Lie Yun, Lie Qing and others stood beside Ji Han and looked at Ji Han with a dull expression.

Although they said before that Ji Han's strength is enough to serve as the elder of their clan, but they did not expect that Ji Han really made such a request to their clan leader in person, which made them not know what to say!

However, in the face of Wu Kan's dissatisfaction and ridicule, as well as the different expressions of the other elders, and the strange eyes of tens of thousands of Jiuli people, Ji Han seemed extremely calm, he didn't even look at Wu Kan who jumped out, but He stared at the patriarch Wu Mian with a half-smile.

But Ji Han didn't expect that even Wu Mian looked indifferent, as if not surprised that Ji Han would make such a request.

I saw Wu Mian smiled and said: "It's not impossible, I just want to be the elder of our Jiuli tribe. For example, if one of the two conditions is met, one is to have enough contribution to the tribe and fight, and the other is to be strong enough!

"Now that you have just arrived, even if I allow you to join our Jiuli tribe, but you haven't contributed anything yet, you can only show your strength enough to prove it to us!"

Ji Han smiled lightly, "How to prove it?"

Wu Mian glanced at Ji Han and said, "It depends on you, but our Jiuli tribe has always had only twelve elders, neither more nor less!

Wu Mian's meaning was obvious. Obviously, he was telling Ji Han that if Ji Han wanted to become an elder, he had to squeeze one of the elders out.

When Ji Han heard this, he first took a deep look at Wu Mian. He didn't expect the patriarch to have a lot of heart, but it was a good thing for Ji Han.

Then Ji Han immediately looked at Wu Kan with calm eyes: "Are you one of the twelve elders?"

"So what?"

For some reason, looking at Ji Han's calm gaze, Wu Kan's heart palpitated, which made Wu Kan even more annoyed and angry, and immediately responded to Ji Han with a sneer.

"Not so good!" Ji Han smiled and said directly: "Since you don't agree with me joining the Jiuli tribe, and you don't agree with me being the elder, then I'll let you see if I have the qualifications! "

"Now you and I have a fight, whoever wins is the elder of the Jiuli tribe, do you dare??

Ji Han's voice is not too loud, and his tone is also very ordinary, it seems that challenging Wu Kan is just a trivial matter in his eyes!

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding Jiuli people suddenly burst into an uproar.

"What? He wants to challenge Elder Wu Kan?


"Haha, have the guts, I like it!"

"Enough blood, worthy of being a member of our Jiuli tribe!"

"Hehe, to dare to challenge Elder Wu Kan, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

"I don't think so, Brother Guhuang looks very confident!"

The surrounding tens of thousands of people were in an uproar because Ji Han wanted to challenge Wu Kan, and they immediately started talking.

But Wu Kan's face sank, and immediately stared at Ji Han with angry eyes: "Okay, very good, I forgot how long no one dared to challenge me, you have the guts, okay, if I lose , The elders will give it to you immediately, but if you lose, you will get out of the Jiuli tribe immediately, how about it?""

Wu Kan's face was ashen at this moment, he had already made up his mind to teach Ji Han a profound lesson!

In Wu Kan's view, Ji Han's move was a provocation to him. As the elder of the Jiuli tribe, Wu Kan naturally couldn't back down. Moreover, the Wu people were always used to speaking with their bodies and fists. Whoever wins, naturally Who is the elder!

How could Wu Kan, who is naturally arrogant, be timid, and he was very upset when he saw Ji Han, and now he has the opportunity to clean up Ji Han, that would be great!

Ji Han smiled and nodded: "Yes!""


After Ji Han nodded, the tens of thousands of people around immediately stepped back a long distance, and immediately vacated the venue so that Ji Han could compete with Wu Kan.

Obviously, for this kind of situation, the Wu people have long been accustomed to it, even used to it, so they reacted very quickly, and immediately gave up the venue to the two contestants.

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