At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

098 Royal expedition, a conspiracy set by Chongzhen! [47, please subscribe]

three days later

Inside the Qianqing Palace

Chongzhen put his hands on his back and silently stared at a sand table in contemplation.

This sand table simulation is exactly the terrain from Shanhaiguan to the capital. At this time, the top is full of small flags. Under the joint spying of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, the dynamics of Jiannu are being updated in real time.

"Damn, these Jian slaves are so fast!

"We have killed Qian'an and Fengrun so quickly, and if we continue to fight, we have to hit Jizhou - but! 39

"Where are Wang Panpan, Yang Sichang and the others?"

Chongzhen frowned and pondered, while subconsciously asking questions.

Wang Chengen quickly replied, "Reporting to the sage, Yang Sichang led the Beijing battalion to stop and go, and it took three days to reach Xianghe, and the battle with the enemy has not yet occurred. 99

"You bastard!" Chongzhen angrily scolded: "Yang Sichang is a man of great talent and a good command of the art of war, but he lacks courage, which is really embarrassing and useful."

35 Wang Chengen quickly persuaded: "The little eunuch of the supervising army reported that Lord Yang did not avoid the battle, but took the opportunity to rectify the battalions and wanted to fight steadily. The servant thought it was feasible. "5


Only then did Chongzhen calm his anger.

This statement also made sense. Although Yang Sichang had always advocated peace talks, which made him very uncomfortable, this guy still had some skills.

But Chongzhen didn't forget the strategy Ji Han gave him!

First lure the enemy into the depths, then find a way to annihilate the enemy once, and then prepare for the decisive battle after thoroughly angering the enemy.

Therefore, the bait of Yang Sichang has become very important!

You must let the enemy bite the hook!

"Send Yang Sichang to rush to Yutian to garrison as soon as possible, and be sure to block Jiannu's road to the south." Chongzhen ordered: "In addition, tell him that he must step up to seek fighters to fight Jiannu, and he must not avoid the battle deliberately.


Wang Chengen quickly agreed.

"Also!" Chongzhen frowned and asked, "What's going on with Hong Chengchou's ancestor Wu Sangui and others?

"Zu Dashou has always insisted on staying in Jinzhou, and has repeatedly asked for money and food, saying that he has run out of ammunition and food."

"Wu Sangui went out and fought against Jiannu several times, and there may be a victory or defeat!"9

"Hong Chengchou tried his best to mobilize troops and horses from Jiliao and Liaoning, and he also strictly guarded the major cities, posing as if he was fighting to the end with Jiannu.

Wang Chengen's answer immediately made Chongzhen sneer.

If it was before, he must have thought that these three were loyal and loyal.

But after Ji Han's reminder, when I looked at the actions of the three, I felt that something was wrong.

Zu Dashou insisted on guarding his own one-third of an acre of land, and he was suspected of possessing soldiers and self-respect!

Wu Sangui is quite good at acting. Jiannu has already entered the pass, and he also went outside the pass to fight Jiannu?

Damn it, could he still hit Shengjing?

This Hong Chengchou is the most brilliant, on the surface he is actively organizing defense, and he is even more determined to die!

In fact, the situation in various places is still rotten. His soldiers and horses are hiding in the city and can't defend the forces. He is waiting for the price to be sold, waiting for the Beijing camp to fight the enemy and lose both.

They are all smart people!

I know that Chongzhen wants to move them because of the Shanxi merchants.

But they are not only not afraid, but they put on the appearance of loyal ministers, and no one can move them no matter how much they support themselves.

On the contrary, the entry of Jiannu now gave Chongzhen a headache, and he might have to ask them in the future.

"Shit, I'll take care of you when I clean up Jiannu." Chongzhen snorted angrily and asked again: "Where are Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu? When are they expected to arrive in the capital?

"Go back to the Holy One!" Wang Chengen said quickly: "Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu have already led troops to the capital after receiving the secret order. Currently, Lu Xiangsheng is leading 10,000 Tianxiong troops and 20,000 Datong soldiers, and they are about to arrive in the area of ​​Fangshan.

"Zuo Liangyu will lead 50,000 elite soldiers from Jinan to the north, and will arrive in Tianjin in a few days!

Chongzhen heard the words and looked at the sand table again!

After determining the positions of the two soldiers and horses, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

・・For flowers...  

"I ordered Lu Xiangsheng to lead his troops and horses into Shunyi and Changping areas, blocking the left side of Jiannu's march to the south."5

"Zuo Liangyu was ordered to lead his troops to attack Kaiping and block the southward passage of Jiannu on the right!"

"Order Dongchang and Jinyiwei to fully collect the enemy's movements and report them at any time, understand?"

"Yes! 35

Facing Chongzhen's orders!

Wang Chengen nodded again in agreement.

This arrangement is actually quite clever.

With the strength of the Tianxiong army under Lu Xiangsheng's command, although it could not withstand the large numbers of Jiannu troops, it could definitely hold them back.

Zuo Liangyu's 50,000 people are enough to fight the enemy for a while!


The only waste material is the Jingying led by Yang Sichang. This is a bait. Once the enemy finds that the road to the south is blocked, they will immediately want to open a gap.

After all, Jiannu went south to plunder gold, silver, grain and population!

The north has been plundered almost, so if you want to go south, you must defeat Yang Sichang's troops.

This is a conspiracy set up by Chongzhen for the Jiannu people.

Once they take the bait, what awaits them is a thunderclap.

"It was ordered that Huang Degong and Cao Bianjiao would be dispatched overnight, and they would go out during the day and night to set up an ambush in the area of ​​Xianghe.

"When the enemy defeats Yang Sichang's troops, they will definitely pursue them frantically. Then we will meet them near Xianghe and give them a good fight!"

"There is absolutely no room for loss in this battle, and then I will order Fang Zhenghua to personally order 5,000 forbidden troops, and I will lead the expedition in person!

Chongzhen was excited to perfect his layout.

But Wang Chengen was taken aback: "It's impossible for you to be holy, how can you go on an expedition?"

"What's wrong with this?" Chongzhen stared and said angrily: "Hurry up and do it, don't talk nonsense, remember that this battle must be kept strictly confidential, and ordered the Jinyiwei of the East Factory to monitor the capital's dynamics with all their strength, and never allow the enemy's spies. Do things in the back."


Wang Chengen's face was full of bitterness, so he could only agree to beg again.

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