But that doesn't apply to blank spaces.

It's not like they have gained consciousness after struggling with their thoughts, it's more like they take it for granted. They think it's wrong to take away the lives of others, or even the lives of monsters like 'vampires'.

"Oh... maybe there is a reason why this young lady is too cute." Hermitos' eyes lingered on the blue-haired vampire girl's face for a moment, and then he sighed.

It seems that most vampires are also handsome men and women.

Just like those elves...

If it is empty,

I definitely couldn't bear to watch such a beautiful girl starve to death.

Heroes are romantic——

Hermitos, who had just thought this way, did not expect that the words he thought of came across reality by accident.

It was also the message that caused the vampires to completely go berserk after seeing it.

"Ah, Master, I didn't explain it clearly. As long as you're not bitten, you won't get sick. Jibril said.


"Although vampires cannot grow without biting and sucking blood from their teeth to produce a "soul mixture"; but if they only need to maintain life - "directly ingesting the opponent's body fluids orally", it is enough for emergencies. "

"...meaning?" Sora.

At this time, the vampires did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

Bodily fluids that can be taken orally?

For vampires, what they subconsciously think of is blood.


"Second only to blood, it has a high "soul" concentration and can be ingested without biting. That is——"

"milk"! !

Suddenly he thought of another way in his body besides blood to save the other party.

Almost the moment Jibril spat out those two words! !


Like a rocket jet, Sora quickly sprinted to the vampire girl:

"Miss, are you okay!! I will save you right away and will never let you die!!"

Everyone present——Needless to mention Bai.

Even the eyesight of the orcs and Flügels could only capture his afterimage at best.

——The attitude changes so quickly that even a moment cannot be described.

Sora carried the vampire girl to the corner of the room and carefully laid her down in the corner——

He nodded deeply in agreement.

"I see, you are not a "vampire", but a silver "succubus"! ! "

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! !

In an instant, countless men stared at the two men with their eyes widened in shock.

Ju... is actually this kind of "vampire"? !

This was the first time they knew such breaking and exciting news.

The original thoughts and concepts about vampires in my mind have completely changed.

It was as if a new door had opened for them.

Hiss~! Everyone took a deep breath.

When looking at the vampire, that disgust has completely disappeared.

If this level of blood-sucking occurs——

...! ! Boom~!

Exploded, the vampires completely exploded!

At this time, the little vampire Loli also blushed with embarrassment and was so shocked that she couldn't speak at all.


What a crazy statement,

What a rogue idea and method of salvation.

Shameful~! !

What a shame—!

Ah, it's all Sora's fault.

It was obviously something that could be solved with blood, but he was completely led astray!

The lips of the male vampires began to tremble with anger.

Female vampires rely on that kind of thing to maintain their lives. What about their male vampires?

When they thought of a certain scene, their faces instantly turned pale and they began to feel sick!

One after another, their faces darkened, they stared at Sora fiercely, their eyes turned red, and they began to take deep breaths.

‘This pig is a human who can only think with his lower body! ’


When I thought about the rumor that the whole world regarded vampires as low-level demons like "succubi".

Their bodies trembled even more! !

Chapter 1189: So cute, she must be a girl!

Who would let such a race perish——!

Sora screamed in his heart and started to unbutton his belt, but——

"...What is milk, Des?"

"...Brother...forbidden plot..."

Two lolita under the age of 18 looked over, which means...

——The "Blushing Heartbeat Incident" was declared to be forcibly ended.

The men who had just gotten excited and thought they could watch a real-life drama showed expressions of disappointment.

The girls with burning faces also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is 80% likely that the river crab beast will appear, and the screen will be filled with holy light.

But just by listening to the sound, one can figure out most of it.

This kind of thing is too exciting for them...

Those rich and powerful aristocratic women never played like this.

"...Here we go again, again."

Sora looked up at the sky, almost bursting into tears.

Eighteen-year-old virgin, are you going to stand still here as usual?

With my back to countless paradises, I am playing in the sand alone——

Will it continue like this from now on?

"...No, it's not like that!!" Sora gritted his teeth tightly.

No matter when, you relied on this mind to survive against all kinds of difficulties!

The moment when you should rack your brains and overcome all obstacles - isn't it now! !

——After Sora recalled the past.

He met his sister's cold eyes resolutely.

And the people who saw all this, including Sora's mental activities, were speechless.

Princess and Claire couldn't help but hold their foreheads,

I thought to myself that the king of the human race was actually such a king. It was really embarrassing for the humans of Elkia.

It turns out that the fallen way wants to use the wisdom that can make Flügel, orcs, and elves fear in this kind of thing.

Is he an idiot?

Claire and others blushed and secretly spat.

When Hermitus saw this, he laughed loudly, showed an expression that every man could understand, and looked at Sora with appreciation.

Oh, that's interesting...

Apply that kind of wisdom to fighting for mating rights, and I wonder what exciting stories will happen.

Although as a king, it’s a bit pricey to think of ways to expand the harem so hard——

Consider that the opponent is Sister Bai's equally strong and incredible rival.

That’s understandable——

It seems that after staying in the lower world for a long time, Hermitos feels that his emotions are getting closer and closer to humans!

at the same time--

In this immersive epic, in this short moment, Sora seemed to have figured out how to express his words.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said sincerely:

"...Bai, please imagine a person drowning in the river with his clothes on."


"Perform appropriate artificial respiration, take off the soaked clothes that have taken away the other person's body temperature, and warm that person... Is that prohibited?"


"Right, why is that? Because it is helping others, saving lives, and it is a noble act!!"

Sora nodded exaggeratedly in agreement with himself, and looked at the girl lying in the corner of the room with clear and sincere eyes——

She seemed really haggard and weak, unable to speak.

Yes, so pitiful...

If it weren't for the rapid change in attitude and the strong contrast between before and after seeing the short-term, people would have almost believed his lies.

"Yes, for us humans, it does feel like that is unreasonable, but this is undoubtedly saving human lives and is a noble act! Therefore, my brother had no choice but to abandon his shame and commit himself to cooperate with the culture of other races to save the other person's life! ! So can you please turn back~?"

——The perfect theory is completed!

——The king is the rebel (Rebellion)! !

Listen to Sora's high-pitched and excited voice at this time.

Although everyone was aware that Dao Kongju had bad intentions, people were speechless for a while.

It’s not like I haven’t seen people who can combine selfish desires with righteousness.

It is rare to find such a shameless person who speaks so noble and noble words.

They couldn't help but look at Bai,

I don’t know how Shiro will react.

This was a ruthless person who forced Sora to play games for three days and three nights in order to prevent Sora from starting a harem. Finally, he played chess until the onlookers were exhausted and hallucinating.


People heard that Bai really hit the nail on the head and asked the right question at the right time.

"...If bodily fluids are OK...then "saliva" is also OK...? "

Bai Qing's words immediately caused the perfect theory (laughing) to end its life span in less than a second, and Sora could not help but freeze in place.

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