But Tiamat had to be defeated, sealed, and abandoned?

If only Tiamat, like Fufu, were beasts that could be raised...?

The little princess was startled by such a bold idea in her mind.

Raise a timo?

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but he couldn't shake this tempting thought out of his mind.

Ah, no way - just thinking about that kind of scene is too scary (interesting)!

At this time, in the immersive epic, this vast white space seems to be disappearing.

"Don't go, don't leave me.

And don’t love me anymore. "At the end, a line of tears slowly flowed down Tiamat's face, and she murmured softly,

The sad words spoken in a natural tone made people more lethal.

Facing the last human beings who have to say goodbye to the age of gods and gods, the last master of human beings.

She cried——!

Yes, the last master of mankind,

Starting from that thorn, it seemed to symbolize the complete farewell between humans and gods.

Just now, people saw another figure in this vast white space, it was Guda.

Although she didn't know how she appeared here, Guda told Tiamat that the children loved her no matter what, but now they have to leave - I'm sorry.

And Tiamat's words "Stop loving me."

Even if you can’t understand why you say you love your child so much, you still want to leave——

When the price of loving her is that the child has to leave,

Would she rather her children not love her?

People understand this,

But this sentence of retention is so sad...

‘Even if you don’t love me anymore. Please don't leave me either. ’ Thinking about Ti Ma’s psychological journey, oh oh oh oh... the little princess couldn’t help but cry again.

Crying so sadly——!

She didn't know that she was saddened by Tiamat's tragic ending.

Still witnessed the growth of human beings and shed tears of emotion.

Maybe both...

When watching this last scene, I looked at Guda saying "Goodbye. Thank you."

Then slowly turned around and left.

When looking at this scene,

People really have the feeling that mankind has developed a new path on its own.

Mankind has denied the gods;

The child has grown up and the day has finally come when he has to leave his mother!

Just like Gilgamesh declared and lamented to Tiamat when he appeared on the stage not long ago,

‘Children have to grow up! ’

"Mother, it's time to let go!" Someone couldn't help but murmured silently.

Mother. Childhood is gone, humans no longer need gods to guide the way...!

They lamented,

They pity the Mother Goddess of Creation, but they also understand the growth that belongs to humans.

It seems that I have also matured and grown up a lot at this moment.

Growth is a good thing——

People today just can't bring themselves to face poor Tiamat.

It seems that in the end, everything is moving towards a good direction and ending.

But only Tiamat,

Will he fall into eternal loneliness again?

In a world where everyone is moving towards new life, there is no place for her.

Can only wander in the imaginary number space,

Alone, stay in this silent world forever.

How cruel——

Even a cold person can't help but feel compassion at this time.

And when Harut turned to the next page in the text version of the epic,

See detailed notes on some of the data about the god Tiamat.

And when he saw a short section of it, he showed shock and disbelief.

This, this is——

[Self-Sealing—C+++ level skill. 】

Chapter 1,667 Self-sealing C+++ formed by the desire to protect humans!

If the skills are sorted,

The Sea of ​​Life, as BeastII nurtures life, is naturally worthy of the exceptional level of EX.

By circulating the true ether of the earth's creation, this ocean can supply unlimited magic power. The power that can completely transform the entire world.

And the terrifying bug ability of Counter Genesis has also reached A level.

But these are not the most attractive things——

Among Tiamat's numerous data at this time, there is only a C+++ skill called Self-Sealing.

On the contrary, it made people go from sudden shock and shock to disbelief and finally despair!

[The self-injurious rope that binds Beast II. 】

That skill is described in this way in the epic.

[Sighing, Beast II hated the fact that the collective unconscious of mankind "no longer needs you" and exiled it, but its deep consciousness accepted that as "this is helpless". 】


When they first saw that sentence, people's bodies suddenly froze.

Somewhat unclear!

Or is it really what they understand?

By the next sentence, people also understood the existence of Tiamat better.

[Beast II, whose root is "Mother", also had the desire to be the protector of mankind until the very end.

This self-sealing is its materialization.

BeastII often seals itself.

The pain is equal to half the life rate of each damage dealt to her.

If in an extremely rare situation, BeastII loses its mind and tries to come out of the sea, the seal will increase the instantaneous damage to 90% as a warning.

Attached +++ is for this purpose. 】

Use self-torture to control instincts,

The desire to become the refuge of mankind must be so strong!

People kept looking at those few words with trembling and bewilderment——

Repeated over and over again!

How could-!

That power almost cost Ti Ma half her life before she could restrain herself. Is this actually the truth? ! !

Even so, when Tiamat's seals were unsealed layer by layer, people were so desperate that they almost suffocated.

Shocked, shocked - unbelievable!

Then what came over me was panic—and incomparable suffering!

"No, it can't be... Doesn't this mean that the Creation Mother Goddess didn't want to break through the seal from the beginning?"

People were confused and felt a little painful inside.

They once again thought of Solomon (Goetia)’s intriguing words when he communicated with Jin Gu——

At that time, Solomon told Jin Gu that Tiamat might not want to come out.

At that time, Jin Gu couldn’t understand it.

She only thought that it was something that sealed her mother, but she didn't know that anyone else in the world could have such a powerful power to seal Tiamat.

At this time, people have figured everything out!

And when Tiamat first appeared, her entire body was restrained——

...Wrong! Wrong! Who would have thought that Ishtar's handsome blow of the Liberation Phantasm was not only not the key to solving the problem, but also unlocked another layer of the power that Tiamat had painfully sealed.


No wonder it’s so hard to fight!

No wonder it seems to evolve, the more you fight, the stronger you get, and the more you fight, the more animalistic it becomes!

From not fighting back at first to taking the initiative in the end, he almost killed Guda.

People fell into a long-lost silence——

Only then did they discover that the entire seventh singularity turned out to be...

There is no real enemy,

Even the final boss is actually on the side of humans and wants humans to win?

In addition, several other goddesses were conquered along the way.

ha? ? ! !

Everyone felt a sense of unreality in their hearts. This was really too dramatic! !

As a returning pest.

Although it is based on the hatred, hatred, and sadness of being ruthlessly abandoned, it is also an act of reshaping the earth's ecosystem and indulging in the "joy" of being the mother of all things.

He acts under the extremely primitive system of "If you don't get rid of human beings, you will be killed."

If he still retains his sanity,

This battle might not even have to be fought——

At the same time, as the white light completely dissipated,

When people opened their eyes again, they saw the scene back on the ground in Uruk.

"Wait, Ereshkigal...and where is Ereshkigal?" People suddenly remembered important things that they had forgotten from the beginning. Oh no!

I was shocked by the terrifying power of EA at the last moment.

There was no time to pay attention to Ailei's final condition.

People don’t know if Ereshkigal disappeared in the end?


This is a bit torturous!

Those in the immersive epic world cannot read back like the text version of the epic.

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