At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1011 can't be spared! 【Subscription】

It has to be said that Wu Mian is not only smart, but also has a keen mind.

He had already seen that Ji Han was not from the Wu tribe, but he didn't expose Ji Han in public. He didn't really open his mouth to ask the truth until the two were alone, as if he had a deeper mind in it.

And Ji Han laughed when he heard the words: "How did you find out?

Seeing that Ji Han didn't deny it immediately, Wu Mian made up his mind and replied with a smile: "It's very simple, although you are also walking the way of the body, you are still different from our Wu people, and your spirit power seems to be the same. It is much stronger than us. In addition, as the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, I naturally have a way to tell whether you have the blood of the Wu tribe.

It seems so simple, but it doesn't seem so simple!

However, Ji Han asked with great interest: "Since you can see it, patriarch, why do you agree to add 873 to the Jiuli tribe? Aren't you afraid that I have malicious intentions? 35

"Don't be afraid!" Wu Mian shook her head: "It is precisely because I know that you have no malicious intentions that I agreed to let you join, and I sensed that you seem to be our Jiuli tribe, or even our witch. A great opportunity for the family!

It was because of this that Wu Mian agreed to Ji Han's participation, and did not call out Ji Han's outsider status in front of the clan.

Ji Han was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wu Mian to have such a feeling. However, the arrival of Ji Han seemed to be a great opportunity for the Wu people, because Ji Han had what the Wu people needed most.

Ji Han thought for a while, then asked, "Since that's the case, I don't know what the clansmen want to do with (bbed) me?

"Disposal?" Wu Mian shook his head with a smile: "You are the elder of our Jiuli tribe, how can you deal with it? Since you joined our Jiuli tribe, you are a member of our Jiuli tribe, let's go, this is you future residence!

Wu Mian stretched out her hand and pointed to the living place in front of her, and then left without saying anything.

Ji Han looked at Wu Mian's leaving back, thoughtful!

Five years have passed quickly!

In the wild land, five years is just a flick of a finger, but in this no-year period, Ji Han not only completely integrated into the Jiuli tribe, but also brought great changes to the Jiuli tribe.

First of all, as one of the twelve elders, Ji Han, after joining the Jiuli clan, began to lead the clan to hunt and kill the surrounding beasts, and every time they completely crushed all kinds of beasts with extremely powerful strength. The beast not only made the clan no more casualties, but also brought rich food to the clan, so that the clan no longer need to worry about meat.

Secondly, Ji Han not only challenged the other eleven elders one by one within five years and beat them one by one, but also began to guide the clansmen in their practice, and shared some extremely useful practice experiences, which greatly increased the cultivation of many clansmen. many.

In addition, under the leadership of Ji Han, their Jiuli tribe also began to expand outwards, constantly nibbling away the small and medium-sized tribes around them, and after they were completely subdued, they were integrated into the Jiuli tribe and became a member of the Jiuli tribe.

Those small and medium-sized tribes were originally from the Wu tribe, but their bloodlines were different, so they naturally formed each tribe. Now that the Jiuli tribe has become stronger and conquered them, those small and medium-sized tribes naturally have no opinion. They were originally from the same tribe. And they all believe that the strong are respected, so they are naturally integrated into the Jiuli tribe.

Let the Jiuli tribe grow stronger.

Under such circumstances, the other major clans were naturally not spared. Finally, a month ago, the Jiuli clan chose to attack the remaining major clans at Ji Han's strong suggestion.

And the remaining major tribes seemed to have expected such a day long ago, so they actually united and wanted to jointly resist the Jiuli tribe.

However, the strength of the Jiuli clan has long since changed. Under the leadership of Ji Han, even if the major clans fought hard to resist, it was still to no avail, and they were all overwhelmed by Ji Han.

It's just that Ji Han is also very measured, and there were no casualties. He just completely subdued several major tribes, and let them return to their hearts, so they convinced themselves to join the Jiuli tribe!

In this way, in just five years, the addition of Ji Han has brought earth-shaking changes to the Jiuli tribe. The Jiuli tribe has also completely unified all the Wu tribes, so that all the Wu tribes who retreated to Beiju Luzhou are unified again. , completely condensed!

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