They had killed the soldiers several times before.

Even if they attracted more monsters, they should be able to kill them with their strength!

How could it be so weird.

The attack timing and range of the second monster were too coincidental!

Chapter 129 British women don't need protection!

——Knight Lancelot.

She is one of the two most famous knights in the Arthurian dynasty.

There are more legends about her than the other round tables combined.

Even in the entire Arthurian legend, only the story of King Arthur himself is comparable to it.

And this time, Yan captured the early adventure of Lancelot chasing the "miracle" [Holy Grail] after "Arthur defeated the Roman Sword Emperor Lucius" in the Lancelot extra that was released together with the sixth volume.

In this adventure, three beautiful girls with different personalities and the righteous and gentle Lion King will be involved.

Just when Yan and Rhine were running around for the awakening of the ‘Dragon Factor’.

…The little princess, Claire and other girls, with strong curiosity and expectation, opened this epic that they had heard of for a long time but didn’t know much about.

The time happened after Arthur completely conquered Rome and returned to England…

Because of Lancelot’s superior performance on the battlefield, she has become the most famous knight in the whole country.

At the same time, Lancelot is also highly regarded by Queen Guinevere.

The opening of the extra chapter is a brand new illustration.

The young queen with long green smooth hair and gentle and lovely temperament, with her hands clasped in front of her abdomen, is looking at the knight kneeling on the ground in front of her with a slight admiration and worship, and a gentle smile.

Below her, half-kneeling and saluting seriously - that is a blonde knight with a braided hairpin.

The violet eyes are clear and fighting, and the appearance is a girl in the late teens, but she already has a beauty that stands out.

Her appearance is as delicate as an angel, clearer than anything else. Although his figure is very slender, his female-specific parts are very plump.

This is what Lancelot looks like after taking off his helmet.

The two beautiful girls in the illustration have their own merits, which makes everyone who sees them shine.

They didn't think much about it.

They just found out unexpectedly and surprisingly that the temperaments of these two girls seem to match and match each other very well.

The illustrations of 'Lord Andersen' are getting better and better! Countless teenagers, young men, and middle-aged men looked at the two beauties excitedly, and their blood surged to the point of almost screaming.

One is the heroic and beautiful Knight of the Lake, and the other is the gentle and beautiful Queen Guinevere.

These two characters with good looks have attracted the favor of many readers.

In the text, they didn't think much about the queen's admiration and excessive care for Lancelot (far more than the preference of other Knights of the Round Table).

People automatically understood that it was the queen's admiration for Lancelot, a young girl of the same sex.

Just like many noble girls and ladies in the capital now, after reading the biography of King Arthur, they admire Lancelot, the only "powerful female knight" who appeared in it.

At this time, Yan has laid the groundwork for the future relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere, but people have not noticed anything!

"Wow! Lancelot and Guinevere are both so beautiful!" The little princess said in a gentle voice with envy and joy.

Both girls have amazing charm that she can't have, a special temperament of beauty, and-

The little princess suddenly lowered her head and looked at her small size.

"... Woo!"

Why are theirs so big!

Although the little princess's appearance is not worse than the two women in the book, her beauty is in another type, but it involves women's "dignity, human heart" and other issues.

No matter what route a girl takes, she will hope to be bigger!

The little princess complained in her heart and her mind returned to the story.

At the beginning of the story, the Lake Knight Lancelot was introduced. Because he enjoyed a very high reputation throughout the country, he gradually got the title of "First Knight of the Round Table".

However, other heavy knights, including Gawain, were somewhat dissatisfied with this "title".

No matter which world, fame and fortune are the things that are most likely to cause human conflicts.

For the Knights of the Round Table as warriors, "First Knight of the Round Table" is the highest honor they desire.

Lancelot also knows in his heart that other Knights of the Round Table are dissatisfied and even disdainful.

Compared with other knights, Lancelot, as a girl, is more difficult to be recognized.

The person who is the First Knight of the Round Table is a woman.

A woman has surpassed the reputation of all men. How can this not make the proud knights feel humiliated! In the views of many knights, "women" have always been a symbol of fragility and powerlessness, and are objects that need their protection.

If Lancelot is admitted to be stronger than them.

Doesn't that prove that compared with the other party, they are the ones who should be protected more! ?

In addition, since there had never been a real fight, all the knights did not think they were worse than Lancelot. The Round Tables had also been looking for opportunities to replace Lancelot's position and honor as the first seat of the Round Table.

Only the simple-minded Gareth was full of admiration and longing for Lancelot, who was also a girl but had such superb martial arts, and later became Lancelot's deputy.

As time went by, Britain became more and more prosperous and powerful.

The conflicts among the round tables are intensifying.


Lancelot had an idea.

That is to prove one's own ability.

If I could bring back the 'miracle' that the former 'Knight of Two Swords' Baling had never pursued.

Then he should be able to prove his strength to the world and the other knights of the Round Table!

The girl, who was very arrogant in her heart and with a determined mentality, found her brother, Knight Liangnar, and asked him if he wanted to accompany her on the road to find the 'miracle'.

After Liang Naer agreed, the two of them made preparations before bidding farewell to Arthur and riding away from Camelot.

"Is this the same path that Baling once walked? Ah! Is Lancelot going to inherit Baling's legacy and take back the 'Holy Grail'!?" People suddenly became energetic and excited when they saw this.

When they first paid attention to Lancelot, wasn't it because of the tragic hero Baling?

Now I see that the heir to the ‘Indestructible Lake Light’ is actually going to embark on the same path as Baling.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and excitement in their hearts.

"Great, I hope Lancelot can succeed this time. I haven't seen what the Holy Grail looks like yet!" Claire.

"I hope it won't be the next Baling..." Some readers had a bad feeling after seeing that they were pursuing the 'Holy Grail' again.

The last time there was a solo hero side story, he was also looking for a 'miracle'. As a result, Baling encountered the island-defending knight on the way and fought until both were injured, only to find out that it was his younger brother.

This makes people very worried whether 'Andersen' will have another scene like 'Lancelot' versus 'brother'. What happened in Baling Balan last time caused a shadow in the hearts of many soldiers.


'Lancelot' seems to have a younger brother, who is he called Knight Linar? !

Moreover, Mellie predicted before that Lancelot will fight with a knight named "Cui Shi, Shi" in the future!

Whether they are readers who are expecting, worried, curious, or have any other ideas.

Just when they all thought that Lancelot was about to embark on an extremely dangerous road, maybe a knight would jump out and want to duel with Lancelot at the next moment.

Well - Lancelot in the story suddenly found a place and began to bask in the sun.

Literally, because the weather was too hot, the girl found a soft lawn and took a nap.

The knight Linar was responsible for guarding him. He was not sleepy and could only watch Lancelot sleep soundly.

This made people who were expecting a thrilling and exciting adventure story stunned when they saw this.

Chapter 130: Lancelot - No Misfortune?

Not long after Lancelot lay down, she fell into a deep sleep, seemingly without any alertness.

Knight Linar didn't think much about it, just thinking that Lancelot was relieved of himself and fell asleep so quickly because he was by his side.

Just then, three knights rode past.

Then another knight chased from behind.

After a wonderful description of the fight in the story, the three knights in the book were all defeated by the last chasing knight and tied up with ropes.

Seeing that the knight was eager to hunt, Linar knight secretly took the horse and attacked the strong knight without intending to wake up Lancelot.

As a result, the 'bad' knight turned around and shot him off his horse. Later, the knight Liang Naer was tied up with a rope and taken back as a prisoner.


"Pfft! This... this Knight Liangnar is too funny!"

"Captured? Lancelot is still sleeping and doesn't know anything about it?... It's over. It seems that no one can come out to rescue this knight!"

When a group of people saw this, they couldn't help but laugh, but they were also a little worried.

‘Get up quickly! Lancelot! ’

‘If you don’t get up, Liang Naer will be taken away. ’ Claire and the others called in their hearts.

At the same time, I also felt particularly stupid and helpless about Knight Liang Naer's previous actions.

Why does Liang Na'er have to provoke others when he has nothing to do? It's just provocation, but he's not strong enough. He didn't wake up 'Lancelot' first, but he was caught alone.

He also left a girl named 'Lancelot' on the lawn. What if a wild beast or some bad guy took the opportunity to sneak attack?

The little princess and the others thought dissatisfied.

Lancelot's beautiful appearance and slender figure did make them subconsciously forget about his superb 'martial arts'.

...Liang Na'er in the book is also very aggrieved at this moment.

He wanted Lancelot to sleep longer, so he did not disturb Lancelot and went off alone. In the end, I didn't expect that I would be defeated so easily and was tied up without even a chance to escape.

As the story continues to advance, Liang Naer is taken away, first stripped naked, then beaten with thorns, and finally imprisoned in a dark prison.

Many knights have been accommodated in this prison, and they all look very haggard and pitiful.

These are all the trophies of the previous 'strong' knight.

Just when people thought that Lancelot should have woken up by now and was preparing to find and rescue Liang Narer...

In the story, the perspective suddenly changes and comes to the side of King Arthur's adoptive father, Knight Ector.

…It roughly describes that after Knight Ector heard that Lancelot and the others had gone out to look for miracles, there had been no news for a long time.

“Ah!? Lancelot has not come back either?” The little princess widened her eyes.

Wasn’t there only one person who was captured?

If Lancelot woke up and found that he could not find his ‘companion’, he should return to Camelot to see him once, right? !

Even if he did not go back, he should have written a letter to Camelot! Did Lancelot also have an accident?

Everyone’s heart skipped a beat.

Then, they followed Knight Ector’s perspective and saw that Ector was about to go out and find Lancelot and the others.

He first came to the forest where Lancelot and the others had disappeared.

There he learned from a farmer that there was a knight with a very ‘bad’ personality who liked to capture all the ‘knights’ passing by and hang their shields on the tree as trophies.

The farmer took Ector to find the tree trunk full of shields.

Hector saw the shield of ‘Lancelot’ in it and immediately became angry.

Claire and the others were relieved when they saw this. Although they didn’t know where Lancelot had gone, they should be able to save the Knight of Lancelot! ?

However, Andersen: No, how could it be so simple? !

The farmer told Hector again:

‘There is a hole in the tree trunk, and a copper plate is hung on it. If someone knocks on it three times, they can meet the knight. ’

But he advised Hector not to do that. If the bad knight does not make things difficult for you, it is already a great grace. It is better not to take the initiative to provoke the other party.

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