At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

097 Jiannu enters the customs, how dare you say that you want to make peace? [37, please subscribe]

Chongzhen gave an order

The new army and the Shenji battalion are stepping up their training!

The Battle Bureau and the Artillery Bureau are all working overtime to produce firearms, secretly everyone is holding a sigh of relief and nervously preparing for the battle!

As for Liaodong's memorial, Chongzhen directly chose to ignore it.

Give money? How is it possible!

Over the years, he has spent millions of taels every year to support these frontier troops, but in the end, the Jiannu should enter the customs and will still enter the customs. What's the use of asking them?

Now that they have two hearts, they have to abandon all illusions and prepare for war. Even if Chongzhen has hundreds of millions of silver in his hand, he will not give a penny.

Chongzhen's tough attitude directly angered the Liaodong Army!

The generals of Zu Dashou Wu Sangui even wrote three memorials a day to urge food and wages, and at the same time kept reporting the news that Jiannu was preparing to enter the customs. The people in the capital were panicking, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

In this regard, Chongzhen still ignores it!

He knew that the generals in Liaodong would not betray immediately, they were all watching from the wall, and they would not immediately raise troops to rebel if they were not persecuted too much.

So just ignore them right now!

Procrastinate as long as you can 203!

Seven days later, the news of Jiannu's entry into the customs came again, but this time it was true.

Huang Taiji personally led an army of 200,000 people to bypass Jinzhou City and Shanhaiguan and enter from Dushikou, Xifengkou and other places.

The Jiannu soldiers were divided into three groups, and they attacked Tongzhou, Zhuozhou, Jingxi and other places respectively.

The fire of war is quietly burning around this capital!

For a time, the people panicked, the states were horrified, the capital was in chaos, and people were panicked.

In the Golden Palace of the Ming Dynasty, all the officials were also full of astonishment.

"Sacred Lord, Jiannu has entered the gate, and it is raging in various places at this time. Please also ask the sage to urge the kings of soldiers and horses in various places."

"Yeah, the minister has said long ago that he is going to go to great lengths. This Jinshang case is traumatic, and the Ming Dynasty is in turmoil. How could Jiannu let go of such an opportunity?

"My minister asks the sage to give an order to convene generals from all over the world to enter the capital, the military situation is like fire, it is urgent!

"The minister objected, the minister thought that peace should be negotiated, and the establishment of slaves was nothing more than for a little wealth, and we can send people to negotiate with them to retreat from the enemy! 99

"Reconciliation? Ridiculous, the enemy has already been killed at home, and you are still thinking of making peace! 99

In the court, the officials quarreled endlessly!

Among them, the first assistant, Fan Jingwen, strived to fight for the main battle, and strongly demanded that the commander-in-chief from all over the world should be summoned to lead troops into Beijing to kill the enemy and fight Jiannu to the death!

Yang Sichang, a cabinet scholar, demanded peace. He believed that the Ming Dynasty was in turmoil, and it was not appropriate to go to war. Peace should be the most important thing.

At the same time, there were many ministers in the court who watched and sneered secretly. These people belonged to the Donglin Party, Qi Party, and Lu Party. Chongzhen slaughtered the ministers twice before, which can be said to have violated their absolute interests.

This time, the killing of Shanxi merchants caused turmoil, and the slaves entered the customs!

They appear very anxious on the surface, but in fact they don't know how gloating they are in the dark.

"Enough!" Chongzhen scolded impatiently: "I have already ordered the Xuanda Governor Lu Xiangsheng and the thief general Zuo Liangyu to lead troops to the King, and the capital has more than 100,000 capital camps, what are you waiting for?

"Sir, be terrified!

After the ministers shouted and bowed down!

Yang Sichang said stubbornly: "Your Majesty, the thieves are too powerful to be defeated. Although there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Beijing camp, most of them are neglected in training, and the phenomenon of each camp taking empty wages is very serious. Let's make peace!

"Shut up!" Chongzhen was furious when he heard the words: "Jian slaves have already been killed within the gate of the country, and they are slaughtering my bbed surname. How dare you lick your face and say you want to make peace?"

Yang Sichang's face is full of aggrieved!

Chongzhen's questioning and scolding made him feel very humiliated.

However, he stubbornly said: "Sacred Master, knowing that it cannot be done and doing it, is really what a wise man can't do! This minister insists on his own opinion and begs the Sage to make peace."

"No need to say any more!" Chongzhen said angrily, "I will never negotiate peace, and I will never negotiate peace in the Ming Dynasty. No matter how fierce and ruthless Jiannu is, I will never be afraid of it. This time, Jiannu must be beaten out. 39

"Yang Sichang, don't you want to make peace? Good! I ordered you to be the commander-in-chief of Jingying, and immediately command the five army battalions, the three thousand battalions and other Jingying troops and horses, and fight against Jiannu for me, there must be no mistake!


Yang Sichang was suddenly confused.

He never thought that he was a master and faction, and he was appointed by Chongzhen as the great governor to fight. This is the rhythm of courting death.

Yang Sichang deliberately refused, but facing Chongzhen's murderous gaze, he couldn't help being a little cowardly, and thinking that although Jiannu was powerful, he would not necessarily attack the capital immediately, so there was still room for manoeuvre.

So he bravely replied: "The minister obeys the order, but the minister asks to lead the Shenji Battalion and the new army to fight together.

"Ha ha!"

Chongzhen immediately sneered at this!

What are you thinking? The Shenji battalion and the new army will be handed over to you to command? Are you thinking too much?

"No!" Chongzhen resolutely refused: "The Shenji Battalion and the new army have just been established, and the training has not yet been completed, and they still need to defend the capital's stronghold. You can only bring other capital troops and horses to fight.

"In this case, the minister requests to replenish a large number of new firearms!" Yang Sichang continued to demand.

Chongzhen rolled his eyes again.

Thinking too much? The firearms I have finally accumulated are going to be ruined for you?

"No! Chongzhen continued to reject it, and said: "The recent production of the War Department and the Artillery Department has been low, and it is difficult to replenish the various armies. Moreover, the slaves are coming and they must be eliminated as soon as possible.


Yang Sichang agreed with a bitter face.

This time, no matter how stupid he was, he realized that something was wrong.

Chongzhen clearly wanted him to go out as a bait for cannon fodder. He was not given any firearms, nor was he allowed to bring the new army or Shenji Battalion.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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