Of course, she knew very well how loyal Lancelot was to Arthur. For Arthur, she was even willing to abandon her identity as a princess and be active as the first knight beside him. The hardships she had to endure in this process were several times more than those of ordinary people.

How could such a Lancelot make the move of "betraying" Arthur. She could not accept the love of "Guinevere".

But only love could make this knight choose to lose himself.

Lancelot could not choose Guinevere, but his identity did not have that problem.

As long as she used beauty and love to tie Lancelot firmly to her chariot, Lancelot could be used by her.

Even if she could not use her to deal with King Arthur, she could cut off a great helper for Arthur. Just when Morgan's wishful thinking was loud and clear.

At this time, Lancelot's face looked a little strange after hearing the words of "Morgan", and his originally nervous mood disappeared.

I don't know where Morgan heard the news that "Lancelot" liked "Guinevere". Morgan, who believed that her beauty was irresistible in the world, would appear here, and even had some passion for Lancelot, the flower of the knights.

If it weren't for Arthur, such a beautiful and loyal knight should have been her subordinate. She would definitely snatch this excellent knight from her dear brother.

Morgan was confident and arrogant in her heart. She firmly believed that her beauty could overwhelm Guinevere and conquer this perfect Lake Knight.

But in fact -

"This is a difficult question, but I would rather die in prison or be beheaded by you than take any of you as a lover. So I will answer you! I don't want any of you! You female liars, when it comes to my friend Queen Guinevere, I am willing to prove to anyone that she is the most loyal lady to her husband, and I have never had any improper thoughts about her. Anyone who doubts these might as well compete with me."

Lancelot believed that his sexual orientation was absolutely normal, and he never had any strange thoughts about Guinevere.

Although she herself may not recognize her own special charm, she does respect the gentle and beautiful queen as a close friend and the identity of the "king's woman".

The gentle and virtuous Guinevere is the person she respects the most. How could she listen to the slanderous words of this group of witch queens?

Facing such an angry Lancelot.

"Lancelot and Guinevere?!" People outside the book were a little excited by this explosive gossip.

Morgan actually said that Lancelot likes Arthur's queen? ! No, it can't be!

This is simply a shocking thing.

People think of the beautiful and harmonious appearance of the knight and the queen in the illustration. Readers who don't know what CP is, at this moment, feel inexplicably excited.

In association with the previous "Merry and the Fairies of the Lake", a lily blooming atmosphere spread unconsciously from the book and spread in the capital.

Before that, girls had never thought that women could have "love" with each other.

Men's eyes widened, and they were very excited about this novelty.

Now this book is like Pandora's box. After opening it, endless "temptations" seem to swallow them up.

Whether it is warriors who pursue justice and glory, boys and girls who like heroes and princes, or people who are interested in chivalry and knights' armor, or people who are excited and excited by the wonderful and chaotic relationships between men and women, everyone can find their favorite "place" in it.

This is the charm of "King Arthur", and it is also the entertainment and spiritual crushing from the earth.

This is because the humans in the other world pay more attention to strength and material pursuits, and seem to have never explored the spiritual enjoyment in depth.

And Morgan's words made people's gossip hearts rise again.

One is the first knight of the round table appointed by Arthur himself, and the other is the gentle and virtuous Queen Guinevere. These two beautiful women made many readers dazed and obsessed after reading the illustrations. Unexpectedly, there are such "ambiguous" rumors.

Although Lancelot denied this, people still have a lot of imagination in their minds.

Lancelot doesn't like Guinevere, could it be that he still likes Arthur?

The conclusion is: Arthur likes Guinevere, Guinevere likes Lancelot, and Lancelot likes Arthur.

Wow! People were shocked by this conclusion.

This triangle love relationship speculation, which has been played out on Earth, has become popular in the capital.

Let's not talk about people's "enthusiasm" afterwards.

... The story goes on.

After being rejected, the four queens angrily imprisoned Lancelot in the bedroom, preparing to slowly force her to submit.

Time passed bit by bit, and Lancelot had no intention of giving in.

At this time, a girl appeared. She was the real owner of the castle.

Because she heard that the four queens had imprisoned a knight here, she came here curiously. After a conversation, she found out that the girl in front of her, who was more beautiful than herself, was actually the famous Lancelot.

The girl expressed her willingness to help Lancelot escape from here, but she asked Lancelot to help her father compete once.

The girl's father was a lord under King Arthur's rule - King Bajimagus.

In the last knight competition, because of the poor performance, he was criticized by name, which led to the girl's request this time.

Lancelot had met King Bajimagus, who was also a knight with good character. She agreed to the girl's request and was willing to compete for King Bajimagus.

So the girl took advantage of the night to take Lancelot out of the castle, and had already prepared horses and food for her.

Even Lancelot's beloved sword Wuhui Huguang was found for her.

"I am a real knight, and I will remember what I promised you!" Before leaving, Lancelot suddenly turned back and thanked sincerely.

Then she said goodbye to the girl and prepared to go to the place where the girl told her to meet King Bajimagus.

Lancelot did not intend to break her oath, she was a person with true chivalry.

But because of the hasty departure and the dark night, Lancelot, who had to stay overnight in the wild, almost made a big mistake.

People who have gradually indulged in the subsequent plot have forgotten that there are still two knights imprisoned in the dark prison waiting for rescue.

Compared with that kind of thing, they now want to see Lancelot's subsequent adventures.


Lancelot on this side finally escaped, but Ector and Liang Naer on the other side were ignored and almost cried in prison.

Chapter 133 When the characters in the book put on other people's vests and started to make trouble!

Riding on the road in the middle of the night.

Lancelot found an unmanned tent on the side of the road. As the night deepened, there seemed to be no trace of people around.

After hesitating for a while, she thought that this tent was abandoned by passers-by and lay down in it, preparing to rest here tonight.

As a result, before midnight, a knight suddenly crawled in from outside the tent, took off his clothes and touched Lancelot on the bed, wanting to be intimate with her.

Lancelot woke up, got up and drew his sword to attack the man, and finally beat him half to death.

It was not until the man surrendered that the two sides resolved the misunderstanding.

It turned out that this was the place where the man and his lover had a tryst. Because Lancelot was lying on the bed, and her graceful figure was directly mistaken by the man as his lover, this caused a big mistake.

After such a commotion, the day was about to dawn.

Although Lancelot felt ashamed and annoyed, fortunately nothing serious happened, so he let the knight go and continued riding on his horse.

When people saw this, they couldn't help but chuckle.

I didn't expect that Sir Lancelot, who looked quite solemn and serious on the outside, actually had such a confused side.

Claire and the others' image of Lancelot was gradually becoming clearer.

The story goes on... When Lancelot arrived as promised, King Bajimagus had been waiting here for a long time.

Afterwards, she was warmly entertained by King Bajimagus and the girl.

Lancelot came forward to fight a dozen knights on behalf of King Bajimagus and defeated them.

Three of them were Knights of the Round Table.

Mordred was among them, and was even knocked off his horse by Lancelot, and even his helmet fell into the ground.

Although Lancelot hid the "armor" and "sword" that symbolized her identity, Mordred, who was familiar with Lancelot's martial arts, still recognized her.

Just because of this incident.

Later, Mordred was always upset about it and was ashamed and angry.

In the future, due to some other things happening and King Arthur's decision, the conflict between the two was intensified.

At this time, the book did not specify what exactly would "trigger" the conflict between the two.

Only Rhine might feel shocked when she saw "Mordred", but she was still in a coma at the moment.

Others only regarded "Mordred" as an unknown Knight of the Round Table, so they looked at this matter twice more and did not have much interest.

... After helping King Bajimagus defeat these people, Lancelot said goodbye to the two and went to find Liang Naer.

On the way, she met a girl who asked for her help.

The girl offered to tell Lancelot the news of ‘Liang Naer’ as a reward, hoping that Lancelot could help her deal with another bad knight after rescuing him.

Lancelot agreed, and then learned from the girl the whereabouts of the bad knight named ‘Tao Kun’.

Lancelot pulled the girl onto the horse, carried her all the way to the big tree full of shields.

Lancelot knocked on the copper plate on the tree hole, and finally fought with Tao Kun who came.

After a fierce battle, both sides gradually lost their strength.

Tao Kun recognized Lancelot’s strength and asked her name. He claimed that if you are not ‘Lancelot’, then I can let your friend go and let you leave safely, and I am willing to make friends with you.

As for why the knight named ‘Lancelot’ cannot be let go.

It’s because one of the knights killed by ‘Lancelot’ was his brother.

After knowing that Lancelot had left Camelot and embarked on the journey to find the Holy Grail, he had been waiting on this necessary road.

Because he had never seen Lancelot's true face, he didn't know which one was Lancelot... Whenever a knight passed by here, he would go up to fight with him, beat him, punish him, and then imprison him.

Tao Kun, who would rather kill a hundred people by mistake than let one go, would never let Lancelot go.

Tao Kun admired and fell in love with the beautiful girl with amazing martial arts and charm, and told Lancelot all his experiences.

But Lancelot finally revealed his real name in a complicated way. I am the 'Lancelot' you are looking for.

"Puff——%#)%!!" Seeing this, Claire couldn't help but burst out a swear word of 'other world'.

This amazing bloody plot shocked the people in the other world who had never seen it before.

The impact was huge!

Claire: 'Wait, your brother was killed by Lord Lancelot.

Didn't you ask whether Lancelot was a man or a woman? '

The little princess opened her eyes wide, slightly opened her red lips, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Should she feel wronged for those knights who were 'caught' for no reason? They were caught for this reason and suffered so much in prison.


'Puff! 'The little princess couldn't help laughing.

That 'Tao Kun' even found out where Lancelot was, but didn't he find out about Lancelot's gender and appearance? !

In addition, the real 'Lancelot' was standing in front of Tao Kun, but he had a good impression of him and hadn't noticed it yet.

People couldn't help laughing for a while, and their faces were weird.

Then they all showed some 'pity' expressions. This knight, poor child! It's so pathetic!

As a result, Tao Kun, who knew Lancelot's identity, was naturally angry and embarrassed. He and Lancelot fought a few more guns and swords, but Lancelot seized the opportunity to cut him in half with a sword.

After sending Tao Kun to see his dead brother, Lancelot met the real owner of the castle where the dark prison was located.

She asked the other party to release Liang Naer and others, and then at the request of the girl in her arms, she immediately went to deal with the next 'bad' knight, and she didn't even have time to see Liang Naer.

Lancelot naturally wouldn't know.

During this period of time...

Sixty-six knights have been captured in the prison. There are more than twenty more than when Liang Naer checked in.

Twelve of them are actually her fellow Round Table people.

Even Kai was imprisoned later.

... Not knowing that it was Lancelot who saved them, Kai, Hector, and Liang Naer, who were released from prison, were very grateful to the owner of the castle.

Because Lancelot had not sent any news for a long time, he was not imprisoned like them.

After escaping from the dead, they did not return to Camelot immediately, but decided to split up to find the whereabouts of Lancelot.

After finding Lancelot, they returned to Camelot together.

On the other side, Lancelot first helped the girl kill the evil knight who occupied the territory, and then killed the two giants he kept in captivity.

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