People's hearts jumped!

Are you kidding me? I suffered such a terrifying blow from King Gilgamesh.

It actually looks... intact?

And at this moment——

Suddenly, Ti Ma's lovely, sad and confused murmur came to people's ears:

“I gave birth to many lives.

He was also loved by all living beings.

But the children saw me as a jumping off point and stayed away from me. "

With such a simple voice, Tiamat just lowered her head and kept speaking sadly.

She seems to have regained her sanity and become able to communicate,

People looked at this scene in astonishment——

Later, she discovered that she looked like an aggrieved child who didn't know where she had made a mistake but was abandoned... or rather an aggrieved mother.

But as the abandoned party, the experience that happened to Tiamat was completely reversed.

She did not abandon the children, but the children abandoned her.

Tiamat has been the victim from the beginning.

When all the dust has settled,

Only then do people have the time to think quietly about the story of Tiamat,

One of the creator gods in Mesopotamian mythology.

The gods are all born from Apsu, who is fresh water, and Tiamat, who is salt water.

Later, as children, the gods rebelled against their original father, Abzu, and gained control of the world.

Tiamat's gentle tolerance of the children's behavior at this time fully proves that she loves her children more than she loves her husband.

However, the gods even began to rebel against Tiamat as a mother.

Tiamat lamented, went crazy, gave birth to eleven magical beasts as her new children, and fought against the gods.

At the end of the battle, Tiamat and the eleven monsters were defeated. The gods split her body in two and created heaven and earth,

Legend has it that this is the ceremony of the creation of the human world.

In fact, people who have basically finished reading the story of the Seventh Singularity said,

They knew this - Tiamat was not killed, but sealed in the imaginary space.

That's the inner world. Not even a parallel world, but a lifeless imaginary number space.

The mother's womb that was abandoned after the creation of the world.

What a sad mother, what a sad story.

People cannot imagine what kind of suffering God Tiamat endured in that lonely space...

And being ruthlessly abandoned by children, it is normal to have any kind of hatred, hatred, and sadness, right?

People had some feelings of disgust towards the original Mesopotamian gods.

Whatever the reason, their sensibilities do not allow them to endorse this approach.

And now——

"The original gods couldn't have exiled Tiamat because they were helpless against Tiamat's powerful immortality like they are now." Some people who like to speculate on things with malicious intent can't help but think this way.

Those who had done such a thing should have no complaints even if they were killed by the returned god Tiamat.

The gods are responsible for the blame, but humans are expected to take the blame... This is really——

A seed of dissatisfaction was quietly planted in their hearts.

It should be said that humans at that time were not qualified to have any influence on the decisions of the gods.

It can be said that the choice of Tiamat to be exiled was entirely the opinion of the gods.

Even if the starting point of this reason is for the stability of the world,

As a result, Uruk and the Sumerians became the targets of Tiamat who lost her mind...

The king said that the people of Uruk had never resented the god Tiamat—

And coupled with Tiamat's own tragic experience,

It's really hard for people to have much ill feeling towards it, but more of a feeling of helplessness.

Feeling helpless that this god-killing battle had to start.


When Tiamat has the intelligence to communicate and dialogue, does it mean that she can be persuaded to give up destruction?

People couldn't help but fell into silence——

Their current understanding of the evil of beasts and humans is still not deep enough, otherwise they would not have such naive ideas.

At this time, Tiamat's body had turned into blue light particles starting from her feet, just like the state before the heroic spirits turned into golden particles and dissipated.

The pupils of the people who slowly noticed this shrank.

This is--? Are you about to quit already?

Tiamat: "I want to always love them.

I want them to stay with me forever.

Is my love... all wrong? "

The result is until the end——

They didn't care about their own imminent disappearance,

Before disappearing, what the god Yamat pursued and feared was not his own demise.

And that voice was full of confusion, without hysteria or deep hatred,

It’s just such a sad, confusing question,

But it made people who listened feel a sense of melancholy in their hearts.

They were shaken all over——

‘Wrong...? ’

At this time, everyone couldn’t help but ask themselves,

Tiamat loves children and humans deeply. Did she do something wrong?

Is it wrong for a mother to love her child?

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is an endless loop that cannot be solved.

People clenched their fists,

When I see Tiamat really disappearing,

The last bit of fear and awe of its power also dissipated.

Only then did people gain the calmness to think rationally.

And the final result was,

They really can't hate Tiamat like this...!

Chapter 1,666 The Tears of the Creation Mother Goddess—Don’t leave, and don’t love me anymore.

For such a timid mother,

...You can feel that underneath that naturally cute face, there is a heart that is covered in bruises, which makes them even have the urge to soothe his tears.

Just like the sect leader who deeply loves humans and sheds tears for them, Azdakaha is willing to carry the banner of evil for her.

Tiamat, who is a human evil, is like human love at this moment.

What people see is a mother who desperately wants to be close to her children and loves them deeply, but is not accepted or understood.

Do you need a reason to soothe your mother's tears?

The ultimate human evil is actually the ultimate human love.

What an ironic, suffocating truth.

[Human evil does not necessarily represent evil, but represents evil that will be killed by humans],

When Gilgamesh and Merlin first discussed the concept of human evil, people were puzzled.

At this moment, people had a clear understanding, and all the confusion was finally solved at this moment.


They felt more and more uncomfortable in their hearts... At this time, their hearts were blocked!

Obviously no one wants to hurt the Mother Goddess of Creation.

However, the god Tiamat had to be killed——!

Just kill, just kill.

Why did they let them see Ti Ma who had regained her sanity at the last moment?

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

This kind of sadness that can only be watched but cannot be changed, it is better to let them not look at it...

If you can't see it, you can forcibly classify Tiamat as a monster, a disaster, a terrifying existence——

So they can deceive themselves and comfort themselves that everything is righteous? !

While thinking this way, people feel ashamed and deeply disgusted by the ugly thoughts in their hearts.

Their minds are indeed so contradictory now.

And if they really have to choose to watch it or not, choose whether they want to understand Tiamat's backside.

"I still want to know the more real side..." The blacksmith's son and the others murmured, with a wry smile on their faces.

Even the heart-wrenching, tragic, sad places are part of what makes the epic more complete and wonderful.

And for the god Tiamat and his injustice,

If you really don’t know anything all this time, and even pour all your hatred on the god Tiamat because of the death of those favorite characters in this singularity,

That ignorant and stupid behavior is even more disgusting.

Even if the truth is a tragedy,


Just like he says he hates tragedies, every time he is made to cry by An Tusheng's epic,

But I still can't help but watch that plot again and again - while watching it, I hide in bed and cry desperately.

"Fuck!! I admit it, I just like reading these stories, whether they are sad or happy. Isn't this okay?" A noble young man murmured viciously.

He must be crazy—! Or does he have masochistic tendencies?

All humans love humans, even though this love may be twisted...

For a while, people couldn't help but think of other human evils,

Could it be that except for Tiamat, other human evils are also such gentle beasts that "love humans but cannot"?

When I think of all human evil and all the monsters that must be defeated, they are all such tragedies...

People had goosebumps all over their bodies, and they even felt a little bit frightened in their hearts.

Well, wait—

It seems that Fufu is also one of the seven evils of mankind? Also a beast?

At this moment, someone suddenly remembered Fufu’s identity.

But why, as a beast, can Chaldea raise a Fufu?

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