What a sad, heartbreaking answer that is.

Until now, calm down and think about all the things you have seen when you came to this world——

The princess was also in so much pain that she felt she couldn't breathe.

At this time, Bai gave the answer on behalf of Stephen: "Because resources are limited... As long as living things continue to reproduce, they will be infinite... Divide the finite by the infinite... The result can only be death together."

Stephen panicked and agreed.

However, Sora couldn't help but sigh.

There is no need to refer to Stephen's opinions at all.

But no matter what, one thing is certain.

[Even if the war disappears, the disputes still cannot be eliminated.

——That means there cannot be ‘complete equality’. 】

"Wha... what?" The princess on the other side shrank when she heard these words, and her heart was suddenly shocked.

It was as if a belief that I had always firmly believed was broken without mercy.

After she was stunned for a few seconds, she became a little lost.

When the Ten Covenants appeared, she thought she saw a future path for the country to truly achieve eternal peace and prosperity.

Everyone can resolve conflicts through games, and in the end there is only a scene of happily playing together.


In today's immersive epic world, even in this game world, is there no absolute fairness?

A completely fair world...

Does it really not exist?

Chapter 1115 Yuzuye: Meow meow meow, are they really orcs they are talking about?

Because chairs are limited, instead of giving in to each other, it is better to compete with each other. This is the "game of musical chairs".

As a result, the price for the [minority] to have enough food and clothing is that the [majority] must suffer——

In other words, this is absolutely no different from the normal world.

At the end of the day, the fight is still there, just in a different way.

'A battle where blood cannot be seen -' the princess thought, but felt chilled in her heart.

For the belief that the Louis family has always adhered to,

She started to have some doubts...

But this concept was gradually changed after witnessing Blank's victory one after another. That is another story.

The arrival of Sora and Shiro may be to change this world of struggle and make it truly a paradise where everyone can play games happily together.

Treat the only God as a common goal, unite everyone and defeat him——

That's what the God of Games himself would like to see!

This kind of game is the most exciting and happy! In line with the last words of the God of Games when he ascended the throne of the only God,

‘Let’s all have fun playing games together! ’

After that, Sora asked about the sixteen races of intelligence and learned about the situation.

This then leads to the question of the rank sequence among the sixteen races.

Simply put, it is the level of magic adaptation value.


"The human species is the 16th one—that is to say, the magic fitness value is 0. Even if you want to study it, you can't observe it."

When I heard Stephanie say this,



It's a different world!

That's just the time of the war. Are humans still unable to use magic?

The God of Games didn't use the power of the Star Cup to transform the human body!

She could not imagine how such a human species could survive after the war.

Not to mention——

Because of the activity of the [Ghosts], and because of the last words of the God of Games,

Many races have set their sights on this race that they did not pay attention to in the past.

The word 'difficult' popped into the princess' mind.

And on the other side——

After repeated questioning, Sora also came to the conclusion that the human race was absolutely incapable of using magic.

"That's why you lose in the [Gamble for the Territory]..." Stephanie said this, already lowering her head in frustration.

But the princess suddenly remembered something.


If you put it this way,

If those two people represent the void,

What does the "Gamble for the Land" in the epic represent?

I think everything is a coincidence, but I also feel that the story at this time seems to be an allusion to reality.

The princess began to wonder whether there was someone trying to divide the country and had always had ill intentions towards the Kingdom of Lucia.


Inevitably, she thought of her three brothers and the gods.

The princess's face gradually darkened.

Humans cannot use magic, so they lose to other races. This is a very normal thing.

You can't even tell that the other party is cheating.

In their world, humans can use magic and other skills.

But isn't that kind of magic just like a toy like fireworks in front of the gods?

If the gods wanted to do something, wouldn't they be able to easily take away everything in this country as long as they cast "magic" that humans couldn't detect?

The princess, who had imagined the 'reality of the world', clenched her fists.

She would never let the kingdom fall into the hands of those gods!



The God of Games wouldn’t watch this happen, right?

Perhaps that's why the blank-looking brother and sister appeared.

I don’t want the three brothers to win the final victory... so——

Thinking of this, even the princess herself believed it.

And on the other side——

Regarding the discussion about magic, Sora asked about the seventh elf species who is best at using magic.

Information about the fourteenth beastman who cannot use magic at all.

If you think about it this way, the orcs in other worlds now also have professions such as magic shamans.

Disbod is completely different from their world - things from another world,

This conjecture has also deepened in people's minds.

"Since the orcs in the other world don't know how to use magic, those reckless men must be having a miserable time." At this time, Claire, who was also in the immersive epic, couldn't help but mutter to herself when she saw this.

This is the game world,

This is no longer a world where victory can be won simply by having more strength in one's arms.

No matter how you look at it, races that can use magic to cheat have a much greater advantage than races that cannot use magic to cheat!

Even Yuye, the cat-eared girl who is an orc, thinks so at the moment.

Seeing her here as well——

I am still thinking, if the orcs establish a racial nation, where will they rank?

The orc race with the third lowest life rank,

I guess it's not much better than the human race of Disbod, right?


Stephanie suddenly hesitated and said that although the orcs did not know magic: "On the contrary, I heard that they can rely on their super five senses to interpret the breath of magic or human emotions.

The beastman country [Eastern United] merged the archipelago in the southeastern ocean and is the third largest country in the world today——"

Yu Ye's hands clenched unconsciously,

Huh? ! Huh, eh, eh? !

Is this really an orc?

Not Superman——?

The cat-eared girl was stunned, and the hairs on her furry ears stood on end.

What kind of bug's power is it to interpret the breath of magic! Not to mention reading human emotions, is this really not a conceptual level?

Are all the beastmen in this world such terrifying individuals?

Yuye suddenly felt that she was not a fake beastman.

And that third largest country in the world! ! !

There are a total of sixteen races, and the country of the orcs can be ranked in the top three!

What terrible things did this do?

There are still thirteen people ahead of the orc life stage!

Are most of the thirteen races extinct?

Yuzuha doesn’t know any more information about the beast race.

I don’t know that there are still a few divine species hidden within the orc race.

It is even less clear how many deceitful things other races experienced after the war, leading to racial decline.

As for the orcs being able to reach their current position as the third largest country, a lot of things did happen in the middle.

This in itself is a miracle that cannot be replicated——

And the other races in this world are so strong,

Either it's like [superpower] or it's like [super-sense],

How could human beings lose like this? People at this time can understand in their hearts.

"... Damn it, if humans can also use magic." Claire whispered reluctantly.

...No, even if they can't use magic, they don't have the powerful perception of the orcs!

——During the war, didn’t Riku still succeed in playing tricks on these extraordinary races?

If that couple were allowed to live in this era——

Chapter 1,116 They are actually the descendants of ghosts!

"That would be so wonderful..." Claire couldn't help but murmur.

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