And a familiar yet strange figure appeared in front of Rhine.

He had a head of silver hair as bright and beautiful as the moon goddess, a pair of dreamy lavender eyes, and a white wizard robe on his body. He held a staff in one hand and a shining golden holy sword in the other hand, exuding amazing sword power.

The strongest person, in the girl's heart, there are a few people who can touch the edge, one is her father, the hero king, another is Lord Lancelot, and the other is King Arthur in the book.

And the most respected people are also these few people, and there is also a mysterious and unpredictable Meili.

It seems that even her subconscious can't judge which of these people is most in line with the setting of "the strongest and most respected person by the girl" in the mouth of "Yan".

A figure with the appearance of those "people" appeared in this space.

He has a similar appearance to Meili, a powerful sword power like a sword saint, holding a staff in one hand and holding Arthur's holy sword in the other hand.

And the face is the face of the adult who appeared most in Rhine's fantasy.

"..." Looking at a face that looks like his own, but looks like another version of 'Merry', that is, Merlin's 'self'?

Yan was silent.

Damn, I don't think I have ever drawn a 'male version of Merlin'!

How did you imagine that 'white-haired online fraud'! He even made the posture of the British swordsman! And why does he look exactly like me!

For a moment, Yan was so shocked that he almost forgot what to do next.

Chapter 126 If you don't fight, you will die. Fight! Fight!

"Then the next step is to fight, Rhine! Dragons are proud creatures. If you want to conquer the dragon factor in your body, you must be stronger than anyone else and know how to 'fight' better than anyone else! Trigger the warlike instinct engraved in the bones of young dragons!" Yan.

Holding the staff and holding it in front of him, Yan smiled softly.

Like the scarlet wind blowing from the grassland, the overbearing and powerful tone resounded loudly in this space and in Rhine's ears.

"!?" Fight?

I never thought that what Lord Lancelot asked me to do was to "fight".

In this space of consciousness, who should I fight with? Could it be——

The girl subconsciously glanced at the silver-white "figure" in front of her that was insurmountable, as majestic as a mountain, as deep as the sea, and as dreamy as impossible to match.

The supreme and strongest posture born from combining all the "strongest"!

"!!!" Rhine was shocked.

If she knew that the so-called dragon factor awakening required this kind of stimulation, she would definitely not imagine such a terrifying figure.

Not only combined with the power of her father, but also combined with the power of Lord Lancelot, and even Lady Meli and His Royal Highness King Arthur.

How could this be defeated!

If Rhine knew the term "humanoid cheater", he would understand how fucked up he felt facing "Merlin" now.

However, the girl's fear and worry were a bit redundant. The "Merlin" in front of her was not as "strong" as the girl imagined.

Yan's "consciousness transfer" magic did not directly invade Rhine's inner world. Instead, it connected his inner world with Rhine's and forcibly opened up this space.

This kind of dangerous "spiritual" magic, only Yan dared to operate it with his powerful "computing power".

Although it was a combination of the two people's consciousness space, they should be in an "invincible" state here.

But Yan's own magic attainments were much, much higher than the girl's, so this space was still dominated by Yan's "control".

People only knew that "Lancelot" was unparalleled on the battlefield, but they didn't know him personally. What was really powerful was the peak magic that was infinitely close to the seventh step.

If he had not been unsure of his own ‘reason’ and which ‘path’ to take, perhaps he would have succeeded ‘Hiti’ and become the new ‘youngest magician’.

…Yan has adjusted the ‘Merlin’ imagined by Rhine to the same level of strength as Rhine.

Theoretically, the strength of the two is about the same at this moment.

As long as Rhine can defeat this strongest ‘figure’ in his heart, cross the most insurmountable mountain in his heart, and even completely crush and defeat ‘Merlin’, there is at least a 9.9% chance that the Dragon Factor will awaken.

However - theory is just theory.

After Yan’s words fell, the imagined British Sword Saint ‘Merlin’ seemed to have opened some ‘instructions’.

He was filled with ferocious murderous intent, and his eyes were cold and looked at Rhine without any human emotions.

Like a killing weapon without consciousness, ‘Merlin’ took the initiative to rush towards Rhine.


Rhine, who had just drawn his sword and hurriedly resisted, was chopped away fiercely.

Before the girl could recover, the figure had disappeared, and the next moment he appeared out of thin air beside Rhine and slashed with a sword.

Puff! !

The girl hurriedly rolled sideways to get rid of it, but deep marks were still left from her shoulder to her waist, and a large amount of bright red blood splashed out, staining the girl's clothes red.

The severe pain made Rhine's face pale.

Yan temporarily stopped 'Merlin', and Rhine had a moment to breathe.

"...What was that just now - a full pump!?" The girl looked at 'Merlin' and said in a lost voice.

"What were you hesitating about just now? Why didn't you fight back when you saw him swinging his sword at you?"

"If you keep on being in a daze, you will be the only one to die! I forgot to tell you...if you die here, your 'heart' will also die, and your body in the outside world will become a walking corpse without 'self-awareness'. If you plan to give up here, I can send you back to the 'real' world." Yan scolded gently.

After hearing what Yan said about the 'consequences' of dying here, the girl's face turned even paler with fear.

Rhine felt a little wronged. She did hesitate and distracted when she drew her sword just now, otherwise she would not have been 'seriously injured' so quickly at the same level.

Rhine also felt the aura of 'Merlin', who was at the same level as herself. Now she roughly guessed how Yan was going to help her.

If she could really defeat the 'figure' in front of her with her own strength, she would indeed have great emotional fluctuations in her heart!


That person has the same face as you, Lord Lancelot!

"If you can't do it, just give up." Without any contempt or prejudice in his tone, Yan just said helplessly and gently to the girl who didn't respond.

What 'If you die in the consciousness space, your heart will die', in fact, it's all lies, but he hopes to see Rhine's determination to fight firmly.

If he doesn't hold the mentality of dying, how can he defeat the strongest 'Merlin'.

"Please keep going, I will definitely defeat him." Rhine finally got anxious.

Although Yan's voice was very gentle and there was no contempt.

But Rhine, who felt that she had failed Yan's trust, gritted her teeth and spoke. Her face was still pale, but there was a hint of determination in her eyes.

"Very good - then let's fight! Do you know the growth process of a young dragon, Rhine? Dragons are very powerful creatures, but before they grow into overlords, the power of young dragons is very weak."

"The dragons throw their children into the forest full of monsters, letting them grow up in the battles and hunting with other dangerous monsters. In this process, if they encounter too strong monsters, even young dragons will be in danger of life."

"But it is precisely such a difficult living environment that has created every adult dragon to reach the seventh step and become a strong man at the top of the 'food chain'."

Yan didn't say one thing.

The dragons are actually protecting the young dragons in secret. When the young dragons really encounter an unmatched crisis, they can't just sit back and watch.

What he is doing now is the same as the 'dragon'.

There is no need to tell the 'young dragon' himself about that kind of thing.

"If you don't fight, you can't survive. You may die if you fight, but you may also survive. So, fight! Rhine! Only by overcoming 'him' can you crush all the sufferings in the past."

'Can't you survive if you don't fight? ' The girl thought of this in shock.

The way the young dragon grows is the most simple and cruel 'law of the jungle' in the world.

The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind! The strong prey on the weak, and the survival of the fittest!

Only those who constantly desire to fight and become stronger can become the strong ones standing at the top of the food chain. Blindly escaping... It is useless to stay where your strength is.

"Yes! Lord Lancelot!" Rhine's courage was aroused, and the 'fear of death' that facing 'Merlin' might bring her in another sense also dissipated most of it at this moment.

She didn't want to lose, nor did she want to give up. At this moment, the girl was forced into the edge of hell and the abyss of despair.

One step back, it's death!

But there is something more terrible than death, that is the courage to give up the 'dream'.

The clear fighting spirit and the ice-blue eyes that burned vigorously like a furnace fire.

The gorgeous colors made Yan absent-minded for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

Congratulations, Rhine... You have found the most important "essence" of a "hero"!

Yan's blessings and congratulations from the bottom of his heart, and he sang praises from the bottom of his heart for witnessing the birth of another person who was full of courage and overcame the fear of death.

There is nothing more joyful than witnessing beautiful flowers blooming.

As Yan released the restraints on "Merlin", the figure rushed towards the girl again.

It was still the terrifying technique of sudden disappearance - "drawing feet".

A red thunder magic power suddenly spread and rushed out from Rhine.

Puff! The sharp blade pierced the girl's body and splashed a lot of blood.

Although Rhine dodged in time, he failed to avoid it completely.

She stared at Merlin, and the red lightning wrapped around her body suddenly rushed towards the sword that pierced through her.

As violent and fast as real lightning, the boiling magic power made a sound like a dragon's roar and hit Merlin hard.

Chapter 127: The King of White vs. the King of Black, release instincts!

Like white lilies blooming in the mountains.

While admiring the beautiful and heroic figure of the girl's hard battle, Yan sat aside without any conscience, and even wanted to eat melon seeds, popcorn, and drink soda.

——He couldn't help but sigh, it would be great if the consciousness space could also enjoy delicious food.


Looking at Rhine, who could only fight 40% to 60% with the bonus released by magic power, injuring the enemy 800 and himself 1,000.

Yan sighed.

The reality is - not everyone has the halo of the protagonist. As long as they are motivated, they can cheat and cheat with martial arts skills that are far stronger than their opponents.

So if we want Rhine to awaken, we have to use other methods.

... It is possible to 'fight match-fixing', but it will have no effect at all if the 'proper owner' discovers it.

Thinking of this, Yan felt a little troubled.


This kind of thing like "making a hero" is really too labor-intensive, and trying this kind of thing "once" is enough!

As Yan thought, the next moment...

'Merlin', who was in the middle of a fierce battle with Rhine, stiffened slightly, and then continued to slash at the girl with his sword.

But this time 'Merlin' spoke: "Do you only have this strength?"

Rhine was out of strength and was thrown away by a sword.

" can actually talk?!" The girl who had always thought that 'Merlin' was unconscious and heard Merlin's voice said in shock.

"Although I was born out of your fantasy, in this space, I am a truly living creature, and I naturally have my own consciousness." Yan, who had already accepted this body, pretended to be cold as he muttered.

"Too weak! I can't feel the slightest pleasure in defeating you like this. You can't even show your true 'strength'!"

Bang! With the two swords pressed together, 'Merlin' suddenly kicked the girl in the lower abdomen, kicked her to the point where she then grabbed the weak Rhine's neck with one hand and lifted her up.

"This is your consciousness space. Your strongest power is nothing but fantasy... You haven't noticed this until now, which makes you feel stupid and pitiful."

"Fantasy...Fantasy-" Feeling the force on his neck that was gradually getting heavier and almost suffocating him, Rhine struggled to spit out these words.

"The power of the Holy Sword, the power of the King of Heroes, Lancelot's sword skills, and even the invincible 'I' in your eyes were all born out of your fantasy."

There was no time to think about why 'Merlin' said these words to himself.


Do you still have such a strong trump card?

A shining sword subconsciously appeared in Rhine's mind.

If the strongest fantasy creature is Merlin, then the weapon that impressed Rhine the most is undoubtedly the Holy Sword!

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