Theoretically, it is an enemy that cannot be defeated.

The God of War has every reason to be arrogant and arrogant.

He didn't have to worry about the possibility of defeat at all——

Even if you shout to be your enemy, your winning rate is zero percent - everyone will take it for granted.

And people who have watched the epic mythical war really believe that the God of War has the qualifications and strength.

After all, even in the end... being killed by the Ex-Machina using his own divine attack... such a strange thing...

"Strongest" versus "Strongest"...

This kind of miracle cannot be replicated.

And before this miracle happened, even the God of War couldn't have guessed it.


He still predicted that.

"I can't understand it. Only a weak person can understand it. I may lose to the unknown that only a strong person can have."

At that time, the God of War Artho spoke like this——

People couldn't help but be stunned when they heard the word "unknown" at the end of that sentence.


Well, unknown? ! At this moment, people thought of a lot, including Blank and the couple.

"That's why I want to create an individual with an "incompleteness" that I, as a strong person, can never understand. "

‘——Incompleteness? ’ It was Azrael who was surprised this time.

"Incomplete individuals must exert their complete functions——

Whether it can function beyond contradiction is beyond me. "


“But whether I win or lose—that will be the cause. "


"A feather in my eighteen wings, the number one individual, Azriel."


"When I am defeated and perished, you, the loser, will bear witness on my behalf as a condolence."

——Azriel didn’t know what the master saw.

However, when the possibility of defeat was hinted at, the master's expression was not one of fear, but one that couldn't be more like a god of war——

Looking forward to the appearance of unknown enemies - even so, still trying to transcend the unknown -

A smile that is simply brave but very enjoyable.

That smile that showed no fear of death had a big impact on people and left a deep impression.

And at the end of their memory, people also witnessed the birth process of that special individual...

...I saw the name given to the Flügel when it was reborn.

"Jibril!?" When that familiar individual was created, people almost shouted in silence for a moment.

Thus, another confusion was solved.

They finally understood why Azriel had always emphasized that Jibril was the most special one.

Incomplete individual - unknown!

Could this be the reason why Jibril was so quickly attracted to the blank space? At this time, people can't help but think like this.

Perhaps that is the attraction between "unknown" and "unknown".

At the same time, people also understood the prototype of Azriel’s ‘order’ that she used to deceive the Flügels.

‘——This is the time, right? ’

And after people understand all the truth and causes and consequences,

The picture in front of me changed again!

Chapter 1281: Learn and surpass!

"...Senior, are you finally awake?"

——My body is very heavy, that was Azriel’s first feeling after waking up.

at the same time--

People also opened their eyes and found that they were back in the hall of the original timeline.

In his mind, he was still recalling the birth process of Jibril, the only Flügel individual who witnessed "incompleteness".

Precisely because it is incomplete...there are more possibilities and more unknowns!

It's so fascinating that it makes people want to explore.

People thought about it and sighed in their hearts.

at the same time……

Let’s not mention Azriel’s many thoughts and feelings at this moment——

Sora and Shiro came to Azrael, and their shadows enveloped Azriel who was lying on the ground and looking up.


“It’s really baffling to use plug-in capabilities to play a game in a “I’m the strongest” state, and then think it’s a bad game just because of a defeat event. "

"Let me start over from the "I'm the weakest" state. If you still think it's a bad game--"

"...No matter how many times...we will play with you..."

Azriel understood that the "word spirit" that hit her was to limit her power to that of a human being.

Seeing her siblings tell her this with smiles on their faces - Azrael lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

——So that’s it, it can’t fly, has no magic, and can’t even see the elves.

Distance and gravity, concepts she had never been aware of, bound her body.

She turned and lay on her back, pouring strength into her bound hands and stretching them high into the sky.

——So high, the sky is so high and so wide.

Throwing away too many distracting thoughts, people finally summarized Azrael’s current mood...

After seemingly losing his power and becoming an "ordinary person\

,"Azrael began to become afraid and shrinking from everything in this world.

Even flying, which should be extremely familiar - is...

Nowadays, she couldn't even imagine such a thing.

Even if she was told that she could fly, she had no intention of flying. This fact made her cringe with fear.

But two humans with the same abilities were flying in the sky with smiles,

People can clearly feel Azriel’s mentality!

But the more this happens——

At this moment, people think of what Bai Bai said just now...

From the mentality of "I am the strongest" to "I am the weakest"?

I felt a little confused for a moment,

He seemed to understand why Riku and others' plan succeeded in the end.

Speaking of which...

How similar are the games played six thousand years ago to today!

Because of the blind trust in his own powerful power, he never considered the possibility of failure.

Not to mention mastering those tactics and layouts.

This is true for both the God of War and the Flügel——

Azriel, on the other hand, obviously didn't even think about it. After losing, she started to feel sorry for herself.

Don't even want to admit it, don't want to find the reason for the failure——

If we really wanted to look for it, with the strength, wisdom, and accumulation of the Flügel, would we not be able to find it?

To be more precise, he has not yet recognized his identity as a loser, and stubbornly believes that the so-called "cause of defeat" does not exist at all.

How to find something that doesn't exist?

But in fact, they were defeated in the battle!

Deceiving yourself and others like this——

No wonder Jibril, Blank and others hate iron!

It turns out that after the almighty god fell to the mortal world, he was no different from ordinary human beings——!

At this moment, people suddenly realized this.

A Flügel as powerful as a god...

Even the strongest individual among the Flügel——Azriel,

Now she becomes just like an ordinary farm girl, fragile and helpless...

Just lying on the cold floor.

‘Has God lost his power and not been so powerful...? ! ’ Such terrifying thoughts inevitably breed in people’s minds.

They stared at Azriel blankly, feeling that their past beliefs had been greatly impacted.

When the unknown is no longer mysterious——

The awe gradually disappeared.

At this time, they looked at the embarrassed Azrael, and even felt some pity and sighed.

Such complex emotions can occur all at once.

...At this moment, in the epic,

"...the taste of earth...isn't bad either...right?"

"If you don't fall to the ground once, you won't have the urge to fly again." Sora flew in that sky as if nothing had happened, but he could still say that falling to the ground once was not bad.

"——Come on, if you fall down, stand up quickly. There will be a next time, right?"

Sora was seen holding out his hand to Azrael and smiling - yes, they had always done that.

——Finally, everything connected in Azriel's mind, and she couldn't help but smile.

That Azriel seems to have finally come to her senses!


It was too late, it was too late. It was natural to be called a fool like this. Azrael held that hand.

"...Senior's mind is too stubborn."

Jibril's eyes were half-opened, but she was watching them tenderly as she welcomed Azrael and stood up.

Artho's last work - the incomplete individual. She is a "special individual" and the "final individual".

Incompleteness means wanting to be perfect.

Because it is incomplete, that is why we want to grasp the unknown, the future and hope.

——Azriel finally understood——the reason why Jibril insists on conquering alone.

"...Xiaoji's mind is so flexible, meow..."

Although there was no order, she destroyed the elf city and brought the book back with a smile on her face.

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