The Wu people on the battlefield are like huge humanoid killing machines, they only know how to slaughter infinitely, and they don't care how many enemies there are.

It stands to reason that among the monster clan, many monster beasts are also very large in size, and their bodies are also very hard, but compared with the witch clan who only cultivate the flesh, it is not known by how much. The monster clan is sharp and sharp Even if the minions grabbed directly on the Wu clan's body, they would only leave a white mark, and at most they would make an innocuous opening.

It can't have much impact on the Wu clan at all.

Under such circumstances, from the very beginning of the war, the demon clan was constantly being pressed and beaten by the witch clan, and then cooperated with the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals to control the air dominance, and the rest was a one-sided slaughter.

Large swathes of the demon clan were slaughtered wildly by the Wu clan people, and there was even no way to escape.

Not only in Flaming Mountain Battlefield 873, but also in several other battlefields, it is obvious that the demon clan has become much weaker, and even resistance seems to be very difficult.

In this way, after each battle, the demon clan suffered repeated defeats and paid a very heavy price of casualties.

The base camp of the demon clan, in the palace of the demon emperor.


The demon emperor smashed a table to pieces, and the anger on his face almost overflowed his body.

He fiercely scolded: "Damn, damn witch clan, if you don't survive in Beiju Luzhou, you dare to go out and interfere in my demon clan's affairs, you should be killed!!!

After the news of the fiasco of the wars kept coming, Lu Ya couldn't sit still, and now he was furious.

Even Lu Ya didn't expect that after the Lich War, thousands of years later, when he led the demon clan to rise again, the witch clan actually appeared again, becoming a stumbling block hindering their demon clan's rise. It is an indescribable fate and grievance.

Today, Lu Ya's hatred for the Wu Clan even surpasses that of the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan.

The more than ten old demon saints below were also shocked and angry when they heard the words.

"The mere witch clan dares to be presumptuous, can't we really think that our demon clan are muddy?"

"Hundreds of thousands of people dare to go out into the mountains, but it's so daring!"

"Your Majesty, according to the old minister's opinion, we should concentrate our forces to destroy the witch clan first!

"That's right, no matter how much we pay, we must first completely kill the Wu clan to avoid future troubles!

The hatred of the more than a dozen old demon saints for the Witch Clan is even more deeply rooted. They feel that even if they pay a great price, they must first eradicate the Witch Clan.

As long as there is no Wuzu intervening, they may be able to continue to deal with Heavenly Court, and they will not repeat the mistakes of failure!

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ya's eyes burst out with a shocking killing intent. Obviously, Lu Ya's mind was a little moved.

At this time, a little demon suddenly asked to see him, and after getting permission, the little demon entered the hall and kneeled respectfully, and then reported: "Report to Your Majesty, there is news from the front line that Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan have gathered in the south of the Illusory Demon Mountain Range. Tens of millions of troops, and the Wu clan are also gathered here, it is not clear what the purpose of the heaven is!"

"What? Heavenly Court has gathered tens of millions of troops, and has hit the outside of the Illusory Demon Mountain Range?"

When Lu Ya heard the words, he was shocked, and his expression turned completely gloomy.

He didn't expect that Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan actually broke through so many lines of defense and came outside their base camp of the Illusory Demon Mountain Range, and it seemed that they wanted to have a decisive battle with their Demon Clan!

Sure enough, an old demon saint immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, now it seems that Heavenly Court wants to fight my demon clan to the death, otherwise it will never gather all the troops!

"That's right!" Another old demon saint also said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Heavenly Court obviously does not intend to continue to deal with our demon clan, they want to fight to determine the outcome, in this battle, our demon clan will definitely not Can't back down!"

The purpose of Heavenly Court is very obvious now, that is, to force the demon clan to fight them in a decisive battle.

In the face of Heavenly Court's aggressive attitude, the more than ten old demon saints obviously thought that they must not give in half a step, otherwise their demon clan would be completely over.

And the demon emperor Lu Ya is not a fool, he naturally understands this, he did not hesitate at all, and directly ordered:

"Send an order to convene all the clansmen for a decisive battle. This time, the emperor will personally go out and completely solve all the enemies!",

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