If it had been shortly after ingesting the powerful soul—blood—maybe even the divine species could have been able to hide it—?

Azriel's voice told people the answer at the right time.


‘But in that case, Sora and Shiro’s wings are——

Where did Sora and Shiro go after accelerating——! ? ’

——Azriel was thinking at high speed in her mind.

She felt a breath passing through her side at a terrifying speed, as if time had stopped.

Immediately afterwards...

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, Azriel saw it in her eyes.

In people's eyes - the "obstacle in seeing" was also eliminated - they saw that...

To lose Bram—to lose the scarf—to a human body without wings…

The moment he passed by, Sora's fist hit Azrael on the shoulder.

The moment the fist falls,

People held their breath, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Everyone's brains crashed——!

Really...really hit? ! Hit that Azrael?

If you say give her a punch, then really give her a punch!

The poor ability to imagine makes it impossible for people to think about the meaning of the jaw-dropping feat in front of them.

They couldn't understand that they didn't even need the wings to fly...

Is it really worth it just to "beat up" Azriel?

This is the guess that people came up with at that moment, almost subconsciously, based on the words Blank shouted before...

This is too happy... Bah, so impulsive!

People were confused, dumbfounded, and stunned! But I still remember this moment, this crazy and admirable move.

But the next moment,

"——"Living in this world "with restraint"...! ! "

The real key, the trump card, is revealed! !

Use up all the words in one breath,

A unique storm of words suddenly came~!

——There are zero words left at this time.


Even Azriel felt moved before she was finally hit by the "binding" word spirit.

He showed an expression of disbelief and astonishment than ever before.

It’s not because of the blank “word spirit”,


The two people flying at high speed——release their wings and let Bram use illusion magic...

The courage of this series of actions! !

At that speed, if a human body without wings hits the ground, it will definitely die immediately——

And as if he understood the confusion and shock in her heart - the words that answered all her questions and surprises also reached Azrael's ears.

It reached the ears of everyone who was also stunned.

"——Exactly sixty minutes...the game...is over."

Play... games?

Finish……! !

Such a simple font seems to contain a huge amount of gravity.

Also at the next moment, Jibril suddenly appeared, caught the two of them, and protected their safety.

All of a sudden——

People who saw this scene fell into a terrifying silence.

As if returning to the original silence,

‘Even...even the last second has been calculated? ’ Claire took a deep breath in shock.

The next second the game ends, Jibril no longer has to stand by and watch——

Naturally, we can also use space transfer to save the two masters who lost their wings and fell!

This is not only a sign of trust in Jibril...

Give your life completely to the other person.

It also gives me strong confidence in my own calculations and layout!

What people see...is a game where there can be no room for error.

But Bai Bai never seemed to worry that he would accidentally make a mistake or take a wrong step.

What a feeling that is~!

Perhaps the method used to win the game by Blank in the end was not very clever...

But people still got goosebumps for a moment, and a shiver suddenly swept across their backs.

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!"

Just like Azrael who cares more about this than the final result!

At this moment, thousands of words seemed to be stuck in people's throats and wanted to be spoken out - and finally turned into the same voice!

Chapter 1,280 Incompleteness—Is it true completeness?

People's joys and sorrows are not the same!

Even everyone who is a human being cannot understand it at that moment!

The bright smiles and radiance on the faces of those two people.

If you want to talk about people’s mood at the moment——

Azriel’s expression must have completely explained it...!

When people look in front of them in shock.

The huge power that rewrites space is released, and the hall and scenery gradually collapse like fragments.

In this situation, she was falling powerlessly, and Azrael on the other side was still opening her eyes in disbelief.

‘You don’t need to think about it to still remember——

Yes, this feeling was the same as when Artosh - the master was being conquered - it was genuine "fear". ’

...She doesn't understand at all.

There are so many things that I don’t understand, don’t understand, and don’t understand.

It's scary, so scary. What on earth do they (blank) know that they can do such a dangerous gamble.

No matter how you enrich your knowledge, formulate strategies, and make complete preparations, at the last moment it is still unknown——

In the darkness full of uncertain factors, why could they step on a thread without hesitation?

Witnessing things that are out of the ordinary.

Azriel continued to fall and lost consciousness——

And it was at that moment,

The picture in front of people has also changed!

Is the game over?

No, just when people were thinking blankly, they saw new 'light'.

——In her dream, Azriel saw the memory of her master Artho.

That memory scene also appeared in everyone's retinas.

So - people were stunned again.

"This is this?" Suddenly, in people's field of vision, above the throne, they saw a figure that was somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar, which made people extremely shuddering.

Then they shuddered violently and swallowed.


‘Is it, is he? ! ! ’ In an instant, people’s pupils shrank.

Yes, it's him...! !

The eternal war will only bring strength to Artosh, the "God of War".

A species of gods that feeds on fighting spirit, hatred, malice, and blood——

God of War Artho!

Now he and the eighteen wing fragments - feathers (Flügel), and his apostle fantasy species (Abant Heim), with one god, one fantasy and one race, this small military force ——Start a war against the world and gain an overwhelming advantage.

There is no doubt that the throne of the only God is in the palm of Artosh-sama's hands...

And the figure serving beside him was undoubtedly Azriel who was playing the game not long ago.

This is the "memory world" built by the memories of Azrael and the God of War!

It is also a somewhat special memory for Azriel!

Because that was... the strongest master, and he had only once mentioned the possibility of defeat.

"I might be defeated."

——You are joking.

"I'm strong."

——Of course.

"No one is stronger than me."

——Of course.

"That's why there are things I can't understand."

Something you can't understand?

By the time the dialogue reaches this point, people have completely woken up.

And everyone was stunned when they heard the conversation between Azriel and Artosh.

Didn't expect to hear such a thing!

It's Artho! Artho! That existence above!

But the strongest one...has already realized that he might lose?

This is something that people have never imagined.

You must know the reason why the strongest is the strongest——

It is decided because of the concept represented by the God of War’s marrow——

The stronger the enemy is and the greater the scale of the war he creates, the stronger he becomes who feeds on all this chaos.

It’s the “strongest” result that comes first——

That was the reason why his strength continued to grow.

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