"Is that kind of thing really possible?" the girl asked in a low voice, a little uneasily.

Even the path to becoming a warrior was almost cut off.

It was thanks to Sir Lancelot's help in improving the 'breathing method' that I finally had a glimmer of hope for the 'future'.

She was a little unsure of herself.

...The girl had no doubts about whether Lancelot could teach her the magical "magic instilled into the sword" fighting method, she just doubted whether she could learn it.

As for Lancelot, who was able to arbitrarily improve the breathing method that suits him, making his incompetent self suddenly become so much stronger, in Rhine's view, he was already like his own god, and even faintly began to surpass his 'father'. A powerful position in her mind.

At this moment, the girl is admiring and admiring this figure infinitely.

Everything Yan says and does now has a great impact on Rhine.

"What kind of expression do you have? Since I can teach you how to 'breathe', of course I am also responsible for guiding you on how to use magic power to fight. I am just teaching you the 'instinct' of how to spread your wings as an eagle. If you even do this If you can't do simple things, then that's a strange thing." Homura smiled like a gentle friend, but said words that sounded a bit arrogant to others.

That confidence greatly affected the girl.

"Please teach me how to become a knight! Please!" The girl stood on tiptoes, moved her face slightly closer, and begged sincerely and firmly.

Looking at those close at hand, the bright red and soft lips, the clear and pure ice blue eyes, and the warm breath hitting the face.

Yan: This 'baby dragon' is a bit alluring...

If you get too close, he will have the urge to transform into a dragon knight.

"...Then let's give it a try." Yan revealed his warm eyes and chuckled.


The source of magic and vitality, magic exists in basically all living creatures.

Whether it is the moon world or this world.

Regardless of whether it is a magic circuit or a magic corridor, the essence is a battle that uses "magic power" to realize "spells".

As long as the circulation route of magic power is slightly improved, it is not difficult for a girl to learn techniques such as "mana release".

Human beings in this world just lack the skill to systematically combine "magic and close combat".


Flame took a deep look at Rhine.

'It is the dragon's instinct to easily control magic power to fight. ’

"Then, come find me again before you go to bed at night! I will stay in the fortress today. You should know where I live."

"Ah... Is this, so fast!?" The girl's face was stained with a layer of blush. In addition, she was sweating a lot and using the improved version of 'Dragon's Breath', and her whole body was still wet and she was panting.

With messy red hair sticking close to her skin, Rhine looked particularly alluring at this time.

Homura smiled, without the slightest thought of looking away, just admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him openly.

To paraphrase Mei Li, what he is doing now is appreciating ‘beauty’!

This kind of behavior is not shameful at all. This is the look of girls who notice their beauty!

"I, I'm not ready yet." The girl lowered her head shyly.

——It’s too fast. At least, at least date yourself first and get along for a while! Lord Lancelot!

Jumping directly to the stage of giving birth to a baby was a bit too exciting for Rhine.

"Then it's decided. I'll help you awaken the dragon factor at night, and by the way, let you learn how to use magic to fight. Oops! The process is a little long, so I asked you to come back before you go to sleep."

"Eh?!!!" The girl suddenly raised her head and made a surprised sound, her face turning red.

"Is there any problem? I think it's the easiest way to just take a nap and awaken the dragon factor when you wake up!"

"What... nothing. Thank you." Rhine shook his head desperately and said hurriedly.


Isn't that what it means? !

Woohoo, I'm thinking wrong again!

After making an appointment with Yan to come over in the evening, Rhine hurriedly ran away and disappeared.

The girl was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to stay in front of Homura for any longer.

"Anyway - let's go see those Crusaders first. As for the King of Heroes, we can get up close and personal through Rhine's connections!" Yan touched his chin and murmured.

The closer you get, the faster the analysis will become.

It would be great if we could find a way to let the King of Heroes fight with him.

Some technical things still need to be performed by the King of Heroes himself before he can analyze them.

On the other side, I heard my subordinates say that Rhine was back.

The King of Heroes temporarily put aside the practice of 'light cannon swordsmanship' and had his daughter called over again.

He wanted to ask some things about 'Lancelot', such as if 'Lancelot' had black hair and black eyes, why did he turn into silver hair and red eyes?

As a result, the King of Heroes met again, but he felt the thick and scorching "qi" in Rhine's body, making his body stiff.

‘Although I have become a little stronger, I am still very weak. The amount of Qi is too little. If it was one-tenth that of ordinary professionals before, it is now about half the level. ’ Shaking his head, the King of Heroes still didn’t have any expectations for Rhine to embark on the path of a warrior.

Unless her 'qi' can increase several times.

Although he seemed to think so in his heart, the Hero King only talked to Rhine about the issue of ‘Lancelot’ this time.

After learning that Rhine didn’t know why Lancelot’s appearance suddenly changed, the two ended their communication.

However, unexpectedly, the Hero King didn’t ask his daughter about the ‘warrior’ path, nor did he ask why the aura in his daughter’s body had changed so amazingly.

Until Rhine’s figure disappeared from his sight, the Hero King’s cold face had a slight arc on his mouth that he didn’t even notice.

Then, it was gone in a flash.

If Yan saw the communication between the father and daughter, he would definitely sigh like this. ‘Old man’s tsundere and so on are really not cute at all! ’

Return to his room.

Rhine waited until the evening with a variety of complicated emotions such as uneasiness, expectation, and tension.

For some reason, she didn’t tell her father today that she was learning to become stronger from ‘Lancelot’.

But not only do I have to learn the technique of "releasing magic power" mentioned by Lord Lancelot, but I also have to awaken the dragon factor in my body?

After I came back, I suddenly remembered that what Yan said at that time seemed to have a subtle "something".

This is what the girl is most nervous about now!

——The "Dragon Factor" that has troubled me for more than ten years and made her warrior path more difficult than others, Lord Lancelot actually wants to help me awaken it.

It was not until it was dark that Rhine came to Yan's door and knocked on the door.

The wooden door creaked open, and in addition to the familiar and reliable figure, there appeared in front of Rhine. There was a room that was completely different from what he imagined.

It was not as simple and small as other mercenary residences, but a "library" that Rhine was familiar with.

Yan: "Are you here so soon? Anyway, come in first."

Chapter 125 Yan: How did you get a British swordsman?

"Then before learning how to use magic to strengthen the body for combat, I want to know what your understanding of magic is?"

Leading Rhine to the center of the library, there were only the girl and Yan in the hall.

The second time she came to this library with infinite corridors in the air, the girl was still full of shock. It was not until she heard Yan's voice that she came back to her senses.

"Ah. Is it... a miracle fantasy that affects the natural world and rewrites reality by running the magic in the magic corridor...?" Rhine replied with some uncertainty, hesitantly giving the textbook answer when he was studying in the academy.

"Yes. This understanding is also correct."

Yan smiled lightly, and nodded without any strange color on his face.

This made Rhine a little uneasy. Lord Lancelot meant that it seemed that he had given the wrong 'answer'? Are there other ways to explain magic?

"Depending on the different arrangements of the 72 sounds and 13 rune symbols, the magic of this world can produce different effects." Without the intention of popularizing the magic of the Moon World to Rhine, Yan directly began to explain to the girl how to use the magic corridor to release the improved 'magic release'.

"Just make a specific arrangement, and then like this-" As he said that, Yan's figure suddenly disappeared in an instant, and appeared beside the girl as if teleporting, with one hand around her waist, and his fingers gently pressed on a certain position on Rhine's abdomen.

As the girl's face gradually steamed and flushed, a stream of magic heat flowed into the magic corridor in her body with his fingers, and began to draw Rhine's original magic away.

This teaching method, which almost made Rhine faint with shame, took about half an hour to finish.

"Remember the magic flow route just now, and then try to guide the magic, and cover your weapon with the proportion method I told you."

Yan retracted his hand and continued with a faint smile.

Well - although the teaching method just now can be achieved by using a staff or something like that to conduct magic power through the air, it is indeed better to teach by example and do it yourself!

Then, after several failures, "Ah! I did it! Lord Lancelot!"

The girl shouted happily and joyfully, wanting to share her joy with the important people around her.

The red thunder sounded with a thunderclap, and Yan was slightly stunned when he saw the color that was exactly the same as his own "magic power".

"It's really amazing! You may have the potential to become a "hero"!" Yan did not hesitate to praise him.

Not everyone with dragon blood can become a strong person, even if they can awaken the dragon factor, they may not necessarily achieve the "seventh step".

However, the girl's "talent" is really amazing to be able to release this "red magic power like thunder" so quickly.

"Hero? Ah, is it true?"

"Of course it's true." It doesn't matter if it's fake--

Yan showed a smile on his face, and the silver hair slightly blocked his eyes. Rhine, who was in joy, didn't notice the strange color flashing in Yan's eyes for a while.

Even if he didn't have the potential to become a 'hero', he would make Rhine a 'hero'.

'Hero creation' is also an interesting thing!

"Then, the next step is the awakening of blood... You should be ready too."

"...Huh?" The girl was stunned, and then before she could react, Yan made the next move.

"The next step is hell. Try to cross that dangerous end. This darkness will be a sign of the end of all your previous sufferings." A staff suddenly appeared in Yan's hand, and he tapped it lightly with the bottom of the staff. down to the ground.

This was his first time casting a spell with a 'staff', and the effect was naturally terrifying.

The next moment, with the sound of Yan's voice that was not loud but sounded like a bell in her mind, and the crisp sound of the staff hitting the floor, the whole world in front of the girl's eyes completely changed.

It only took a moment to completely sink into this "magic". Everything around him suddenly changed from a magnificent, mysterious and dreamy library to a dark and lightless area.

In that dead silence that seemed to be able to swallow even the soul, Rhine opened his eyes in confusion at first, and then felt panicked.

A faint light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and that light made her feel a little calmer.

"Lord Lancelot?" Facing the girl's timid call, Homura did not respond immediately.

He stood in the darkness, staring at the petite, panicked figure in front of the light, silently meditating.

Is this kind of darkness that doesn't even exist with despair and uneasiness, and is too heavy, actually her inner world?

But even in such darkness, there is still a bright candle, burning and swaying firmly.

Although there was no light around him, the candle in the center made Homura feel very warm, and he had no fear of the dark night.

Yan Neng could vaguely feel that the 'fire' seemed to have something to do with him.

"This is your inner world - don't be afraid, you should feel more at ease here than ever."

——Inner world?

This is actually her inner world!

Yan's voice finally came to mind again, and Rhine nodded to show that he understood, but he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his pretty face.

He can even do such magical things as entering his own inner world. Lord Lancelot is so amazing!

"If you want to speed up the natural awakening of the 'Dragon Factor' without relying on external stimulation, you can only try to revive the Dragon Factor through violent fluctuations of inner emotions. Rhine-chan, let's try next. Imagine the person you think is the most powerful and respected person.”

Although he didn't know what Yan was going to do, after hearing Yan's instructions, Rhine tried to imagine.

'The most powerful...the most respected man. ’ The girl subconsciously thought of her father, and gradually light began to bloom in the dark world.

But soon, when the 'figure' was about to turn into the 'King of Heroes', it gradually blurred and turned into another figure.

At this time, when the girl's eyes were in a trance and she regained her vision again, the darkness had completely disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a vast expanse of day, a void and boundless world without the dividing line between heaven and earth.

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