Ector thanked the farmer who brought him here. After the farmer left, he still rang the copper plate and took the initiative to attract the knight.

As expected, after a while, the ‘strong’ knight rode over on horseback.

Without saying a word, the two of them rode on horses and had a fierce confrontation, shooting at each other.

As Arthur’s adoptive father and the biological father of Knight Kay, Ector’s own strength is not bad, otherwise he would not have been chosen by Meli to raise Arthur.

Therefore, facing this bad knight, Ector was not afraid.

This was the most difficult battle for the ‘strong’ knight, but he still found the right time and knocked Ector off his horse after taking a spear from him.

The ‘strong’ knight was shocked by the spear that almost killed him.

He admired Ector’s bravery and asked him if he was willing to serve him as his servant, so that he would not treat Ector like other captives, but Ector swore to die.

So he was also stripped naked, tied up with ropes, whipped with thorns and thrown into prison.

Hector soon met Liang Naer in prison. After learning that Lancelot fell asleep under an apple tree, there was no news and he was never caught.

The two sighed and sighed in their hearts, but they still held a glimmer of hope.

They all agreed that only Lancelot could defeat the "evil" knight and rescue them.

The readers' emotions were now brought to a climax by this ups and downs story, and they became a little nervous.

"Even old man Hector was defeated... That's the father of Brother Kai and Brother Arthur. I wonder if Sister Lancelot can beat this knight." The little princess thought with a complicated and tangled face.

She hoped that Lancelot could appear like a "hero", defeat that hateful and evil guy, and save these suffering knights...

On the other hand, she was a little scared by the record of the "evil" knight.

Yan has a special description in the book: more than 40 people have been trapped here, and several of them are British Knights of the Round Table.

——Several ‘Knights of the Round Table’ have been captured?

The little princess, who didn’t know that the strength of the Round Table was very different from that of the Round Table, saw this kind of ‘data’ that she didn’t know, and instantly imagined the strength of the ‘bad’ knight to be very terrifying.

If Sister Lancelot heard the news and came, and then lost to this knight again.

“Woo woo…~!” The little princess’ face turned red instantly.

Thinking of the bad knight’s habit of stripping his opponent’s clothes and whipping him with thorns.

‘Oh my God! ’

For male knights, it’s fine. When the girls like Princess Chenxi and Claire thought of this at this time, they blushed.

They didn’t dare to imagine how terrible and shameful it would be.

If they were to accept that kind of treatment after being defeated, they would definitely be so ashamed that they would want to die!

The men who were reading the book imagined more.

They took a deep breath. The treatment of the captured female slaves on the battlefield appeared in their minds subconsciously.

Lancelot is a female knight. It makes no sense that the "knight" would treat Lancelot with the same "treatment" as the male knights before.

If Lancelot really loses, I'm afraid his end will be even more miserable.

"...Gu..." Swallowing saliva.

Thinking of the beautiful figure and slender, white legs in the illustration of Lancelot, the soldiers' eyes can't help but get hot, and their lower abdomens are like a fire burning.

For a while, these men were extremely entangled and ashamed.

On the one hand, of course, they hope that Lancelot can win, but when they think that Lancelot may lose, they are ashamed to find that they are actually a little bit looking forward to it! ?

Chapter 131 Four Queens: Women are true love! Lancelot!

'Next, Lancelot and that "bad" knight should have a hard fight. ' Just when people think so.




The story has a new development that is unexpected but reasonable.

Lancelot fell asleep sweetly, not because he was too tired, and he didn't even notice Liang Naer's departure.

This is a bit strange for a knight with keen five senses.

The story returns to the protagonist of this volume, Lancelot.

It turned out that she was under the sleeping magic of "a certain witch", so she didn't wake up for a long time.

... During her sleep, the queens of four countries "passed by" here with their accompanying knights.

They were all admirers of the knight Lancelot. After discovering that Lancelot fell asleep here, the princesses looked at the figure with surprise and admiration.

"It's Sir Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake."

"Ah... That's great. I didn't expect to see her here."

"I have always admired her. Although she is a girl, there is no man in the world who can compare to her."

The queens spoke one after another, and then all the women who were laughing a moment ago started to quarrel over Lancelot. Everyone wanted to get her.

They were fed up with their own country and those old and weak kings.

The powerful, beautiful and handsome Lancelot made them so obsessed. She was more beautiful than any girl and more powerful than any boy. Such a knight's love should be allowed to them.

After arguing for a while, no one could convince the other.

One of the queens stood up and suddenly said:

"Don't argue, I can use magic to make her sleep for another six hours without waking up. First move her to my home, then remove the magic. Then let her choose one of us as her lover, what do you think?"

The woman who said this was the 'Witch Morgan' who stole Arthur's scabbard and ran away.

The other queens nodded in agreement with Morgan's statement.

Seeing this, Morgan smiled brightly.

'What a gullible guy! '

'Arthur, my dear brother. First the holy sword scabbard, then your favorite first knight. I will take everything from you. ' Morgan thought so bitterly and resentfully in his heart.

'Morgan? ! ! '

Seeing this, many people woke up suddenly and showed stunned expressions.

"Ah! That bitch again!" Claire shouted in shock and anger.

Seeing this, she guessed that the witch who made Lancelot sleep all the time should also be Morgan! Why is this bad woman everywhere!

Why does she always oppose Arthur and Britain.

Such a vicious woman is actually Arthur's sister? !

Just when people were extremely uncomfortable with this amazing turn of events, and their dislike for Morgan became more and more serious.

In the story, this "witch" was described in detail for the first time.

'——Morgan, Pendragon. '

She is the daughter of the former king, King Yuspanzogan.

She is also the mother of the round table - Sun Knight Gawain, Iron Aggiwen, Rebellious Knight Mordred, and Gaheris and Gareth.

She is also the evil side of the Fairy of the Lake.

The former king, King Yuspanzogan, is also King Uther, the last king to be protected by Britain.

After being defeated by the humble king Vortigern, he and Merry designed the British red dragon Arthur in order to let the next generation continue the mystery.

In fact, if the former king had not thought about it, how could he agree to Merry to take his only son out of the palace.


Unexpectedly, Morgan, the daughter of Uther, is a princess with extraordinary blood.

Morgan is indeed a ruler with powerful power. She is the daughter of the extraordinary power that should have been cut off in Uther's generation. She has made the entire British island her own. If she is the Lord of the Island, she will surpass King Arthur.

Morgan hates her younger brother who is also a son of Britain but is loved by his father, and becomes a witch who spends her life just for revenge.

In the eyes of Arthur's brother, the knight Kai, he once made such a comment:

"She was obviously a good woman before, why did she become so terrible? I was just thinking that she was as innocent as a fairy and as magnificent as a goddess of war, but she turned out to be as cruel as a witch.

It can only be felt that there are three women in one woman's body at the same time. ...Well, at least she is the "normal" daughter of King Uther. Morgan might have the same wishes as that guy. She hated King Arthur since the establishment of Camelot until the end."


"The enchantress of revenge? Is there such a reason for it?"

"Even if that's the case, hating her brother is too much." Claire and the little princess pursed their lips. After understanding the real reason why Morgan was "behind" against Arthur and Britain, they felt a little pity for this woman, but more of it was that she was too hateful and abominable.

"Why is there such 'logic'? Shouldn't the younger brother be pampered and protected? She is actually jealous of her younger brother for inheriting the throne." A warrior with a younger brother couldn't help but frown when he saw this, with deep disgust on his face.

This woman is so vicious!

Even in the dynasty, the inheritance of the 'throne' is inherited by men, right?

People don't seem to know much about some of the questions about the 'mysterious' inheritance in the book.

Yan hasn't popularized the worldview of the mysterious disappearance of the 'Moon World', so they just treat it as a rare 'magic bloodline'.

And because of the strong bloodline, they think they should be the heir to the throne.

Even after Arthur founded Camelot, she completely turned evil... ready to take everything from Arthur.

This kind of thinking really makes it impossible for people to 'understand' and 'recognize' her.

In addition, in order to achieve her goal, Morgan sold her body several times and killed her younger brother Arthur.

This hatred makes people who see this shudder.

A king as gentle, sunny and righteous as Arthur would never do anything to target Morgan.

It can be said that it has always been this woman who wants to make trouble.

At this moment, people who remembered that Morgan was about to attack Lancelot again were worried about Lancelot.

Wait until the next day at dawn.

Lancelot, who was awakened by the magic, found himself in a completely unfamiliar bedroom.

The vigilant Lancelot stood up instantly and wanted to touch the sword on his body, but he touched nothing.

Until four beautiful women who were as fierce as wolves and tigers entered the bedroom with a smile, Lancelot looked at the four "queens" who were familiar with several countries in front of him, and she was stunned.

The violet eyes stared at these women for a while, and after finding their fiery gazes, Lancelot's beautiful face couldn't help but show a trace of cold sweat.

As a woman, she is not as ‘romantic’ as the male version.

Especially when facing four people of the same sex, facing these women is more difficult for her than fighting another war with Rome!

——This time, it’s bad!

Chapter 132 Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot!

The original version of the Death of King Arthur is very strange to read. It always gives people a feeling of fighting for no reason. One moment they are ready to save people, and the next moment they forget everything and just want to fight with the wild man on the side of the road.

Many plots in the story don’t even have a sense of connection, which makes people read it in a clumsy way.

Perhaps it’s a translation problem, and there will even be an absurd side of unborn characters appearing in advance.

For example, not long after Arthur debuted, Lancelot had not slept with Princess Elaine, and the Knight Galahad appeared beside Arthur with a glimpse of him.

Therefore, before writing this biography of King Arthur, Yan specially modified some of the seemingly unreasonable parts, and even added some stories from Type-Moon.

Try to make those things that seem "very unreasonable" become reasonable.

And the problem of "Morgan" suddenly appearing in Lancelot's story this time was also directly attributed to the reason why "Morgan" wanted to retaliate against Arthur.

At this time, Morgan was introducing the identities of the other three queens to Lancelot.

The queen of Bencalis, the queen of Eastland, and the queen of an outer island.

They claimed to have understood the true identity of Knight Lancelot.

'--You are the most beloved daughter of King Ban, one of the most noble knights of the contemporary era';

"If you hadn't followed Arthur, you should still be living a princess life now." The queens all expressed their extraordinary understanding of Lancelot.

"We understand that among the women now, only Queen Guinevere can get your love, but you can't be with her. So, choose one of the four of us to love!" Morgan suddenly spoke.

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