At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1017 Take the trouble! 【Subscription】

Xiniu Hezhou, Magic Mountains.

The Magic Mountain is located in the middle of Xiniuhe Continent. It was not originally called this name, but after Daoist Lu Ya settled here, he changed it to the Magic Mountain.

Now the Magic Mountain Range has become the base camp of the demon clan in Xiniuhe Continent. Most of the demon clan gather here, spreading out layer by layer, surrounding the Magic Mountain Range like an iron barrel.

At this time, in a palace in the base camp, Daoist Lu Ya was asking: "How is the battle situation today? Quick report!


There were more than a dozen demon saints of various shapes sitting underneath, and one of them immediately came out: "Reporting to Your Majesty, today, the Great Sage Leihai led a million demon soldiers to fight against the heavenly court in the east. , the casualty ratio is as high as 30%!"

"On the south side, the Great Sage Jade Snake was commanded, and they fought a battle with the Dragon Clan, but the result was the same - big!


The old demon saint seriously reported the battle situation to Daoist Lu Ya.

Daoist Lu Yao is now the new demon emperor, who is in charge of the overall situation. Naturally, he does not dare to be careless, and has been listening carefully.

Just after listening to it, Lu Ya's expression darkened and his brows furrowed.

Sure enough, another old demon sage immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the situation is so worrying, our clan is gradually falling into the disadvantage, and the cooperation between Heavenly Court and the dragon clan is really hard to resist. Make the same mistakes as last time!!

The old demon sage spoke earnestly, with a little worried expression on his face, and directly pointed out the crux of the situation.

The rest of the demon saints also nodded in agreement. They are all old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years. Naturally, they see the situation very clearly, and they will not deliberately avoid anything.

This is also the reason why Lu Ya frowned, he nodded and said: "Everyone's words are not bad, my clan and the Heavenly Court dragon clan have been fighting fiercely for several years. Now, I don't know what you have in mind?"

Daoist Lu Ya knew a lot about the current situation, but he didn't think of a better solution.

Now that the demon clan is gradually falling behind, being pressed and beaten by the heavenly court and the dragon clan, the military advantage of their demon clan has long ceased to exist. If Daoist Lu Ya hadn’t pressed the demon clan to continue to resist, maybe the demon clan would have already made the same mistakes!

An old demon sage stood up and said: "Your Majesty, if the court and the dragon clan are strong today, it is better for our clan to avoid the edge for the time being, as long as the whole is broken into pieces, the heavenly court will not wait for me, and we only need to wait for the opportunity in the future. If it suits you, you can start the war again!""

Obviously, this old demon saint wants to let the demon clan go dormant first and wait for the opportunity to rise again!

But another old demon sage vetoed: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible, if today's court is powerful, but our clan is not without the strength to resist, if you temporarily avoid the edge, it is equivalent to handing over the good situation to others. This is definitely a huge blow to our family, so Wei Chen believes that it is better to continue to resist, if necessary, Wei Chen swears to the death to resist!!

··For flowers...

This is a militant who strives to fight to the end. He said that even if he loses his life, he must resist to the end, and he cannot retreat even a little bit!

Because the old demon sage knew that if he retreated today, the demon clan would have no chance to rise in the future, so even if he fought to the end, he should not be afraid.

More than a dozen other old demon saints also expressed their opinions on this. Some of them agreed to temporarily avoid the edge, and some said that they would resolutely resist to the end and must not retreat half a point. In short, more than ten old demon saints directly divided into two opinions. Can't stand it!

Daoist Lu Ya doesn't get tired of the trouble, but he is worried about it!

He understands that the demon clan has gradually lost the advantage at this time, and the situation is no longer under the control of the demon clan. If they continue to fight, the demon clan will definitely suffer a big loss, and then they will be defeated by the heavenly court and the dragon clan!

But to let Lu Ya order to retreat and avoid the edge for a while, Lu Ya was not reconciled. He didn't want to end up like this after he came out of the mountain again. Therefore, Lu Ya fell into a state of indecision!


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