The mythical battle that created the world.

But why is it said that only the Kingdom of Lucia can use the power of the covenant now?

Yan said that you have to ask the god of games you believe in now.

With the current strength of the new god, if he wants the rules of the Ten Covenants to cover the earth, he may not even be able to cover this main city without his help.


At that time, another explanation can be used completely——

The God of Games is a god from another world,

Human beings who respond to Lucia Kingdom are only because the citizens of this kingdom are his believers.

At that time, just let the new god of games come out and pretend to be Tetu.

Anyway, the concept and appearance are the same. Just increase the momentum. That's a minor problem.

(The opinions of the nascent God of Games himself were completely ignored by Homura——)

After declaring the first to tenth covenants one by one,

"Okay, based on the covenant.

Whoever ordered you to deal with me, then deal with that person in the same way. "Yan said with a smile, his eyes looking at those people in the trial center who had been defeated.

The bodies of those who survived began to carry out Homura's orders uncontrollably.

Looking at this scene, the people around them once again realized the compulsory nature of the covenant.

That powerful binding force made some people who had some small thoughts in their hearts and did not take the oracle of the God of Games seriously, trembled behind their backs.

Then the flames turned into petals and disappeared from the sight of people in front of the bar.

"Disappeared...disappeared?!" It was only then that the people around him came back to their senses in a daze.

And on the other side——

Homura's figure appeared at the corner of a street,

At this time, his consciousness turned to the forum, and he took a cursory glance at the general situation before exiting.

"The forum is on the right track...then what's next-"

Homura thought of the immersive game Dark Souls that she had always wanted to do.

"The God of Games already can we not have games?

If a simple game is not attractive enough, what if it is a game where you can earn points and exchange them for limited knowledge after completing the level——! "A little devil-like smile appeared on the corner of Yan's mouth.


If I had known earlier, I would have reserved the magic of [Diankai] to be linked with the black soul.

If the magic and talents that appeared in the epic are evolved through the simulation of the star creation diagram, and then placed on the 10th week of Dark Souls III pass linkage rewards.

Homura smiled and thought: 'It's only 10 weeks, so I'm not a devil...'

After all, it is a skill that heroes have used before, so how can you learn it without some hardships?

The path of suffering is the path of the hero!

I definitely didn’t want to see how many weeks those people could last and watch them suffer in an interesting way.

Black Soul alone is not enough——

How about the whole fgo and bengbengbeng?

Flame suddenly remembered the new game Yuanshen that was popular on the home planet before he came to this world.

Liyue inside is somewhat similar to the Eastern countries.

To the west, Ceylon has been built by him into a free city-state that is not inferior to Mondstadt.

But there is no god to believe in in Ceylon.


Thinking of that Fengshen's salty level.

Even if the power currently displayed by the gods cannot threaten Homura at all, none of these gods are as reckless as Baba Tosi.


Homura suddenly remembered that he had sensed a certain god working in the factory for some unknown reason.

Wait, it seems there is one.


Ignore that inexplicable god for now.

As a game, the world view of Yuanshen does not need to be modified too much. Unlike epics, it does not require much logic.

There shouldn’t be anyone who would compare and study it in depth with the real world, right?

Homura touched his chin and thought - I can't say for sure.

Even Dark Souls and Game of Life Zero can be regarded as people from another world who read prophecy books, it seems...

Is it really possible to think of something else? !

at the same time--

On the other side, in the palace of the Kingdom of Lucia, the old king heard the news that the Flower Magician appeared in the city, and immediately sent people to search and visit this noble sage.

On the one hand, the old king was afraid that the magician was here to expose his lies.

On the other hand, he was confused and shocked by the game of "Swear to the Covenant" played by Homura in the city.

The detailed rules of the Ten Covenants have also been introduced to his ears.

"Does the God of Games really exist? Actually -" the old king burst into tears.

He was extremely eager to ask the magician about the legend of the only god.

How many things are there that they don’t know?

Merlin is indeed the one who knows everything——!

Maybe I can find a way to contact the great and only God through him!

However, the people sent by the old king arrived late.

Yan had already left the city at this time,

Regarding the signal tower, he has already built it into the cracks in the mirror world.

A place that ordinary people can never discover.

After completing his main goal this time, he planned to take a walk to the east.

But let’s have a look at the mysterious countries to the east.

Those places that are very similar to my hometown——

"Hmm..." Touching the silver-white hair on his head, Yan's hair color changed back to its original pure black.

"Sure enough, it's better to get used to it..."

At first, I just changed my appearance so as not to reveal my identity.

After that, his strength became so strong that he no longer had to worry about anything.

It is only convenient to continue this image in front of others.

Interesting things always happen when people mistake you for Merlin's LSP.

But now——

In a country where everyone has black hair and black eyes, a silver-haired foreigner is an anomaly.


Next, let him see what kind of secrets are hidden in this land that the gods are so eager for.

Chapter 1,994: Flowers of the Martial Arts bloom, and the East flourishes!

When we arrived in the Eastern countries,

Yancai discovered that the people here not only looked similar to their hometown, but also had oriental elements in their clothing styles, which were similar to Liyue in Yuanshen.

Following the local customs, Yan also took off his mage robe and put on a slim-fitting black dress.

After completely entering the eastern boundary, an endless river like the Yangtze River blocked the way forward.

Get on the big boat with the caravans you meet along the way,

Yan, who crossed the river, finally arrived at the easternmost large country among the eastern countries.

"Hey bro, are you Oriental?"

"I've been watching you for a long time.

Can you be my guide and introduce you to the beautiful scenery in the east? "

Just when Homura was about to tour this land, a well-dressed blond young man got off the same big boat and patted Homura on the shoulder.

"Then you have found the wrong person. I am here for the same time." Yan.

“Hey, please.

As an Oriental, how could you not even be familiar with your hometown?

I'm a painter -

Come here just to seek more beautiful scenery. "The painter looked like you were kidding me, and then begged.

"Just treat it like this - I don't have time to accompany you to find any beautiful scenery." Yan said softly,

Then the painter was shocked to find that the hand he was patting on the other person's shoulder suddenly slipped.

It's like there is an invisible force pushing it.

"Awesome! Is this...?" Painter James had learned some news before coming to the East.

Know that warriors in the East are not called warriors, but warriors——

Their physical development and basic combat skills training have already reached a level that is almost conceptual, and they are only stronger than the heroes of Western countries.

Even if you don't use combat skills, you can still explode with powerful force through every part of your body.

A swordsman who once understood a technique similar to the shrinking step,

In front of the Dragon Slayer Sword Master, his talent is only one step behind.

But here it has almost become a required course for martial arts masters.

Was the force that pushed him away just now this special technique? !

And what Yan used was certainly not some secret from the East.

Those are just some of the little techniques for relieving force in martial arts such as Bajiquan among the many things he learned from the origins of the Moon World.

It really fits the oriental setting of this world.

But when it comes to understanding the East,

He is really not much better than the painter just now.


Just when no one around him noticed the little interlude here, a pair of eyes flashed with burning eyes just as Yan used the force-removing technique.

"Strong man... a true master of martial arts!" The owner of the sight murmured in a young but excited voice.

As a wandering warrior in many Eastern countries, visiting strong men to learn from each other and hone himself,

In Western countries, such people have the potential to become heroes.

But such rare potential heroes can be found everywhere in the East.

There is a reason why the gods' journey to the east was so difficult.

As a member of the wandering warriors, Yan Qi is also the top one.

He has already challenged the most powerful warrior in this main city.

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