At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1007 Confidence and pride! 【Subscription】

For a time, in the center of the Jiuli tribe's bonfire square, an encirclement with a diameter of three hundred meters appeared directly, and in the center of the encirclement were Wu Kan and Ji Han, as well as Wu Mian and eleven other elders.

Seeing Ji Han and Wu Kan facing each other, Wu Mian smiled and stepped back slowly.

The other eleven elders also looked at Ji Han with different expressions on their faces, then followed Wu Mian back and gave the venue to Wu Kan and Ji Han.

They didn't expect that Ji Han would dare to make such a request when he first arrived, and even dared to challenge Wu Kan directly.

Seeing that everyone stepped back and gave the venue to them, Wu Kan immediately grinned and looked at Ji Han: "Boy, you regret it now - it's too late!

Wu Kan is not only unhappy with Ji Han, but also has a great hatred. When Ji Han dared to take him as a stepping stone to become an elder, you can imagine the anger in Wu Kan's heart. Therefore, he will never let Ji Han leave this place safely.

Ji Han saw Wu Kan's thoughts, and his eyes flashed coldly. He didn't say much, but smiled contemptuously at Wu Kan, and then hooked his finger!


Wu Kan was already furious, but seeing Ji Han despise him so much, how could he hold it back, he let out a loud shout, kicked his legs on the ground, and his whole body turned into a huge human-shaped cannonball. Hit Ji Han directly.

Although Ji Han is much taller than Wu Kan in height, Wu Kan does not think that he will be weaker than Ji Han. He is so proud that he does not put anyone except Wu Mian in his eyes, even Ji Han. Han.


Wu Kan made a loud smashing sound, and his fists even wanted to hit Ji Han's chest.

For them, the flesh is the foundation of all strength, and they have long been accustomed to using one force to defeat the enemy, just like fighting beasts, just use the flesh to beat the enemy to death.

Therefore, the battles between the Wu people are not so much bells and whistles, but hand-to-hand combat!

However, in the face of Wu Kan's first attack, Ji Han did not directly resist, but turned his footsteps, gently avoiding Wu Kan's fists, and sneered at Wu Kan.

Wu Kan's expression changed. He didn't expect Ji Han to be taller than him, yet still so light. He didn't have time to change his defensive stance, so he could only quickly retract his outstretched arms in a hurry.


Wu Kan's arms supported Ji Han's heavy fist, and with a loud muffled sound, Wu Kan was directly thrust back dozens of meters, and he staggered a few times before he really stood up.

Wu Kan was not affected much by this blow, but his face at this time was as black as the bottom of a pot, because he made an embarrassment in front of the clan, and he fell into the disadvantage of a face-to-face, which made the proud and good-faced Wu Kan How can it be accepted?

··For flowers·.....

"Wow...give me death!!

The embarrassed Wu Kan roared violently, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes. The aura of his body erupted directly, and the whole person rushed towards Ji Han again.

It's just that this time Wu Kan's pace was extremely steady, one step at a time, when he approached Ji Han, a faint halo suddenly radiated from Wu Kan's body, and then Wu Kan slapped Ji Han's head fiercely.


This time, Wu Kan doesn't hold back anymore, he wants to kill Ji Han to avenge the humiliation just now!

Seeing this, Ji Han's expression did not change. He knew that Wu Kan was a sign that he had fully stimulated the power of his physical body, and he also knew that Wu Kan did not hold back, so Ji Han did not even hide this time, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. , raised his right hand, clenched his fist and slammed it towards Wu Kan's chest.

Seeing that Ji Han didn't hide, Wu Kan seemed to be extremely confident in his own body, so he laughed ferociously, and his palm added a little more effort.


Wu Kan secretly roared in his heart!

Compared with strength and self-confidence, who is Wu Kan afraid of?

It's just that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel!

In the next breath, all Wu Kan's self-confidence and pride were shattered in the cruel reality!! Beg.

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