Xiniu Hezhou, Magic Mountains.

The place 10,000 miles away from the Illusory Demon Mountains is the location where the demon clan and the heavenly court battle this time.

This place is an extremely vast plain. As early as three days ago, the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan completed the assembly of all their forces here. Millions of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals and tens of millions of Dragon Clan troops, plus 800,000 troops. The witch clan, all gathered here, in order to force the demon clan to have a decisive battle with them.

At this time, both the ground and the sky were occupied by countless figures. Eight hundred thousand witches and some dragon soldiers stayed on the ground, responsible for the ground attack, while the rest of the dragons and heavenly soldiers were in midair. Line up, and stand ready.

Since it was the final decisive battle, Ao Lie and Yang Jian, who were the commanders, would naturally not fail to appear.

Ao Lie was observing the Wu people below, and after watching for a while, he turned his head and smiled at Yang Jian: "Brother Yang, what do you think about the Wu people?"

Hearing this, Yang Jian smiled slightly: "As expected of one of the protagonists of the world in the ancient times, although the Wu clan does not cultivate the primordial spirit but only cultivates the flesh, but the tyranny of the flesh is far superior to that of other races. How long have I waited!"

Ao Lie nodded, Yang Jian's evaluation was obviously very objective and fair.

Moreover, both Ao Lie and Yang Jian knew that these Wu people had already been subdued by Ji Han, so they would go out to help Heavenly Court.

It was also with the help of the Wu clan that they were able to defeat the monster clan in a short period of time.

They also had a secret meeting with Wu Mian for a long time, but they did not point out the existence of Ji Han - that's all.

Thinking of this, Ao Lie chuckled lightly: "Brother Yang, do you think that the demon emperor Lu Ya will fight in person?"

This time, they forced the demon clan to fight them in a decisive battle. It was both a conspiracy and coercion. The demon clan had no choice but to fight them to the death, but whether the demon emperor Lu Ya would appear, Ao Lie would not Be sure.

But Yang Jian nodded affirmatively and said: "It will definitely be, this time I want to have a good meeting with the new demon emperor, and see how capable he is!"

"Haha, if Brother Yang has this intention, then I will let Brother Yang!" Ao Lie laughed.

While speaking, the two suddenly raised their heads and looked straight ahead at the same time, only to see a large black cloud suddenly appeared in the distance, covering them towards them.


Ao Lie sneered!

Yang Jian nodded, and then raised his hand slightly, the heavenly soldiers and generals behind him immediately understood, and immediately issued a warning signal.

At this moment, I looked again, where was the dark cloud coming from, it was clearly all kinds of monsters rushing towards the sky and the ground, no matter it was the sky or the ground, there were countless hideous figures, all of them showing their teeth and dancing claws towards Ao. Lie and the others came at a gallop, and they were aggressive, with endless tyrannical momentum and surging hostility.

··For flowers...

At the forefront of these demon clans, there are more than ten terrifying figures with astonishing momentum, it is the demon emperor Lu Ya and more than ten old demon saints.

After seeing Lu Ya, Ao Lie said with a sure-looking smile on his face: "Brother Yang said yes, then Lu Ya actually fought in person, haha, it seems that we can completely solve the monster clan in this battle. !

Yang Jian also nodded solemnly, and then waved his hand, all the Heavenly Soldiers and the Dragon Army were ready to fight. As for the Wuzu, there was no need to order anything.

Soon, Lu Ya brought the remaining tens of millions of monsters to a short distance in front of Ao Lie and the others.

At this time, Ao Lie and Yang Jian looked at each other, and they flew out in unison to face the demon emperor Lu Ya!

After Lu Ya saw Ao Lie and Yang Jian, the two Heavenly Court commanders, he immediately sneered unceremoniously: "You also have the face to call Heavenly Court? Heavenly Court was founded by our demon clan, but now it has been stolen by you and other shameless people. , Really funny, today, this emperor will let you know what is orthodox!! 35

However, Ao Lie and Yang Jian only sneered when they heard the words, and Ao Lie waved his hand directly:

"Kill me!!"

There is no bells and whistles, and there is no unnecessary nonsense. After the two sides are in place, they will go to war directly! Beg.

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