"You... it's you?!" Yan Qi's voice contained a hint of excitement and fear that he was not even aware of.

He obviously looks like a young man on the outside.

His martial arts strength was so unfathomable that he felt a little hairy.

This guy - is he one of those old monsters who likes to pretend to be young?

On the other side, looking at the strong fighting spirit rising in Yan Qi's eyes,

Realizing that the other party didn't listen to what he just said, Homura shook his head inwardly.

Just because everything is understood from its roots,

Only then can he better understand what kind of existence true warriors are.

It is by no means a simple matter of being brave, fighting, and bullying the weak.

The most outstanding among them, the warrior in the Moon World is undoubtedly the sharpshooter Li Shuwen.

In the original work, the mushroom Baji blowing is not covered.

As a warrior, even after becoming a follower, Li Shuwen was different from other followers in that his morality went beyond common sense.

For him as a Servant, there is not much difference between justice and evil.

And if someone's behavior is unreasonable and unhelpful, they will show explicit disgust towards that person.

When someone is a villain who is greedy for huge profits and is begged by the victim, Li Shuwen will confront that person on the grounds of 'fate'.

For a warrior, it has nothing to do with good or evil, and he can take action if he is destined.

Just like Homura is like this now...

Chapter 1,996 Bajiquan—Why do you want to learn it? A legend without two dozen!

Confront someone over "fate" and then kill him.

This is the warrior——

His character and rationality are closer to those of modern people.

But Yan didn't know that Yan Qi was in a bad mood and rushed to the ring to cause trouble, and he was partly responsible.

If Yan Qi hadn't completely lost Yan's aura, Yan Qi wouldn't be so irritable.

This can be regarded as a different kind of fate...?

At this time, Yan simply felt that warriors should be more pure,

Pursuing strength——

In the strength of one's own way of survival and belief rather than the strength of violence, what is hidden is [Martial Arts]!

"Someone once said this - if you fight with force, you will die. Fighting is not an easy matter, but a gamble on each other's beliefs. Therefore, it should not be started easily." At this time, Yan looked at the opposite person who was sweating profusely. Yan Qi, who locked himself tightly in excitement, spoke.


The fingertips exerted a slight force, and the next moment, boom!

Yan Qi was ejected like a cannon, and Yan Qi fell hard to the ground, opening a big hole.

The people around looked at this scene in shock.

The astonishing feat accomplished with one tiny finger was completely beyond their understanding!

And despite causing such terrifying destructive power, Yan Qi's surface was still intact.

At this time, people were stunned and even doubted whether his legs could still move?

Can this also be considered a type of martial arts?

"So... strong!" Yan Qi was both frightened and excited as he looked at the figure on the stage and murmured.

He stood up tremblingly. The opponent seemed to have spared the blow just now. Although his breath was a little turbulent, it was not serious.

Yan Qi solemnly showed the starting position of the martial arts secrets he had understood.

To deal with the monster in front of you, you must go all out——!

Yan Qi told himself this in his heart.

"Aren't you willing to give up?" Yan asked.

This willingness to challenge the powerful as a weak person really changed his impression of Yan Qi.


"This alone cannot defeat me..." Homura.

He did not interrupt Yan Qi and let him continue to build momentum until the final momentum was so powerful that even the ordinary people around him felt chills running down their spines and hair standing on end...

People watched this scene nervously with bated breath,

Waiting for that earth-shattering blow, Homura was still indifferent to such a blow, and couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

Until, roar~!

The strong wind roared as Yan Qi finally moved.

There are no scattered attacks like large-scale slashes or light cannons, but martial arts techniques that concentrate power into a single burst. It is a killing technique that truly contains destructive power.


The target that was tightly locked by his Qi machine suddenly disappeared.

Yan Qi's secret of self-sacrifice suddenly got stuck halfway, and his whole aura suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"...!" Yan Qi.

How is it possible——?

Not only was Yan Qi's face flushed, but he was about to become possessed by the mysterious secret that had nowhere to be released.

Even the people in the audience were confused...

People, where are people?

The mysterious young man who suddenly appeared suddenly disappeared again.

Everyone was stunned.

Being locked by the warrior's energy, the only way to deal with it is to deal with it head-on.

But the living person who was in front of their eyes just now suddenly disappeared?

Is it that the speed is so fast that their naked eyes can no longer catch it?

But what about the Qi machine?

That technique, which is regarded as cheating in Western countries, like intuition plus automatic detection of enemies, is now ineffective.

It was as if Homura never existed in the first place.

Everyone thought in confusion.

‘Did Yan Qi just lock on the air? ’

‘Are they collectively hallucinating? ’

"It disappeared completely..." At this time, Yan Qi, as the person involved, could best understand what had just happened.


Yan Qi's hair suddenly stood on end, Yan reappeared in his perception,


After knowing Yan's location and coordinates, Yan Qi wanted to fight back, but his body couldn't react.

Bang~! !

Yan Qi was punched and sent flying. This time he fell into the big pit, and the ground opened up and a bigger pit fell.

Yan tried a little harder, but Yan Qi couldn't get up like before.

"What... martial... skill is this! Ahem~!" Yan Qi asked in a voice while holding back the pain that came from his internal organs and sternum.

His eyes were firmly locked on Homura's young face, with a faint warm smile on his face.

At this age——

But he showed a terrifying strength that even the old martial arts masters could not show!

What on earth is he——!

"It's a circle..." Yan said.


There was a hint of confusion in Yan Qi's eyes.

He had never heard of this term, and he couldn't think of any martial arts similar to it.

Although Eastern Martial Arts is developing vigorously, the organization of the system is not achieved overnight.

Many martial arts insights and realms do not have detailed rankings to define, explain, or divide them.

For the realm of martial arts that I have never been exposed to,

Let alone Yan Qi, anyone else would be in the same confused state at this time.

Flame: "A technique that uses Qi to sense the surrounding situation and make one's own existence disappear.

Those who fully master it can even become one with heaven and earth, allowing their figure to blend into nature.

Because until the 'energy' in the body is transformed and used for attack, you can't tell where the person is even if you touch him.

——This is the circle. "

Let your body blend into...nature?

Yan Qi felt as if thunder flashed across his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

He remembered the scene where Yan disappeared from his perception like a ghost just now, and then suddenly appeared again.

This is the circle,

Is this what it means to blend into nature and become one with heaven and earth?

He looked at Homura in shock,

How can there be such magical martial arts techniques in this world!

If the opponent does not attack, he will not be able to detect the enemy even if he touches it. What a terrifying ability!

After listening to the description of this technique, the people in the audience felt their blood froze and felt horrified.

"You...who are you?" Yan Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Me? No need to care.

Just think of me as a descendant of Baji Quan..." Yan said casually.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention——

Bajiquan...! !

People have firmly remembered the name of this boxing technique.

A boxing technique I have never heard of!


Since there is a powerful performance of Yan who uses Bajiquan in front of him,

Even if this is just the first time I hear the name of this boxing technique,

Still left a deep impression on people.

“All the martial arts techniques I used just now originated from a legendary boxing master.

The boxing technique of a man who was once praised as "it doesn't need to be done twice, once is enough".

It means if you don't take action, you will die if you punch, no need for a second move..." Homura thought of something and suddenly said with interest.

And the information revealed in those words made everyone in the audience tremble with fear!

Who is that boxer? !

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