Except for those powerful warriors who are difficult to find traces, whose whereabouts are erratic and comparable to gods,

most of the well-known warriors have been defeated by him.

Yan Qi, who was originally disappointed because the strongest here was a little weak, seemed to smell the smell of blood from Yan's simple move just now, and showed a fierce and fighting look like a predator.

Yan Qi immediately followed up but found that the opponent's footsteps looked slow, but in fact the speed was very fast.

"......?!" Yan Qi's eyes gradually became solemn, and he found that his speed could not keep up with the opponent at all.

The opponent's control over the body is much better than his!

I mentioned before that the skills similar to shrinking steps or shrinking the ground into an inch are required courses for many martial arts masters in the East.

The more basic the place is, the more you can see a person's strength foundation.

He was beaten again.

"Damn...!" Yan Qi was a little unwilling in his heart, but he had memorized the opponent's breath.

As long as he followed the breath, he would definitely find an opportunity to challenge that person.

On the other side——

Yan walked while sending out his perception, and soon searched the main city.

He suddenly found an interesting street,

where there were many martial arts halls and many martial artists gathered.

You can see various styles of boxing, palm techniques, etc.

Although their skills are still a little immature compared to his, they all have the prototype of a formed system.

He quickly collected the information he wanted.

Martial arts halls are a kind of practice institution that has only emerged in recent years.

In the early days, the gods fought a war in the East for faith. Although no one knew why they all withdrew from the East in the end, there was no winner...

But since then, everyone in the Eastern countries has begun to develop a martial arts spirit.

The older generation who experienced the cruel scene of the war understood the importance of being strong, otherwise they would be like a rootless stem, drifting on the water.

And the older generation who survived the battle in that war gradually integrated various martial arts skills into new schools and established martial arts halls one after another.

Until today, those warriors who have no hope of breaking through will choose to build a martial arts school to pass on their skills.

If this grand occasion continues, there may be a skill comparable to Bajiquan that can be passed down in the future.

Seeing such a vibrant era, he even wants to go down and fight.

"... It's so lively..." Yan, who had just arrived at the street, saw that a ring was built on the only relatively large open space in the center of the street.

There were warriors fighting on the stage.

"... What is that?"

"Ah? Don't you know? Is it a foreigner? Wait, the same hair color and eye color, are there still locals who don't know about the ring competition?" As if hearing Yan's voice, a middle-aged man with a beard replied.

"Ah~ I just came from the countryside, I don't know much about these things." Yan smiled.

"Then your village is really remote! You don't even know about the martial arts competition of Zhuhuang Country...

It has spread all over the Eastern Continent now!" The middle-aged man couldn't help but mutter.

Yan smiled and said nothing——

It is indeed very remote, so remote that it is even more remote than another continent to the west of the neighboring country.

As for his hometown, it is even more across the world.

"Are you sure your country is not isolated from the world?"

"Haha, that's true! Then can you tell me more about it? This martial arts competition?" Yan pointed to the stage and said casually.

"It is to select the strongest martial arts master to teach the young princess skills——

The winner will continue to receive a large amount of rewards, and will be personally awarded the title of "Martial Arts Master" by the royal family." The bearded middle-aged man said.

Chapter 195: Fate meets, and you can make a move!

"Many well-known martial artists from all over the country, even from other places, come here to admire it. The arena will be set up everywhere in the city! It's already coming to an end here." The bearded middle-aged man continued.

"I see——" After roughly understanding the situation, Yan nodded and looked at the stage.

Is it for fame and wealth?

But this ring match is really nothing to watch.

There are young people with immature martial arts on the stage. The few strong auras that Yan sensed are all from the older generation.

They haven't made a move yet.

It's really strange-are they not interested in these?

Continuing to ask the bearded middle-aged man next to him for information, Yan learned that the older generation was challenged and seriously injured by a man named Yan Qi a few days ago.

Yan thought of something...

Before, at the dock, I seemed to have felt a good young aura.

That person seemed to want to find me for something.

Yan, who was too bothered at the time, directly restrained his aura.

Yan Qi hasn't come to find him yet, not because he doesn't want to find him, but because he can't find him at all.

And at this time-

The final winner of the ring also appeared.

He is a middle-aged man in his forties with very strong muscles. His martial arts may not be the most exquisite, but his foundation is the most solid one, and he is still a little short of a real martial arts master.

And those who are stronger than him have been challenged by Yan Qi before.

Under normal circumstances, the middle-aged man who would have no chance of winning the city championship would immediately be able to represent the main city to participate in the final selection.

The middle-aged man on the stage couldn't help but reveal a ruddy smile on his face.

Even if he was eliminated in the final selection of the imperial city, it was enough for him to show up now.

This experience will also become a good story as he is promoted to a martial arts master in the future.

However, in theory, he can indeed become the final winner -

if nothing unexpected happens.

Until a figure ignored the rules of the ring and stepped onto the ring with a gloomy face, the accident really happened!

The originally lively voices around suddenly disappeared,

and everyone's eyes turned to the figure on the high platform.

"Yan... Yan Qi?!" The middle-aged man on the stage said in disbelief with a trembling voice.

Didn't the other party not sign up before?

He was also sure that Yan Qi was not among the registered people, so he was confident that he could win the final victory.


"I'm in a bad mood now——

Let's fight! Let me see how strong the so-called strongest warrior selected from a city is!!" Yan Qi looked at the middle-aged man opposite with a violent and fierce look like a wolf.

Even the host who was originally going to announce the final victory of the middle-aged man quietly pretended to be invisible.

This young man is too murderous. The old generation of celebrities who fought with him were seriously injured and disabled.

If you speak out at this time, you will definitely be targeted by this monster.

"Oh no, that person is going to die...

Yan Qi's eyes are full of murderous intent now." The middle-aged man with a small mustache beside Yan sighed softly.

"The older generation in the city has been destroyed by Yan Qi, and now he doesn't even let go of the slightly younger ones?

Looking at his eyes, I wonder how many more warriors he will destroy.

It's hateful. For who knows how many years in the future, the martial arts of our city will fall into depression."

Yan: "Do you really want to stop this?"

The bearded middle-aged man subconsciously said: "Of course...

Well, but I'm not a warrior, so I'd better not get involved in such things."

Yan didn't say anything.

At this time on the stage-

Facing Yan Qi, a powerful enemy that could not be defeated, the middle-aged warrior just showed a bitter face and wanted to surrender...

Yan Qi didn't give him this opportunity, and quickly moved forward.

Bang~! The atmosphere seemed to be blown up!

The middle-aged man was defeated and fell to the ground without even seeing Yan Qi's movements, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Yan Qi didn't seem to have any intention of letting the other party go. He raised his leg and chopped the ground with his heel.

Yan frowned slightly at this scene.

Really... Whether it's the East or the West,

people with power are almost the same in their disregard for life.

This person is no longer seeking the pleasure of fighting between strong men, but simply venting his anger and killing!

If the two sides fight with equal strength,

when choosing to become a warrior, you should be prepared to die on the way to becoming stronger.

But what is this meaningless death.

In Yan's eyes, it's like an adult pointing a toy gun at a child's forehead.

And for Yan, the gun, which is not even as good as a toy, can kill the child.

Bang~! The leg that was enough to kill the middle-aged man did not fall in the middle-aged man's desperate eyes.

At this time, Yan's figure had disappeared beside the bearded middle-aged man in the audience.

Yan: "I heard your appeal--"


Yan: "For me, there is not much difference between justice and evil... but too useless behavior is unreasonable."

Just like the Mobius ring,

Twist a piece of paper 180°, and then stick the two ends together to make a paper strip ring, which has a magical property...

The front and back are on the same plane.

Justice and evil,

Good and evil are entangled and cannot be distinguished at all.

But for things that you hate, just reach out and stop them.

The voice of Yan on the stage suddenly rang in the ears of the middle-aged man and Yan Qi,


People saw an extra figure on the stage.

At this time, Yan's finger was mortgaged on Yan Qi's leg, making it impossible for him to press it down.

Yan Qi had used all his strength,

but the power of the fingertips was like a mountain pressing him down so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"How... is it possible..." This was not Yan Qi, but the middle-aged man lying on the ground who made a shocked low voice.

The bearded middle-aged man in the audience was also shocked to see the extra figure on the stage.

Isn't this the country bumpkin who was questioning him just now?

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