At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Just when Daoist Lu Ya was hesitating, the Wu clan who landed on the north side of Xiniu Hezhou officially entered a state of war.

At this time, in the north of Xiniu He Continent, on the north side, the lion mad sage was in a frantic battle with the heavenly court. There were various casualties on both sides, but they both fought to the death and vowed to completely annex the enemy.

At this time, in the northern part of the battlefield, an army of several hundred thousand people suddenly appeared. As soon as that army appeared, it began to rush towards the battlefield. "Eight seven three"

The Wu tribe army led by Wu Mian doesn't need to make it clear that their sole purpose this time is to assist Heavenly Court in suppressing the demon tribe.


"Wash your sins and help heaven!!

"Kill the demon clan, kill!!

As soon as the army of hundreds of thousands of people appeared, they shouted the slogan of "wash away sins and help Heavenly Court", and then directly inserted into the battlefield to slaughter and hunt down the demon clan frantically!

Every witch warrior has a strong physique and great strength. After joining the battlefield, they immediately showed extremely powerful combat power and advantages, and launched a crazy massacre against the demon race!

Obviously, this is the banner of the Wu clan when they came out of the mountains. After they arrived at Xiniu Hezhou, they immediately joined the battlefield and carried out wanton slaughter of the demon clan!

Originally, the demon clan was a little helpless. After the Wu clan's large army joined, the demon clan was even more powerless to resist, and they were directly killed, and they all began to flee.

However, the Wu clan people didn't seem to want to let go of the demon clan. After the demon clan began to flee, they immediately launched a frantic pursuit, vowing to completely destroy the demon clan before they could stop!

Originally, Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan did not know the origin of this friendly army of the Wu Clan, but when they saw that the Wu Clan people were madly slaughtering the Monster Clan, they understood that this was their friendly army, and it was extremely powerful.

Because every Wu clan has an extremely powerful body, they are invincible on the battlefield, and there is no one enemy at all. All the demon clan are either smashed into meat sauce, or they are directly torn apart, and there is no resistance at all.

Only those demon clan above the big demon can resist the attack of the witch clan and then escape.

After defeating the demon clan and fleeing, the hundreds of thousands of people from the Wu clan did not stop, but instead escaped directly from the battlefield and went to the next battlefield.

From the north to the east of Xiniu Hezhou, and then to the south, hundreds of thousands of warriors from the Wu tribe are constantly fighting.

Cooperating with the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan's troops, the hundreds of thousands of warriors of the Witch Race are like a sudden sharp knife, directly causing immeasurable casualties and losses to the Monster Race. The demon clan carried out all kinds of rampages and massacres, which directly shocked the world and made all ethnic groups terrified.

"What? The witches have come out again? Is it true or false?"

"How is this possible? Didn't the Wu people always retreat to Beiju Luzhou? How could they appear in Xiniu Hezhou?"

"How can the witch clan still have such a powerful strength? Didn't the twelve ancestor witches all die in battle?

"Could it be that a peerless powerhouse has reappeared in the Wu clan, leading the Wu clan to come out again?"

"Is the news serious? The Wu clan dispatched hundreds of thousands of people to assist the heavenly court in the mad slaughter of the demon clan??"

When the Wu clan came out to assist the Heavenly Court and the news of the mad slaughter of the demon clan began to spread throughout the vast land, countless races and various masters were shocked and dumbfounded after hearing the news, and they couldn't believe it was true. .

4.3 In the beginning, the witch tribe was one of the protagonists of the world in the ancient times, a powerful race that could compete with the monster tribe, and it was only after the Lich War that it finally fell.

Second, there has been no news since the Wu people retreated to Beiju Luzhou, but now they suddenly come out, naturally attracting the attention and watching of countless people!

Therefore, the emergence of the Wu clan can be said to be related to the general trend of the entire prehistoric wilderness, which directly caused the whole world to be shocked and all clans to fear!

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