Thinking back on the sacrifices of Riku and Shubi, I still feel heartbroken and sad.

In a world like this now,

It must have been something the couple had dreamed of.

There is a couple who are the strongest.

There is a pair of brother and sister, the weakest and undefeated.

Sometimes fate is so wonderful and cruel——

If it were that couple...

Is there any chance of winning if the enemy uses thousands of techniques that cannot be debunked by one side?

It is inevitable to have such thoughts psychologically,

——As an ordinary human being, it is absolutely impossible to win against such a cheating player!

The princess of Lucia Kingdom, Claire, and Princess Dawn, the cat-eared girl Yuye——

Even more people were hesitant in their hearts when they saw this.


At the next moment in the epic, Bai suddenly expressed that he had finished learning.

"...Huh? What did you learn?" Stephanie.

It was learned from the conversation between the brother and sister Bai that in just ten minutes, Bai had learned the language of this world.

Even Sora said that although it would take him some time, he could learn to tell time in an hour——

"???" Everyone.


They should not treat these siblings on the same level as normal humans.

In the same way...

That couple cannot be treated as ordinary people!

Especially Hubi himself is a machine type.

"...Hmm, am I thinking too much?

There should be no doubt at all.

If Riku and Shubi were here,

It must have led the human species to become the world's largest country! "Claire couldn't help laughing.

Speaking of which, since we can have a conversation,

The words are the same, you just need to learn the words.

However, just now everyone in the other world also saw the words in the library.

But I couldn’t understand any of them.

Don’t talk about learning a language on your own.

Just a few glances, without Stephanie's translation, they almost fainted.

Although I really want to pretend to be 'that's how it is', I understand the extremely powerful academic abilities of the Blank brother and sister.


Is there another important fact that has been overlooked or missed?

Do these siblings really have that consciousness?

That is——

I did it without anyone teaching me,

It’s not [department], but [interpretation].

In the world of this brother and sister, is this normal?

The princess and the others are in extremely complicated moods now——

The two creatures in front of them were obviously completely beyond their understanding.

"I really witnessed an extraordinary person..." The princess couldn't help but murmured at this time, thinking of Homura and Himizuru.

Can they also do this kind of thing?

Such people...

Maybe, we can really change this country!

And in the epic poem, Stephanie serves tea to the Blank brothers and sisters who are immersed in studying.

Sora's inner voice while looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window attracted people's attention.

"This is like Europe in the middle of the Renaissance, before the sky was polluted by the industrial revolution... beautiful street scenes."

Notes also appear in the epic about what the Industrial Revolution was.

And if it takes thousands of years, the technological level will only remain at the early fifteenth century in another world...

——Then a race that can use plug-ins like magic,

To what extent has its civilization developed?

"Industrial Revolution?" This time, it was Hermitus, the god, who was attracted.

...The main story of Game Life is released,

As a long-time book fan, it was impossible for him not to read it.

And the description of the Industrial Revolution in the epic,

Hermitus suddenly felt something familiar——

Wait, this is not the time when he was working in Ceylon...cough, no, it was when he was studying!

When you were studying technology in Ceylon, did that land change?

So Ceylon is currently undergoing an industrial revolution and developing into the modern era?

Hermitus: "...!"

Doesn’t that mean that we are not far away from truly seeing the ‘future scene’ in the epic?

But now the mystery is obviously still alive and well!

This is definitely not something that should appear in this era where the ‘age of gods’ has not yet completely retired.

"Who came up with this advanced technology...wait..." Hermitos suddenly thought of something.

He's not the flower magician again!

There is even some certainty in my heart,

...The God of Alchemy opened his mouth wide for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Back to the topic——

At this time, Kong suddenly asked: "I said Stephen - why do you want to be the king?"

Subconsciously, Princess Lucia, who had become accustomed to the name Stephen, looked dazed for a moment.

It was as if Sora was asking her at this moment,

And she did want to be a king at first.

Just when the princess opened her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

Another real Stephen had the answer at this point.

In fact, Stephanie herself doesn't care much about being a royal.

"...This country - Elkia is also quite a big country." When she mentioned this, that idiot Stephanie seemed to have changed into a different person.

Her face was filled with pride that couldn't be overcome.

At this time, it is so dazzling and attracts people's attention.

‘Quite a big country? ’ Hermitus disagreed.


At this time, Stephanie looked into the distance, as if looking at the past, and said: "In the past, there were several countries with human species in the world, and Elkia was the largest country among them."

To say something proud and ironic——

After reaching the [Ten Covenants], among the human race that has lost all the way, it can still become the [Last Country].

Even in the early days just after the war, the Kingdom of Elkia was probably formed by a group of the best humans.


Elkia? Why does the name of this country seem familiar?

And the best—!

People reacted suddenly.

Isn't this the kingdom established by the Dora family and Riku sister?

[Crony Dora...she is the queen who founded the country of Elkia. No one has ever seen her cry in her life. She is full of knowledge and smile - a talented woman who leads the human race after the end of the "war"... She is the pride of the Dora family. 】

This is how it was introduced in the previous Game Life Zero Epic.


This kingdom can be seen as a continuation of the small settlement led by Riku!

Descendants of the [Ghosts]...!

It's such a miserable mess.

People fell into a deathly silence for a while,

When he looked at Stephanie again, he noticed that she had the same hair color and similar appearance as the former Cloni Dora.

Uh-! !


Thinking of the contributions of the Dora family, people began to apologize for actually laughing in their hearts that Stephanie was a fool.

Although she does have a bit of a weak head.

Chapter 1,117 Two of you - Foolish King? A depressed princess!

"Does the street look lively? But...Elkia is going bankrupt."

Looking at Sora looking at the street, the expression on Stephanie's face looked a little sad at this time.

Although there was no answer——


But Kong expressed his understanding in his heart: "Losing territory, there are too many people in a small country."

The shortage of resources and food has brought the economy to a desperate situation.

Even if you want to produce food, without land there is no produce, and without produce there is no work. ’

Relying on the [Ten Covenants], public security is certainly stable, but——

Even if Sora’s inner voice ends here,

...People still feel a little heavy.

Such stability is nothing but false peace!

How could this be?

If it were their world, the human race would have been plunged into war and plunder.

People without food do not dare to challenge those high-ranking races, and will focus their fierce eyes on those weaker than themselves——

Old people, women, children?

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