At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1019 Terrorist Pressure! 【Subscription】

"What? The Witch Race is here to help the Heavenly Court to encircle and suppress our Monster Race? Is this news reliable?"

In the base camp of the demon clan in Hezhou, Xiniu, after hearing the news, Daoist Lu Ya immediately changed his color and stood up in shock.

He didn't expect that before they came up with better countermeasures, such a huge blow would suddenly come.

Moreover, the opponent who appeared this time was the Wu clan who had been hiding for thousands of years. This was far beyond Daoist Lu Ya's expectations, and he couldn't help but feel a huge pressure beginning to cover him.

Daoist Lu Ya couldn't help frowning in anxiety and said, "Why is this happening? Didn't this witch clan keep shrinking in Beiju Luzhou? Why did they suddenly come out and help Heavenly Court fight us together? What happened to 11? thing?"

Thinking that the situation has taken a turn for the worse now, Daoist Lu Ya couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Among the demon clan, no one knows better than him what a terrible race the witch clan is.

In the past, in the Lich War, Lu Ya was the son of the demon emperor Jun, and he naturally participated in it. Therefore, Daoist Lu Ya knew the terrifying level of the Wu clan the most, so when he heard that the Wu clan had come out again and started Daoist Lu Ya would be so shocked when he helped Heavenly Court to encircle and suppress their demon clan together.

When he thought of the figure of the twelve ancestor witches that destroyed the sky and the earth, Daoist Lu Ya couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. He was really worried that the Wu clan would come out this time, and there would be an extremely powerful witch.

"I don't know how much strength the Wu clan has hidden for so many years!" Lu Ya thought to himself.

The reason why Daoist Lu Ya can be sure that only the Great Witch can appear in the Witch Clan this time, but not the Ancestor Witch, is because he knows that with the current background of the Witch Clan, it is impossible for a Witch Clan to be promoted to the Ancestral Witch realm. There really was an ancestor witch, and Daoist Lu Ya didn't even have the courage to look at it, so he ran away!

Thinking of this, Daoist Lu Ya immediately asked the people below: "Have you found out what the strength of those witch clans are? How many? Are there any top witches?

Immediately, an old demon sage came out and replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the clansmen on the battlefield, the number of Wu clan who participated in this battle is not large, only about 800,000 people, but their strength is not small. Look, after all, the Wu clan are powerful people in the flesh, and they can often defeat a hundred with one. Therefore, I think the Wu clan will definitely become a big problem for our demon clan. Our demon clan is encircling and suppressing it, and our demon clan may not be able to support it anymore!"

The old demon sage understood very well that the witch clan was the last straw that broke the camel's back. With the witch clan joining in, the situation on the battlefield would definitely be one-sided, and the situation of their demon clan had become extremely bad. .

The rest of the demon saints also had their faces darkened when they heard the words, but they couldn't think of a good solution.

Daoist Lu Ya's face was gloomy, and there was a trace of icy murderous intent in his eyes, and he was quickly thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

However, before he could come up with a solution, a demon soldier shouted from outside the palace gate: "Report!! 35

Lu Ya heard the sound without raising his head, and said directly: "Come in!"

"Report, Your Majesty!" The demon soldier knelt down immediately after entering, and then respectfully reported: "Heavenly Court has gathered more than 8.73 million troops in the north of the Flame Mountain, and at the same time, 800,000 troops of the Wu tribe also appeared. It seems that they want to break through. Our endless line of defense in the Flaming Mountain!

"In addition, the Dragon Clan and Heavenly Court have also hoarded heavy troops near the Canglan Mountains, and they want to fight against our Clan at the same time! 35

As soon as the demon soldier came in, he reported two extremely important battle reports to Lu Ya and others.

When Lu Ya and the old demon saints heard this, they frowned.

"Want to pursue a two-pronged approach? Do you really think that with the participation of the Wu clan, we can control our demon clan at will?

Daoist Lu Ya couldn't help sneering. He didn't bother to think about the purpose of Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan. He ordered coldly:

"Send the order, convene the army, and fight on the two battlefields of Flame Mountain and Canglan Mountain at the same time. Be sure to keep the enemy out of the line of defense for me, hurry up!!"

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