At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

099 The monarch mistaken for the country, Yang Sichang's resentment! [5/7, please subscribe]

Thirty miles outside Yutian County

A huge camp was set up in an open space surrounded by mountains and rivers.

There are 70,000 or 80,000 Jingying soldiers stationed here, and this is the fifth day after Yang Sichang sent troops.

For the past few days, he has been dawdling, walking and stopping!

It took five days to get here, and during the period, under the urging of the little eunuch of the supervisory army, he also played twice.

For the first time, the tens of thousands of Jingying troops fought against the 800 Jiannu iron cavalry. In the case of a head-on encounter, the Jiannu killed and returned home, throwing away their helmets and armor and fled for 30 miles, losing soldiers and losing their generals.

The second time Yang Sichang vowed to regain his face, so he mobilized an army of 30,000 to surprise the 5,000 Jiannu people who were looting.

As a result, he accidentally encountered Azige's inlaid white flag, and he was beaten on the spot.

After two consecutive defeats, Yang Sichang almost vomited blood!

The soldiers of the Beijing camp were also frightened and pale, hiding in the barracks, and they refused to fight again if they were killed.

"I'll just say it, I just said that Jiannu is invincible, how come the sage refuses to listen, is it all right now? 35

"Just a few thousand Jian slaves chased us and fled in embarrassment. How can we fight?"

"If you want firearms without firearms, and if you want elite soldiers without elite soldiers, do you want us to be cannon fodder and die?

In the main tent of the military camp!

Yang Sichang was so angry that he scolded his mother.

If it weren't for the fear that the wall would have ears, he would have to scold a few words about the ignorant ruler and the wrong country.

Obviously, this series of fiasco has made him see the combat effectiveness of Jingying, and he also felt a kind of powerless despair.

"Master Yang, don't be too busy complaining!" Song Mingjie, the little eunuch of the supervisor, said with a bitter face: "Today, the emperor has sent an imperial decree, asking us to go out and fight Jiannu, you see. what should I do?

"Decisive battle? How to fight decisively? Who wants to go who goes!" Yang Sichang asked angrily: "Eunuch Song, you are also a smart person, can you still see it? We the senior soldiers of the Beijing camp, oppressing the people is first class One is very powerful, and when you meet Jiannu, you immediately run away, how do you fight?"

"Hey, it's impossible if you don't fight!" Song Mingjie said with a wry smile: "How can our family not know the horror of this slave, but the emperor is pressing hard, why do we have to pretend?"

"Well, there are hundreds of Mongolian soldiers and more than 1,000 Tatars looting in Yutian County at the moment. Let's send troops to destroy them immediately."

"And then immediately report to the court that you have won a great victory, and you have captured countless enemies. This can also be crossed, isn't it?"

The little eunuch's suggestion immediately made Yang Sichang's heart beat.

He was not a person who likes to fool, but now he is forced to do nothing, and it seems that there is no way out.

There are at least 70,000 combatable soldiers in the battalion.

All the raging in Yutian County were the Mongolian soldiers and the Han Chinese Er Tartar Corps who had taken refuge in Jiannu.

As long as he wins once, Yang Sichang will have an excuse to rest.

"Order the commanders and lieutenants of the battalions to come to this discussion immediately, hurry up!" Yang Sichang ordered.

"Yes! 35

A soldier clasped his fists in agreement, and quickly went down to give orders.

After a while, more than 20 honorable military generals came together.

These people are all nobles from the capital, some are the grandsons of Ding Guogong, some are the sons of Cheng Guogong, and some are the nephews of Zhennan Hou.

Although they are all fully armored and majestic.

But most of them are just paper tigers. They linger in the Jiao Sifang on weekdays. Not only are their martial arts skills sparse, but even the military training is quite perfunctory.

As Yang Sichang said, these people oppress the common people, take empty pay, and oppress the big soldiers.

But if they encounter Jiannu, they will be the first to run!

Yang Sichang didn't have a good look on these honorable generals. He waved his hands casually and said, "Everyone, sit down. Now that the sage's decree to urge troops to send troops has come again, what do you think?"

"Master Yang, we can't fight anymore. Our battalions have suffered a lot."

"Yeah, now this wounded barracks is overcrowded, lacks doctors and medicines, and has no firearms and artillery support, how can we fight?"

"Jian slaves are powerful, and peace is the top priority.

The nobles all panicked and timidly avoided the battle.

It was not surprising for Yang Sichang to see this. The courage of these people had already been shattered, and it was not unusual for them to have such reactions.

"Everyone, Yang knows that it's not easy for everyone, in fact, I don't want to persecute everyone, but the sage is pressing hard, one after another decree keeps coming, we don't fight is the crime of resisting the decree!

"Well, this official discussed with Eunuch Song. There are hundreds of Mongolian soldiers and more than a thousand or two Tartars in Yutian County who are wanton looting. This kind of behavior is too wild, how can we just sit back and ignore it?" "

"If any general sends troops to destroy them, this official and Eunuch Song will immediately write a letter and ask for credit for them in front of the Holy Master, how about it?

Yang Sichang's remarks immediately made everyone's eyes shine!

The enemy is only a few hundred Mongolian soldiers and more than a thousand two Tartars?

Holy crap, this is okay, everyone can eat them with a lot of people.

At that time, when I reported to the court, I said that they had captured more than 10,000 enemy troops and won a great victory. Everyone should have 4.3 credits.

"My lord, the last general is willing to lead the troops to fight and recover the Yutian! 35

"The last general is also willing to fight. If you can't expel the Tartars, I will raise your head to see you."

Everyone scrambled to make a statement, for fear that they would lose this great merit after falling behind.

Seeing this, Yang Sichang laughed with satisfaction: "Okay! Since you all have such a heart to serve the country, then you should immediately bury the pot and make rice. After lunch, the entire army will be dispatched to destroy the Yutian enemy.


The crowd clasped their fists excitedly and agreed!

Everyone grinned and quickly went down to prepare.

After a while, there were various sounds of shouting and shouting in the barracks, and a big battle was about to start.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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