Now it is impossible to reverse the world's time process.

For a moment, they were a little unwilling and collapsed. They couldn't watch it again!

Although it’s okay to watch it again,

They will watch this wonderful epic several times without getting tired of it.

But time,

How long will it take until we see the ending of Ereshkigal again?

If the doubts remain unresolved, they will continue to affect them in their hearts.

Nothing could be more itchy than this!

At this time, the blacksmith's son and the others were ready to wait for the immersive epic to finish and then directly read the final ending of the text version of the epic.

I really have to wait for the second epic to see this, that would be too painful!

However, the blacksmith's son and others did not know, and the written version of the epic did not describe the end of this section.

Hermitus and the God of War are even more confused——

But soon they will learn the truth from another person involved.

at this time--

The inner city of Uruk was already deserted.

Only Ma Xiu and Gu Da lay face to face on their sides, and it took a long time for Yuyou to wake up.

It was as if the conversation between Guda and Tiamat in that white space was just a dream.

But people were convinced that they really saw Ti Ma at that time.

I have also understood Ti Ma further.

When people think about self-sealing, they feel a little sad and want to gnash their teeth and shed tears.

That great maternal love is really unforgettable.

I really hope there will be a world line in the future where Tiamat is saved!

At this time, Guda and Ma Xiu gradually woke up,

After a conversation with the doctor, it was determined that this singular point had also been repaired.

Matthew said that the Holy Grail is the same,

"When Uruk opened his eyes,

The Holy Grail is already in your hands, senior. Thanks to this I was able to successfully recycle it! "

Merlin: "It hurts so much... Regarding this matter,

I hope you can praise me well. "

The flower magician jumped out of nowhere.

Merlin said that in the end the Holy Grail fell from the depths of Tiamat's throat.

But he caught it in a hurry and rushed here.

‘Holy Grail…? ’

Only then did people suddenly remember that there was such a thing as recovering the Holy Grail.

Before, I was just immersed in the complex emotions of the final farewell between humans and gods.


People have long forgotten about the repair of the singularity and the recovery of the Holy Grail.

Chapter 168 The epic affects not only humans, but even the gods are confused

Guda: "Please allow me to solemnly thank you, Merlin."

Merlin: "Really? As long as I can help you, then my hard work is worth it."

It’s not just Guda and Mashu. Did Merlin escape too?

Seeing the haze dispelled after the war, the three people stood on the ruins under the sun.

If it weren't for the black smoke that could still be vaguely seen in the city. I am afraid that everyone will only regard what happened before as a dream.

The despairing gloom of the sky had disappeared.

At this moment, the sky is clear and blue. Just like what people saw when they first traveled with Wang and Guda, the poem and the distance.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no longer a living thing to be seen on the land near Uruk, the blue sky and fresh air are really just like people's original fantasies about the age of gods, beautiful fantasies!


It's all over, and people look a little dazed and sad.

He actually defeated the god Tiamat and his mother——

I also got the Holy Grail.

Just when people were still immersed in the review of the magnificent final battle, a familiar figure suddenly came into view.

Quetzalcoatl: "It's really hard for you. Anyway, it's good that you are so energetic, Merlin."

When I saw the familiar smile of my eldest sister.

Yu... Quetzalcoatl?

At this time people also remembered that although Quetzalcoatl did not participate in the subsequent battle. But there was indeed no news of her death.

Now that they can see a familiar figure in this new world after the ruins, people can't help but smile in surprise.

At this moment, Quetzalcoatl was looking at Merlin with a smile: "Because you think, I promised you a favor before, right?"

People had slightly confused expressions on their faces.

Is there any agreement between Quetzalcoatl and Merlin? Why don't they remember? until--

Merlin: "! How is that possible, Quetzalcoatl!?"

Merlin's reaction seemed to be extremely intense, his expression was a bit unbelievable, and he seemed to want to run away subconsciously.

However, phew~!

Quetzalcoatl: "Hey, don't even think about running away~! I'm going to kill you~!"

After saying that, Quetzalcoatl jumped forward and used wrestling techniques.

Merlin couldn't help but let out a duck-like cry of pain: "Quack, quack, quackaaahhhhhh!?

It hurts so much. What is this? It's obviously a dream demon, but it hurts so much!

Even I, who know all the pain, itching, and coldness in the world, don’t know the severe pain! What on earth is this! ? "

Is it pain that even a dream demon can feel? People shuddered all over.

But then he saw Merlin looking so embarrassed, locked together with the two of them, looking weird. After being a little confused, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Hahahahahaha, that flower magician is also here today?

People were a little surprised,

Those who still think Merlin is the bard behind the epic——

Did Merlin actually describe his own embarrassment in the epic?

Don't you mind at all? (Homura: Hmm, huh?

Anyway, he is not Merlin. If Merlin is embarrassed, what does it have to do with him?

That lsp shouldn't mind, right? perhaps--)

People guessed in a bad way: "...Well, it can't be because I am too thick-skinned and don't care at all."

On the other side, Quetzalcoatl said: “Of course it’s the essence of wrestling, the joint skills~!

In the East, this is called cobra entanglement and fixation~! "

Merlin: "Ohhhhhh, are you a demon!? And why are you still here!?

I clearly saw you use a super powerful sacrificial attack on God Tiamat! ? "

Leopard Man: “Because I came to the rescue!

Burning meteors that burn up in the stratosphere and look like space junk are called Kukul. I ooohhhhhh-! He ran wildly on the black mud and hugged her before she landed.

In short, the burning heat even burned my fur. And it was slippery with black mud and kept rushing all the way to the port.

Meow returned to the dense forest, buried Kukul in the soil, and then rushed back to Uruk, so that was what happened, right? "

ha? !

Everyone looked at the Leopard Man in shock. She should be talking about what happened before arriving at the cave entrance to the underworld.

But he actually buried Quetzalcoatl alive.

This is too courageous.

"Well done, Leopard!" Guda.

? ? ? ? ?

A bunch of question marks rose above everyone's heads.

As for the grudge between Merlin and Quetzalcoatl, they have already remembered it.

Previously, because of Merlin, Quetzalcoatl's divinity was halved and he was punished by heaven.

Quetzalcoatl didn't kill him directly, which was considered a good character.

But what I didn't expect was. Not long after being tricked by Merlin, was he buried by Leopard Life again? This is too tragic.

At this time, the leopard man looked very happy, and was very pleased with Guda's words and people, and claimed that he would also go to Chaldea!

Sure enough, the leopard was completely defeated!

Thinking of the three goddesses who frequently showed affection for Guda,

Counting the Leopard Man, there are 4 people.

People's expressions couldn't help but become a little jealous and envious. This goddess must be so good.

Does Guda have any charm or attraction bonus for the goddess?

Quetzalcoatl: "Huh. That's pretty much the punishment~!

No matter what, Merlin's cunning saved us! "

Merlin: "If you have such an idea, then be merciful!

How can you accompany me if I am so young and reach my waist?

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. He has been living as an LSP for many years, and he still pretends to be a young man.

This relaxing atmosphere gradually relaxed everyone's tense hearts.

But just when they all smiled. Some people noticed that Quetzalcoatl and the Leopard Man had a tendency to dissipate their souls into light particles.

"!!! What... is going on?" People were shocked.

There was obviously no attack, and the enemies had all disappeared, so why were there still——

At this time, the Leopard Man, who noticed something strange about his body, began to purr loudly.

Quetzalcoatl smiled and gave an explanation: "This is departure, Leopard.

It is the earth saying that our mission is over. "

Quetzalcoatl said that their summons was an impossible summons.

This is a divine calling that can only be established under the premise of the existence of mother God Tiamat.

Once she is eliminated, we will also be eliminated. You should have known this for a long time, right?

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, and they looked at the two of them in shock. It's could this be the case?

People were a little emotional.

Was this because he still chose to help Guda, help humans, and help Uruk even though he knew he would die?

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