything I have here. "

Looking at the goddess lying in the sea of ​​flowers, holding herself up, but smiling from the bottom of her heart - Ereshkigal.

Looking at Ai Lei, who was as cute as a child because her underworld was full of flowers, smiling...but so fragile that she seemed to be scattered by the wind at any time.

People feel the pain.

Recalling the description of Ai Lei in the epic, there was such a fragment——

[Everything that can prove the connection has disappeared.

...That being said, there is one thing I have tried many times.

That is to let the flowers bloom in this underworld.

...The result was very miserable. Even if it took thousands of years, don't talk too much, even the seeds did not germinate.

"No need to feel sad about it."

"The underworld is a barren land. It's not because you are incompetent."

Gazelles always say that to me.

But I could only hold back tears and stare at the sky.

"The underworld has no need for flowers."

"Because those are not necessary at all."

You're right, I replied bravely.

"I don't want flowers." It would be pitiful if it really bloomed in this dark land——』

Ereshkigal, she often laments because there are no flowers in the underworld. But in fact, there are flowers in the underworld, albeit only one. 】

At this moment, they want to tell her that you are the most beautiful flower in the underworld!


Just when people were paying attention to Ailei,

Guda over there had unknowingly completed the task and actually penetrated Tiamat's head with the dagger in his hand.

Although it didn't actually kill the gods, it did stop Anti-Genesis.

It is worth mentioning that there was originally a gap in the middle, but the teleportation was finally completed with the help of Fu Fu.

A certain flower magician who asked for help but was kicked away said that this old double standard!

"Gilgamesh!!" Guda shouted when Counter-Genesis disappeared with the stab, and Guda was thrown away by Ti Ma who felt pain.

Now the servant's attacks can also damage Tiamat.

The king who was called by his first name was not angry, but instead showed a powerful smile from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems you succeeded, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Then use this blow as a farewell ceremony. "Gilgamesh.

Then under the attention of people, Wang took out the Guili sword.

It was not so much a sword, but it was not like a sword. It was a strange but unique treasure that captured people's hearts as soon as it appeared.


People were in a daze for a moment, remembering that they seemed to have seen it once in the illustrations of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

"The original narrative."

When Wang spoke softly, the three spirals on EA began to rotate and emit bright red flames.

A trembling feeling that seems to be engraved in DNA arises from people's hearts.

——This, what's going on? !

Until they later witnessed the full blow of Wang Jiefang's Noble Phantasm,

I'm afraid I will never forget this final farewell blow.

Here Gilgamesh shouted: “When the world was created, nothingness also congratulated it.

Tear the world apart with my sword of disobedience.

Surrounded by stars, the hell in heaven is the end point on the eve of creation! "

When Gilgamesh held EA high at this moment, the terrifying spiral thunder and hurricane condensed on it,

The hurricane finally condensed into light, turning the sky red like a nebula.

People were blinded by the extreme visual scene.

At this time, they were speechless. Their trembling brains deprived them of their ability to think. They had no time to think carefully about who those people were—

Then based on instinct, I feel fear and tremble——

"Let your death settle everything!

Heaven and earth are at odds, open up the star! ! "

boom! !

When Wang Yijian swung down, a terrifying red-black beam of destruction was ejected from EA.

Seeing that Tiamat's huge body was completely covered,

That continuous, crazy bombing, and floor-washing beam of light.

The two ends of the light connect the earth of the underworld and the hands of Gilgamesh,

In the middle is the faint afterimage of Tiamat.

In a scene that feels like the real creation of heaven and earth,

Everyone has been frightened to the spot, and their ears and eyes have become deaf——!

Chapter 165: I just want to be a mother who always loves her child!

Well. Ah, um...

A huge shock swept their souls completely.

People can’t remember clearly…

After the light pillar, which was at least several kilometers long, arrived, it lasted for several seconds before gradually disappearing.

And after people's vision fell into a vast expanse of white,

a long time……

People who finally regained their sight saw that Tiamat, which was originally so huge, had completely disappeared.

"..." For a moment, everyone fell into a deathly silence.

"Is it over?"

That Tiamat——

God Tiamat was killed like this? ! Finished?

People's eyes widened in disbelief.

He didn't even care about Ai Lei's condition.

...The scene just now was too shocking——!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that everything in this world was affected by that one blow!

If they say that the mainland will be destroyed by this blow, they all believe it!

Even Tiamat's terrifying size like the ocean cannot stop the bright red torrent...


People's throats subconsciously groaned with fear.

Facing this blow directly, at such a close distance, it is actually not easy to feel! !

Their biological instincts are making them tremble.


The scene in front of them changed, and the next moment people's vision became completely white again.

Just when they were a little confused and at a loss - they found a figure in this space.

In the last light, people saw a Ti Ma shrunk countless times, the size of a normal person.

Tiamat, who looked as beautiful and cute as a human, now completely lost the ferocious look she had just now.

"Ti...A...Ma...Te?" People asked in shock and astonishment, and their tone seemed to be filled with a trace of uncertainty and nervousness.

‘Is Tiamat not dead yet? ! ’

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