At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1012 Full of emotions! 【Subscription】

Who would have thought that in just five years, such a big change has taken place in this forest where the Wu people live!

Therefore, after the Jiuli tribe has completely unified the Wu people, Ji Han's prestige has completely reached its peak among the Wu people, and no one can compete with it!

In the past five years, Ji Han has been pushing the Jiuli tribe to go, everything is related to Ji Han, and Ji Han's strength is gradually revealed, but it is still bottomless, making countless clansmen Amazed and convinced!

Under such circumstances, let alone the other eleven elders, even Wu Kan, who had a grudge against Ji Han at first, did not dare to have any more thoughts. Instead, he was convinced and began to assist Ji Han wholeheartedly.

After Ji Han led the clan to completely unify the Wu clan, the original patriarch Wu Mian suddenly announced that he would give up the position of the patriarch to Ji Han, and he was willing to step down as the elder and sincerely assist the new patriarch.

As soon as this statement came out, it did not cause any turmoil. Whether it was the original Jiuli people or the Wu people who joined later, they all expressed their great approval for this, and cheered to show their respect for Ji Han, the new patriarch. The superior is convinced.

Obviously, this is what everyone expected!

With Ji Han's current prestige and strength, it seems that the position of the patriarch is none other than Ji Han. Except for Ji Han, the clansmen below are obviously not convinced by anyone.

After a detailed discussion with Wu Mian, Ji Han no longer refused, but accepted it calmly, and decided to hold a succession ceremony a month later, and this was also the first celebration ceremony since the reunification of the Wu tribe. !

A month later, in the middle of the endless forest, on a huge bonfire square, hundreds of thousands of Wu people began to gather here.

Because Ji Han's succession ceremony is scheduled to be held here, on this day, all the Wu people gathered here, ready to offer blessings and loyalty for the new patriarch's appointment!

In the center of the bonfire square, a black stone platform rises from the ground. The stone platform is made of dark stones. It is ten feet high and one hundred feet wide. It is very conspicuous.

Around this stone platform, the densely packed Wu people formed a circle after another, and it was impossible to see the edge at a glance.

There are actually not many Wu people in the endless forest. According to Ji Han's statistics, it is just over a million people. However, this million Wu people sounds like a lot, but if you look at it in the wild, it is not worth it at all. To mention, even small races are not counted, because the number of clansmen of slightly larger races is tens of millions, and the number is more than 100 million.

However, the Wu clan is different. Their fighting strength is strong, and their physical bodies are even stronger. It is not a problem to fight one hundred against one hundred, so the strength of the Wu clan is still very strong.

··For flowers......

Today, millions of Wu people gather here, just to witness the new patriarch's ascendancy!

Ji Han had already boarded the black stone platform in the center at this time, and was standing quietly, waiting.

Behind him, Wu Mian, Wu Kan, Lie Yun, Lie Qing and the original elders were standing there, and dozens of people were also standing behind him. Those were the original patriarchs and some powerful masters of the other tribes. , After being beaten by Ji Han, he became his confidant, and this is also the most powerful group of people in the Wu clan!

At this moment, looking at Ji Han's tall and mighty figure in front of him, which seemed like a mountain, Wu Mian and the others only had a piece of heartfelt admiration left in their hearts, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Around the stone platform, millions of Wu people all looked up at Ji Han. That tall figure seemed to be the center of the whole world, attracting everyone's attention.

At this time, Ji Han, who was standing on the stone platform, was full of emotion in his heart.

"It's not easy, it's finally here!"

For this day, it took Ji Han five years to finally get to this point.

After today, the Wu clan will become a sharp knife in his hand. It is another great force after the four immortal dynasties, and it is the former hegemon in the great wilderness. In the hands of Ji Han, the Wu clan will also rise again, and they will re-emerge. Glory to the past! Beg

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