One sentence can make people break their defenses instantly.

——Her haggard face and extremely weak voice completely offset the terrifying impression.

The aristocratic temperament of the night, which was so elegant just a moment ago, suddenly collapsed.

When the little vampire Loli saw this, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.


What...what's going on?

Not to mention the vampire Loli who didn't react for a while.

At this time, in the immersive epic——

The plot continues to advance.

"You are still the same as before, with dazzling talents in secretive illusions - in sneaking, evading and hiding..."

"What a pity-" Jibril showed no mercy for the weakened vampire.

She said sarcastically: "I thought you finally used that talent effectively, but you have perished silently. It's really a pity."

Seeing Jibril scolding a dying girl, even Sora couldn't help but feel terrible.

But then even Izuna tilted her head and expressed doubt,

Vampire? I heard grandpa say, isn’t it a race that probably died on the roadside?

There was no inappropriate choice of words or any hint of malice.

Izuna's innocent words made people understand a terrible message more clearly—— just a few words...the people who heard the shocking news one after another,

Rapid brain analysis,

After a slight silence,

The entire other world continent was boiling.

——Izuna means,

"Vampires from another world were almost extinct?!"

The vampires who already felt something was wrong couldn't sit still for a moment when they saw this.

The little vampire Lolita, who had an excited smile on her face before, opened her eyes wide and looked in disbelief.

As always, I didn’t react to what happened——

What, what, what! ?

At this time, the vampires are not as relaxed and comfortable as before.

Vampires who think that their compatriots in another world can also live well,

The current expression and the previous expression have become two distinct extremes, the contrast is very strong!

Like dropping an atomic bomb on an otherwise calm lake,

Let this Dead Sea boil completely.

"..."Sixteen races"..."Twelve" rank sequence..."Vampires"..."

"...a race that absorbs the blood and souls of other "Sixteen Races"... to continue its life. "Bai slowly read out the information she knew.

At first, people didn’t react.

Until Kong let out an "ah" sound, the corners of his mouth twitching, and his brain working rapidly.

At the same time, what he was thinking in his heart also turned into the voice of his heart and sounded in people's ears.

——"Ten Covenants".

One of them - "All killing, war and plunder are prohibited in this world."

If this rule applies to the "vampires" Sora knows, then that means——

That’s all my thoughts,

Everyone opened their mouths slightly, but stopped talking.

If you don't know what's going on, that's stupid.

A race that attacks opponents and bites them—hurts them and steals their blood—

And none of this is allowed in the new world.

"Huh? Is that so? In other words, vampires can't suck blood without the other party's permission?"

The dying girl silently confirmed Sora's answer.

...At this point, Sora also understood that her face would look so haggard.

"Also, let me add one more thing, Master, if you are bitten by a vampire——"

"Will it turn into a vampire? This is nothing unusual."

As a result, no one except those who want to become vampires would agree to let them suck blood——

"...Gah? No, there is no such thing."

"Huh? That's weird. Isn't that how everyone acted?"

"Vampires absorb "souls" from blood or body fluids. Mix the absorbed soul with your own soul to promote your own growth - enhance your own strength, and the person bitten will also have the soul mixed - infected with a "special disease". "

That is to say——

This is the first time I heard such a detailed description about vampires.

People couldn't help but look curious and listen carefully.

When they heard that they would get sick, they looked away from the vampire girl at their feet with disgust and fear as if they were seeing a humanoid infectious disease.

I had only heard that vampires would suck the blood directly when hunting other races, but I didn't know what would happen if they didn't.


Can you get sick if you are sucked by a vampire? ! !

At the same time, the vampires on the other side who also heard the definition of vampires suddenly felt bad!

ha? Will you get sick if you suck their blood?

What a joke!

Bang~! A certain vampire who was holding the imaginary "red wine" blood in an immersive epic and admiring the development of the epic suddenly crushed the glass in his hand.

His nerves were severely touched, and his face became extremely ugly for a moment.

When the orcs and elves were cheated before, he had ridiculed and ridiculed those two races with disdain.

But if those two races are inferior races,

What about a vampire who can spread disease with just one bite?

Human disaster, virus collection?

As a proud vampire,

How could he, who often prided himself on being a noble race, accept such a ridiculous statement?

Chapter 1,188 Vampire? No, it's a succubus! stop! Leave me alone, beast!

It sounds like a vampire is full of viruses.


That's all, if you are not welcomed by other races...

They could still hold back, just thinking that the physical characteristics of the vampires from another world were different from theirs.

But when the next piece of information was revealed, vampires once again ignited people's violent psychology and became a popular race among men.

But that welcome made the real vampire's nerves break even more!

"Usually that does a lot of harm but no good." Jibril asserted with a bright smile.

"How can there be such a hopeless race?"

——"Let me grant you immortality and the powerful power of night."

They cannot be persuaded by such slogans, they are just a race with diseases.

After hearing this, I almost couldn't help crying for them.

But on the other hand, I wonder why this race has not become extinct yet.

On the contrary, it makes people confused.

"Please... please... I, I'm about to die... give me your "soul"..."

They can't stand the little vampire loli anymore.


The most embarrassing race in history has appeared.

They can even think about how after the epic of "Game Life" ends, countless people who have watched the epic will laugh at this race behind their backs.

Please, stop talking! ! Woohoo! ——Little vampire loli.

And more vampires were looking at the vampire girl with sharp eyes.

Let's just let the race be completely exterminated.

At least they don't have to see this miserable scene.

And on the other side——

Faced with the vampire girl's plea for help, people also looked at Sora, wanting to see what his answer would be.

Kong rejected the other party loudly as expected.

It will make the "soul" infected with disease, and the ghost will agree to suck the other party's blood.

Although he really wanted to save the other party,

Watching this vampire die in front of your eyes, you just can't bear it.

This kindness is so kind that it makes people look at him a little.

Even monsters like vampires can't bear to watch their lives disappear.

The vampire who can be said to be the king of monsters——

In their world, everyone is afraid of existences, or they shout to fight and kill.

Monsters are monsters——

No one would choose to have kind thoughts towards someone based on whether they are kind or whether they have harmed others.

That's what people think is a little abnormal.

But for Hermitus as a god,

Vampires are naturally not monsters in his eyes.

Except for the True Ancestor, ordinary vampires also appear too fragile and powerless in front of gods.

In this case, Hermitus would naturally not look at vampires through colored glasses.

For someone who can put aside meaningless hatred and look at vampires rationally from a life perspective——

Sora is kind to him.

"...What a wonderful and gentle heart." The God of Alchemy admired in his heart.

No wonder, only they can bring real changes to the world.

He is now more and more curious about what the future world will look like.

Human beings with such three views can be cultivated.

Although he loves the heroes among mankind and those who are enlightened,

But at the same time, he also knew that those that set off the hero's enlightenment were mostly the stupidity of ordinary humans.

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