‘Lancelot’! !

The man with silver hair and red eyes just now was actually Lancelot himself! ?

People looked at the door where Homura was standing directly. Isn't it Sir Lancelot's room?

This time it’s even worse!

——Stone hammer!

They actually saw the true face of Lord Lancelot.

Not long after, the news about Lancelot being a handsome man with silver hair and red eyes spread wildly in the Second Fortress, and finally everyone knew about it.

The news that Lancelot was very close to Lord Rhine of the King of Heroes also reached the ears of the King of Heroes.

After hearing this, the King of Heroes' expression became a little subtle.

Has that 'Lancelot' appeared again? Rhine... is still very close to him?

He dragged Rhine all the way to the refugee area of ​​the Second Fortress.

The civilians were all squatting in the small room at this time. Except for Yan and Rhine, there were basically no other people on the street.

Yanzhong finally stopped.

"What do you want from me?" Looking at the panting girl, Homura suddenly asked.

"Eh? Yes, yes. I want to be your teacher, please teach me how to become stronger!" After hearing Homura's words, she was slightly surprised, and then she spoke sincerely and eagerly about what she has been doing since that day. The words you want to say.

"Worship me as your disciple?" Yan looked at Lain strangely.

"Wait a minute, your father is the King of Heroes! Wouldn't it be better to let him teach you?"

Homura is very aware of the 'potential' that exists within the girl.

As long as the dragon blood in the body is fully activated, becoming a powerful dragon blood warrior is basically a certainty.

All she needs to do is to continuously absorb various exquisite martial arts and skills.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t do any breathing or physical exercises.

Her father left her a rich 'genetic inheritance'. As the daughter of the King of Heroes who is known as the Sword Master, there is no need to look far away to seek his teachings!

Well, it's just that the dragon's bloodline is too 'thin' and there is no external stimulation. I'm afraid it will take five or six years to reach the level of natural awakening.

"Father, he doesn't support me taking the path of a warrior." Rhine hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to tell Homura about himself and his father.

This is the first time she has shared her 'things' with other people.

As Rhine continued to arrive, he listened quietly to the girl's story.

Yan put his hand on the girl's head and touched it, with a bright smile on his face: "If you are not allowed to follow the path of a warrior, then you can follow the path of a knight!"

"Huh?" Rhine took a small step back in a panic, his face getting even hotter from the sudden closeness.

"Are you relieved?" Withdrawing his hand, Yan suddenly looked at the girl's chest.

Through the rise and fall of the chest, Homura analyzed the girl's breathing method, and a thought flashed in his mind:

‘Unexpectedly, the amount of Qi is very small! ’

Humans with dragon factors are actually so weak in the 'breathing method'? Something went wrong!

"Thank you, thank you. What is the chivalry you just mentioned?" Rhine lowered her head slightly and noticed that Yan's eyes were staring at her shameful place. At this time, her heart was beating very fast.

She already had a crush on Homura, but she only felt panic and shyness when faced with this situation.

"Knights... are also a type of warrior. However, they can use magic power to replace qi to strengthen themselves for fighting. Although you don't have a lot of qi in your body, the magic power is huge!" Yan smiled and paused in his words. .

The scene of Xiao Mo holding a big sword and using his magic power to kill people fiercely with red thunder appeared in his mind.

"I understand your troubles. You have been carrying the dragon factor since you were born, and that powerful talent should have been lucky for you. But after listening to your life experience just now, I think that for you It’s almost becoming a curse.”

Hearing Homura suddenly say this, Rhine had a confused and confused look on his face.

"Try breathing with all your strength -" Yan didn't explain anything, just said suddenly. His eyes were still locked on the girl's chest.

Rhine raised his head in surprise and noticed the indifference in Yan's eyes.

Thinking of Yan's words just now, she guessed something.

‘Do you want to observe my breathing method? So is this why you were staring at me just now? ’

Thinking of this, the girl felt ashamed of the random thoughts in her mind.

The girl who obediently obeyed Homura and was not worried about him secretly learning her 'family breathing method'. She even gently told Homura the secret and route of her breathing method in advance, and then she began to concentrate on 'breathing'. .

She had already guessed what Homura had discovered.

‘The dragon factor is a curse? ’

‘Are you talking about the thin dragon blood in your body? ’

‘Does that have anything to do with my meager warrior talent? ’

With all kinds of questions, Rhine was looking forward to it like never before.

After Rhine's chest rose and fell several times, the plump snow peaks began to tremble due to Yan's gaze.

Seeing that the girl was a little nervous and gradually losing her temper, Homura withdrew his gaze.

"As expected..."

Chapter 123: Do you want to become a magical girl and sign a contract with me?

There is such a saying among professionals in this world.

"The art of fighting is the art of breathing."

Whether it is regulating the power in the blood or attaching the qi to the weapon, the importance of breathing is emphasized.

Don't talk about 'breathing method'.

Even for ordinary people, breathing is a natural life instinct for people.

By panting, oxygenate the blood.

The more vigorous the qi in the human body, the greater the driving force for the blood, so that people can burst out powerful power in a short time.

The dragon factor in Rhine's blood is now in an unawakened state.

It's like a computer without an activated system. Even if its hardware equipment is all the latest top configuration, it can't enter the homepage no matter how many times it is opened without a system.

Ordinary breathing methods can't mobilize the dragon factor in the girl's body at all.

On the contrary, the powerful and dormant dragon factor will become an obstacle for Rhine to stimulate the power of qi and blood.

It is amazing that Rhine can produce a trace amount of qi in her body under this situation. Although this qi is not enough for her to cross the boundary of the fourth step, this kind of thing is like a computer without a system that can still be opened and entered.

But I could only see the desktop. I couldn't run it completely.

"Is there any problem?" The girl asked timidly. She looked at Yan eagerly, afraid that Yan would give an answer that 'you are not suitable for the path of a warrior'.

"No, not only is there no problem, on the contrary, your talent is very good."


Looking at the stunned expression on the girl's face, Yan suddenly showed a malicious smile: "If I tell you that the problem is not with you, but the breathing method you use is flawed in itself-"

"!!!" Rhine was shocked.

Panic, confusion, unbelievable.

"Wait, wait. This is the breathing method my father taught me. My father will not hurt me! Is there anything wrong?!" The girl came up eagerly, and her body was almost on Yan's body without noticing.

She had become confused because of Yan's words.

If it weren't for Yan being the gentle hero in her mind-Lord Lancelot, she might have taken action if others dared to say such 'excessive' words.

"For other people, this breathing method is indeed fine, and it is even a rare treasure. But for you who have a rare dragon factor but have not awakened, it is no different from the inferior breathing method of any third-rate mercenary on the street. - It is the worst defective product!"

"How... could it be, but father obviously also--" The girl was a little shaky.

"Obviously also has dragon blood, right!" Those eyes seemed to have seen through the girl's heart, and Yan spoke in advance.

"You're wrong about one thing. Your father didn't bathe in dragon blood at the beginning! Think about it, when did he have the strength to slay a dragon? And I'm talking about dragon blood that hasn't awakened, which will have an effect."

As the girl's body gradually trembled, Yan continued: "No, neither the Hero King nor you... have found a way to 'really tap that hidden potential.'"

"Even the breathing method of the man who stands at the top of the swordsman and has the name of the Sword Saint is just forcibly helping you open the power of 'breathing'. This extreme way of gaining power is not beautiful at all."

Yan looked at the girl and fell into a period of thought.

Even if there is only thin dragon blood, as long as the level is raised, the strength of the body will naturally grow.

Unlike the Hero King who has long become a strong man with a mature path of advancement.

The girl, who is very similar to the young dragon, actually went far away to learn the 'breathing method'. This fighting method created by 'humans' to make up for the gap between them and other races.

That's why Yan said that the precious and powerful breathing method created by the King of Heroes was a defective product for the girl.

No, defective products are just bragging! At least other mercenaries can use that kind of thing to cross to the level of "professionals" of the fourth level.

"So as long as I find a breathing method suitable for me and solve this problem, I can become stronger?" Rhine couldn't help but put his hands together in front of him and asked nervously.

"Huh? Why do you still need to learn breathing methods? Although I can indeed analyze a set of breathing methods suitable for you." Yan.

As he said, Yan suddenly spoke out a breathing route and tricks.

"This... is——?" Rhine, who originally heard Yan's words and thought Yan didn't want to help him and was a little disappointed.

After hearing this, the girl opened her eyes in shock.

Then, she subconsciously closed her eyes and began to breathe according to the method Yan had just taught.

After a few seconds, a burst of hot breath suddenly boiled in the girl's body.

Just like a calm lake suddenly heated up to boiling water, the amazing heat surged in Rhine's body, the girl's fair face turned red, and hot sweat began to appear all over her body.

The air Rhine exhaled from her mouth actually carried a few beautiful red particles like flames.

"Ah!" Rhine, who had just opened his eyes and was startled by the beautiful light particles in front of him, panicked.

"Hahahahaha!! As expected. Although it is a human, as long as you master the method, you can still use the power of 'breath' like a real young dragon. - Since you want to learn the breathing method so much, then learn this."

Yan suddenly laughed happily.

It was as if he had completed an interesting conjecture and hypothesis and discovered a new world.

What I just taught the girl was not so much a breathing method as it was the instinct of the 'young dragon' to breathe!

As long as she was guided a little, she could use it easily and freely.

This breathing method also applies to Yan herself.

"Great... I succeeded." Feeling the several times more burning and powerful 'qi' in her body, the girl shed tears of joy and emotion.

"No, that's not a success! It's just digging out a little of the power that is already hidden in your body. I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly 'weak'. So I suggest you change another way to become stronger!"

Rhine was a little confused.

Feeling the 'weakness' in her body, she didn't know how to reply to Yan's words for a while.

This——Is it really that weak?

"The power of the dragon lies in its strong body and magic like a natural disaster. In this case, why not use your talent." Yan.

"Infuse the magic power into the sword——" As he spoke, Yan became more interested than Rhine himself!

He hadn't seen other people release magic power yet!

"Magic power...infuse into the sword?!" Rhine widened his eyes in disbelief, and subconsciously thought of the "light cannon" in the biography of King Arthur.

When he thought of the name of Lord Lancelot, it was exactly the same as the famous Knight of the Lake in the biography.

No, no way! Could it be that Lord Lancelot was talking about that kind of "swordsmanship"! ?

He had no idea that his daughter had unknowingly walked ahead of him and started to get in touch with the "magic release" swordsmanship that he had been thinking about and had no idea about.

At this time, the hero king's heart jumped inexplicably.

"...So, you want to become a magic boy - ah, knight? Girl!" Yan said this, and stretched out his right hand to Rhine.

Yan smiled gently and handsomely at this time, just like a certain "online scammer"!

Chapter 124 Hero King = Tsundere Monster?

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